Grammaire Flashcards
How do you form the present conditional
Use the base of the future simple and add the same endings as the imparfait.
ais ais ait ions iez aient
Aurais Aurais Aurait Aurions Auriez Auraient
When do you use the present conditional?
5 instances
- Express politeness
- Express a wish or desire
- Express doubt.
- Express a hypothesis
- Express the future
What are the 3 Si clauses?
- Si + présent future simple.
Si j’ai le temps je t’appellerai. If I have the time I will call you. - Si + imperfect conditional.
Si j’avais le temps, je t’appellerais. If I had the time I would call you - Si + pluperfect, past conditional
Si j’avais eu le temps, je t’aurais appellé
If I had had the time. I would have called you.
What is the imperative mood used for?
It is used to give orders and make requests
Which verb forms are used in the imperative mood?
Tu, Nous and Vous
Give the imperative of the verb Traverser
Which 4 verbs are irregular in the imperative
How is Être conjugated in the imperative
How is avoir conjugated in the imperative
Conjugate savoir in the imperative
Conjugate pouvoir in the imperative
Pouvoir is not conjugated in the imperative. You cannot order someone in this conjugation
Conjugate Vouloir in the imperative
7 most common coordinating conjunctions
Mais ou et donc or ni car
Characteristics of the Pronoms Possessifs (mine, yours, his, hers, it’s, theirs)
3 characteristics:
- They start with a definite article
- They replace a possessive Adjective+ Noun
- They must agree with the possessed noun in gender and number
Mine: Le Mien, La mienne, Les miens, Les miennes
Yours: Le tien, La tienne, Les tiens, Les tiennes
His/ Hers/Its: Le sien, La sienne, Les siens, Les siennes
Ours: Le nôtre , La nôtre , les nôtres, Les nôtres
Theirs: Le vôtre, La vôtre, Les vôtres, Les vôtres
Les Pronoms Démonstratifs
Celui, Ceux (masc)
Celle/Celles (fém)
This one/That one
Characteristics: 3
- Replace a demonstrative adjective and noun
- Agree with the noun they replace in gender and number
- Require an antecedent
- Must be used in one of three constructions
- With a suffix: Ci (nearby) this one or these
La: (far) that one or those - Followed by a prepositional phrase usually starting with (de)
C’est une bonne idée et j’aime celle de Paul aussi - Followed by a relative pronoun to introduce a clause.
Voilà celui dont je t’ai parlé (Here’s the one of which I told you)
What are the demonstrative pronouns.This, that, these and those
Ce, cet (masc)
Cette, ces (m/f)
Add Ci or La to make a distinction between two things
Indefinite demonstrative pronouns
Indefinite things or ideas
What are Relative Pronouns: who, that, which, whom and where
Qui, Que, Auquel , Duquel, Lequel, Dont and Où
Qui vs Que
Qui (subject or indirect object for persons) (qui is also used after pour, aˋ and de)
Que ((direct object)
Mon frère qui a vingt ans est à l’université
Les amis que je vois le plus sont Léa et Marcel
Lequel(which) When is it used?
It is used for indirect objects
It follows the prepositions: à, de and pour and is only used when referring to things never people
Agrées in # and gender
La table sur laquelle j’ai mis mon sac
Le livre pour lequel elle est connue
Lequel changes to different words when which prepositions are added
À or De
À + lequel = auquel
À + laquelle stays à laquelle
À + lesquels = auxquels
À + lesquelles = auxquelles
De + lequel = duquel
De + laquelle = de laquelle
De + lesquels = desquels
De+ lesquelles= desquelles
Dont (whose, of whom or of which)
May be used to refer to persons or things
Les films dont tu parles
La femme dont la voiture est en panne
Où (where)
Covers both time and place
Paris est la ville où ont peut manger les meilleurs escargots
Faire + l’infinitif
To have something done (causative)
Tu as fait changer tes rideaux (you had your curtains changed
Je me suis fait faire des ongles (I had my nails done)
When do you use pour + infinitive
To express purpose (in order to do something)
Je vais au cinéma pour voir un film
Pour y aller tu as besoin de prendre le bus