Grammar Flashcards
Rite tonu raua ki te tamariki ki te totohe
They argue just like children
He āhua māngere ētahi o ā tātou ākonga
Some of our students are a bit lazy
Āta whakaarohia he mahi māu
Think carefully about your career
pg 43 te pihinga
Ehara tenei I te mahi ngāwari,
He mahi uaua tenei
This is not an easy job ,
This is a hard job
Rite tonu tōna roa ki tōu
She/he is the same height as you
He poto ake ia i a koe
He/she is shorter than you
E hia kē nei mano tāngata i kite i a mātou e haka ana
Goodness knows how many thousands of people saw us haka ( perform )
E hia mano kē ngā tāngata nō ngā tōpito o te ao i hui ki reira
Goodness knows how many thousands of people from all corners of the earth gathered there
Pg 146 Te Pihinga
Tokohia kē mai nei ngā Māori rongonui o tēnei rau tau
Goodness knows how many famous Māori there are from this century.
I haria mai te kūmara I Hawaiki rā anō ( rānō )
The Kūmara was bought here all the way from Hawaiki
Pg 147 Te Pihinga
Tae rā anō ai ia ki ngā whare herehere ki te toro haere i ngā Māori i uru ki te raruraru.
He even went to the prisons to visit Māori who had got into trouble.
Te Pihinga pg 147
Nō mai rā āno tenei mahi ā tātou, te haere i te ao.
Since time immemorial people have been doing this activity of ours - travelling the world.
Ka mutu kē te ātaahua o te wāhi nei!
How absolutely beautiful this place is.
Te Piringa pg 147
Te mutunga kē mai o te pai (te koretake)
It couldn’t be better ( worse )
Te kākano
Ko te mutunga mai o te riko o tēnei wāhi inuinu.
This drinking place is absolutely filthy.