Grammar Flashcards
Are short forms such as lymphs for lymphocytes transcribed as dictated?
If dictated speech contains shortened terms such as epi would you change to epinephrine?
Where do you put comas?
When introducing. (ie. Due to rapid deterioration, the patient…..)
When separating things in a series.
Separate conjunctions.
Non essential bits.
What is a conjunction?
connecting words (and, if, but, or..)
If there is only one subject and verb pair with a conjunction do you still need a comma?
When do you use semi colons?
To join two independent clauses with no conjunction.
In a list with comas.
When do you use colons?
Report headings
After the word “following” and similar.
When is the only time you do not use a hyphen in a numeric range?
When the words to and from or from and through are involved.
How do you properly transcribe 2/3?
How do you write a measurement?
You use the Arabic numeral with a space then metric abbreviation or write it out if it’s imperial.
When transcribing the severity of a burn do you hyphenate the space between the number and the word degree?
When writing numbers 21 and up do you hyphenate them?
When do you use a hyphen?
When describing how old someone is.
When you have two adjectives together that describe one thing. Well-developed sense of humor.
When do you hyphenate ex?
When it means late. (As in gone for good)
The suspended hyphen is what?
Two hyphens that work with a set of numbers.
They had 2- and 3-inch lengths
When do you hyphenate words with extra?
When they are easily confused. Extra-large not extraterrestrial
How do you pluralize words that end in a?
add an e
How do you pluralize words that end in um?
removed um and add a
How do you pluralize words that end in us?
remove us and add i
How do you pluralize words that end in is?
removed is and add es
How do you pluralize ix/ax words?
they become ices or aces
How do you pluralize words ending in ex?
remove es add ices
How do you pluralize words ending in nx?
remove nx and add ges
How do you pluralize words that end in en?
remove en add ina
How do you pluralize words that end in on?
remove on add a
How do you pluralize words that end in ma?
remove ma add ta
or just add an s which is common
Do you add and apostrophe to pluralize a decade?
Do you add an apostrophe to single digit numbers when pluralizing them?
Where do you put the possessive apostrophe when dealing with plurals?
after the s
physicians’ opinions were varied
What are dashes used for?
Interruptions in a sentence.
Where do periods and commas go in a set of quotation marks?
Where do you put exclamation and question marks in a set of quotations?
either side depending on content. Is the question inside the quotations is it the whole sentence
When do you avoid contractions? can’t don’t won’t ect.
Always unless in direct quotations.
When to use parenthesis.
with side thoughts and extra information