Gram Negative Cocci Flashcards
Bacteria that resembles gram negative cocci morphology
Moraxella catarrhalis
Most common of all Moraxella
Moraxella catarrhalis
Normal flora of the Upper Respiratory Tract (Oropharynx) that is OPPORTUNISTIC
Moraxella catarrhalis
3rd most common cause of Otitis Media and Sinusitis
Moraxella catarrhalis
Old name of Moraxella catarrhalis
Branhamella catarrhalis
Disease caused by Moraxella catarrhalis among children
Otitis media
Biochemical Test for Moraxella catarrhalis
(+) Catalase
(+) Oxidase
Culture used in Moraxella catarrhalis
Chocolate agar plate
Appearance of Moraxella catarrhalis in chocolate agar plate
Pink to brown colony “Hockey puck” appearance colonies remain intact when pushed
What laboratory test is Moraxella catarrhalis positive
DNase test
Butyrate Esterase test
Laboratory test for Moraxella catarrhalis
CHO utilization
DNase test
Butyrate Esterase test
Only Neisseriaceae that can lyse DNase
Moraxella catarrhalis
Color of positive in Butyrate esterase
Specimen of choice for Butyrate esterase
Eye and Ear culture
What are the non pathogens Neisseria
Neisseria cinerea
Neisseria elongata
Neisseria flavescens
Neisseria lactamica
Neisseria mucosa
Neisseria polysaccharea
Neisseria sicca
Neisseria subflava
Non pathogenic Neisseria, colony is similar to Neisseria gonorrhoeae on Chocolate Agar Plate and differentiated by Colistin
Neisseria cinerea
Non pathogenic Neisseria with yellow pigment, assachrolytic and can grown on Blood Agar Plate and Chocolate Agar Plate at 22C
Neisseria flavescens
Non pathogenic Neisseria that is common in nasopharynx of infants and children and Meningococcal carrier surveys - common in<2 years old and rare in children
Neisseria lactamica
Non pathogenic Neisseria that is large, adherent to agar and very mucoid. It is also isolated in the airways of dolphins, nasopharynx of children and young adults
Neisseria mucosa
Non pathogenic Neisseria that is Dry wrinkled, adherent and breadcrumbs like colonies on Blood Agar Plate
Neisseria sicca
Non pathogenic Neisseria that is rod shape gram-cocci which is weakly positive to positive catalase test
Neisseria elongata
Pathogenic Neisseria that is rod shaped gram-cocci, normal flora for DOGS, human infection after dog bite. (+) for catalase (-) acid from COH and weak (+) for Phenylalanine Deaminase Test
Neisseria weaveri
Biochemical Test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Carbohydrate utilization test
Oxidase test
Superoxol test
DNase test
Beta lactamase test
Chromogenic test
Composition of Carbohydrate utilization test
Cystine Trypticase Agar + 1% carbohydrate
Positive result in carbohydrate utilization test
Yellow color after incubation
Composition of QUADferm
Fermented by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Fermented by Neisseria meningitidis and not fermented Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Used to differentiate Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Neisseria meningitis
QUADferm - Maltose
Positive result in QUADferm test
Red to yellow color
Test that detects cytochrome oxidase enzyme
Oxidase test
Positive result in Oxidase test
Dark purple within 10 seconds
Modification test
Superoxol test
Reagent in Superoxol test
30% H2O2 (Hydrogen peroxide)
Positive result in Superoxol test
Vigorous bubbling
Test used to differentiate Moraxella catarrhalis (+) from Neisseria (-)
DNase test
Positive result in DNase test
Clear halo around the colony
Positive result in Beta lactamase test
Deep pink or red within 10 minutes
Causes Meningitis
Neisseria meningitidis
Collection of Neisseria meningitis
Pharyngeal swab
Commensal and True pathogen of the upper respiratory tract
Causative agent for
Spotted fever
Mode of transmission
Close contact (respiratory droplets)
Blood agar plate
Chocolate agar plate
Thayer martin agar
Major serogroups
A, B, C, Y & W135