Grammar Flashcards
Thai is an isolating language. What’s an isolating language?
An isolating language is a type of language with a morpheme per word ratio close to one, and with no inflectional morphology whatsoever.
Thai word order is SVO. What is word order?
Word order (also known as linear order) is the order of the syntactic constituents of a language.
Thai is an analytic language. What’s an analytic language?
An analytic language is a language that conveys relationships between words in sentences primarily by way of helper words (particles, prepositions, etc.) and word order, as opposed to using inflections (changing the form of a word to convey its role in the sentence).
What’s the distinction between Thai adjectives and adverbs?
There is no morphological distinction between adverbs and adjectives. Many words can be used in either function. They follow the word they modify, which may be a noun, verb, or another adjective or adverb.
How are comparatives expressed?
“A X กว่า B” ‘S/he is fatter than me.’ Direct tranlation = She Fat than I
How are superlatives expressed?
“A X ที่สุด” ‘S/he is the fattest (of all).’ Direct Tranlation = She fat most
How do you form the present tense?
Subject + Verb (ฉันหิว)
How do you form the future tense?
Subject + จะ + Verb (ฉันจะหิว)
Whats a distinction about Thai verbs?
Do not inflect
Tell me about Thai articles.
No “a” or “the” in Thai
How do you negate something?
ไม่ (mai, [mâj] not) before the verb.
Tell me about Thai nouns.
Nouns are uninflected and have no gender; there are no articles. Thai nouns are bare nouns and can be interpreted as singular, plural, definite or indefinite. Some specific nouns are reduplicated to form collectives: เด็ก(dek, ‘child’) is often repeated as เด็ก ๆ (dek dek) to refer to a group of children.
Which word may be used as a prefix of a noun or pronoun as a collective to pluralize or emphasise the following word?
Plurals are expressed by adding?
Classifiers:s a word or affix that accompanies nouns and can be considered to “classify” a noun. depending on the type of its referent. It is also sometimes called a measure word or counter word. ครู ห้า คน ‘teacher five person’
How is possession expressed?
indicated by adding the word ของ (khong) in front of the noun or pronoun, but it may often be omitted. ลูก ของ แม่ ‘child belongingto mother’ = ‘mother’s child’
Pronouns, when used, are ranked in?
honorific registers
I/me (masculine; formal)
I/me (feminine; formal)
I/me (mainly used by women; informal) Commonly pronounced as [t͡ɕʰán]
I/me (informal/impolite)
I/me (used by women when speaking to people much older than themselves)[30]
we/us, I/me (casual), you (sometimes used but only when older person speaks to younger person)
you (polite)
you (highly honorific)
you (informal, used among close friends)[31]
you (informal), she/her (informal)
older brother, sister (also used for older acquaintances)
younger brother, sister (also used for younger acquaintances)
he/him, she/her
it, he/she (sometimes casual or offensive if used to refer to a person)
you (informal/impolite)
The reflexive pronoun is_____, which can mean any of: myself, yourself, ourselves, himself, herself, themselves.
Particles are?
are often untranslatable words added to the end of a sentence to indicate respect, a request, encouragement or other moods (similar to the use of intonation in English), as well as varying the level of formality
The most common particles indicating respect are?
ครับ when the speaker is male, and ค่ะ when the speaker is female.
What’s different about the particle ค่ะ (falling tone) when used in a question?
is changed to a คะ (high tone).
What do these words indicate? จ้ะ, จ้า or จ๋า
indicating emphasis. Used in a less formal context when speaking to friends or someone younger than yourself
What do these words indicate? ละ or ล่ะ
indicating emphasis.
What does this word indicate? สิ
indicating emphasis or an imperative. It can come across as ordering someone to do something
What does this word indicate? นะ
softening; indicating a request or making your sentence sound more friendly.