Grammar Flashcards
Mark sa práve sprchuje .
Mark is having a shower .
Čo sa deje ?
What ´s going on?
What ´s happening?
Učím sa po anglicky ( pozn. začala som a som v procese ucenia sa )
I ´m learning english.
Spoločnosť , pre ktorú pracujem
The company I work for
Zlepšuje sa tvoja angličtina ?
Is your English getting Better ?
Nepotrebujú viac auto, skúšajú ho predať .
They don ´t need the car any more, they are trying to sell it.
Potrebujeme odist skoro , už je neskoro .
We need to leave soon, it ´s getting late.
Nie je pravda , čo hovoria . Oni klamú.
It isn ´t true what they say, they are lying.
Nevidel som ťa roky . Čo robíš teraz ?
I have n ´t seen you for ages. What are you doing these days ?
Počul som, že si začal pracovať v novej práci . Páči sa ti ?
I heard you started a new job. Are you enjoying it ?
Neponáhľame sa.
We are not in a hurry.
Ona je na dovolenke s priateľmi.
She is on holiday with friends.
Zhoršuje sa to teraz.
It ´s getting worse now.
Ukončí sa to budúci rok .
It will Be finished next year.
Myslím , že ide pršať .
I think it ´s going to rain.
Dan vykonáva rovnakú prácu už dlho .
Dan has been in the same job for a long time.
Poškriabat ( hlavu napr.)
To Scratch
Zaväzuje si šnúrku ( teraz )
He is tying a shoelace.
Je to pravda vo všeobecnosti
It is true in general
Čo znamená toto slovo?
What does this word mean ?
Čo robíš ?
What do you do ?
Trvať ( na niečom )
To insist
Nikomu nebudem hovoriť , čo si povedal.
I won ´t tell anybody what you said.
Musis ma nechat zaplatiť za jedlo
You must let me pay for the meal .
Ospravedlňujem sa za to, čo som povedal .
I apologize for what I said .
Tak predsa
So , after all
Začínam byt hladný . Poďme ísť jesť !
I ´m getting hungry . Let ´s go and eat.
Stratil som opať kľúče . Vždy / často ich strácam .
I ´ve lost my keys again . I ´m always losing them .
Nemozem sa rozhodnuť . Čo si ty mysliš, že by som mal urobiť ?
I can ´t make up my mind . What do you think I should do ?
Vzduch pozostava najmä z dusika a kyslika .
Air consists mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.
Spoznávaš toho muža ?
Do you recognize this men ?
Nemozem najst moju tašku. Nevidel si ju?
I can ´t find my bag. Have you seen it ?
Povedal mi svoje meno, ale ja som ho zabudla.
He told me his name, but i ´ve forgotten it.
Napisala som email, ale este som ho neposlala.
I ´ve written the email, but i haven ´t sent it yet.
Prečo si tak unaveny? Čo si robil ? ( pozn. práve skončil robiť )
Why are you so tired? What have you been doing?
Gramar : Present perfect continuous
Ako dlho pršalo? ( pozn. teraz práve skončilo )
How long has it been rainning ?
Ako dlho sa učiš po anglicky ?
How long have you been learning English?
Ona hráva tenis odkedy mala 8 rokov.
She ´s been playing tennis since she was eight.
Čakali sme hodinu ( doteraz ).
We ´ve been waiting for an hour.
Kde je kniha , ktoru som ti dala ?
Where is the book I gave you ?
Ako dlho su manželia ?
How long have they been married ?
Poznáme sa už dlhý čas.
We ´ve known each other for a long time.
We use past tense :
When we talk about a finished time and we use the past to ask When …? or What time …?
Čakáme už hodinu . ( pozn. Stále ešte čakame …)
We ´ve been waiting for an hour .
som zvyknutý žiť sám
i am used to living alone
býval som sám ( pozn. v minulosti som zvykol bývať sám )
i used to live alone
môj otec nevedel plávať
my father couldn’t swim
nasledovať hlavné sloveso vo vete
follow main verb in a sentence
We discussed waiting until next year.
Diskutovali sme, počkať do budúceho roka .
I promised to let him know my decision.
Sľúbil som , že mu dám vedieť moje rozhodnutie .
He advised me not to worry,
Poradil mi, aby som sa neobávala.
Mám v úmysle to urobiť
I intend to do it .
I ´m leaving next week .
It ´s alreafy fixed or arranged.
The economic situation is bad now and things are going to get worse.
Grammar : ´ is going to happen ´
Nádrž je skoro prázdna . Je to Dlhá cesta k najbližšej čerpacej stanici . Minie sa palivo .
The tank is nearly empty. It is long way to the nearest petrol station. It is going to run out of petrol .
Grammar / Vysvetli “ have to “ :
If you have to do something, it is necessary for you to do it. It’s a law, an obligation or a fact.
If you don’t have to do something, it isn’t necessary to do it, but you can if you want.
Grammar / vysvetli kedy sa pozitíva : MUST
If you MUST do something, it is necessary for you to do it, but this is often your opinion or a rule that you have made yourself.
So that’s must for personal necessities.
We can also use must to make recommendations
If you mustn’t do something, it means ‘don’t do it’. It is necessary not to do it.
Ako sa tvorí minuly čas “ have to “ a “ must”?
There is no future or past form of must. We use will have to (future) and had to (past).
It’s too late now. You’ll have to talk to her tomorrow.
When we say i ´ll do something, we announce our decision.
Budúci čas “ I will “ :keď povieme, ja idem niečo urobiť , tz. oznamujeme naše rozhodnutie .
I won ´t stay = I will not stay
Budúci čas s “ will “
Situations we often use “I ´ll “ are :
Offering to do something : I ´ll help you with it.
Agreeing to do something : Can you give Tom this book ? Sure,I ´ll give the book to him.
Promising to do something : I won ´t tell anyone what happened. I promise.
Skúšala som nej dať radu, ale ona nechce počúvať ,
I ´ve tried to give her advise,but she won ´t listen .
Stišis prosim hudbu?
Will you please turn the music down ?
Kde by sme si mali dať obed?
Where shall we have lunch?
Rozdiel medzi shall I …? a will you …?
Shall I shut the door? ( = do you want me to shut it ?)
Will you shut the door? (=I want you to shut it )
Pôjdeme von, keď prestane pršať .
We ´ll go out when it stops raining.
Nezabudni zamknúť dvere , keď ideš von.
Don ´t forget to lock the door when you go out.
Prídem hneď ako skončím. ( tak skoro ako skončím )
I ´ll come as soon as I finish. Or :
I ´ll come as soon as I ´ve finished.
Aký čas používame po if pre budúcnosť ?
After “ if” we normally use the present for the future .ex:
If we don ´t hurry, we ´ll Be late.
Podstatné meno
revise that unit
Study that ubiť again
I want to expand my vocabulary.
Chcem rozšíriť moju slovnú zásobu .
Líšiť sa
note down
Poznačiť si, zapísať si
Go offthe beaten path
To visit a place most people do not know
Living out of a suitcase
Traveling often and Stalingrad in plačeš for a short time
Travel light
To pack Only what you need
Travel on a shoestring
To go on trps with small amount of money