Gram (+) Endospore Forming Rods Flashcards
1) Bacillus anthracis
Very diverse
Causes anthrax
Can produce toxins, genes are found on plasmids
Bacillus anthracis
3 toxins
1) protective agent
2) Adena factor
3) lethal factor
Protective antigen
Cutaneas, 95% treatable
Pulmonary anthrax- small time frame but can be treated
Gastrointestinal - eating spores and under cooked meat, 100% lethal
2) Bacillus subtilis
Found in soil
3) Bacillus Cerus
Can cause food poisoning
4) Bacillus thuringiensis
Unique bacteria
Produces protein that is a good insecticide
Bacillus thuringiensis
3 different strains
1) toxin is effective against beetles
2) toxin is effective against catapillars
3) toxin is effective against fly magets
5) Clostridium perfringens
Bacteria is effective in Gas Grangrene
Gas Grangrene - deep tissue infection
Also in food poisoning
6) Clostridium totani
Need immune shot
Muscle parallaus
7) Clostridium botulinum
Causes disease called botulism & Botox
8) Clostridium acetobutylicum
Involved in bio fuel (ethanol)
9) Clostridium Butyricum
Produces butric acid
Butric acid - used in production of butter and cheese
Considered probiotic
10) Clostridium difficule
Hard to get rid of
Causes damage to colon
In hospitals
11) Epulopiscium spp
Large bacteria
Up to 80 microns
11 types
Many found in soil, soil is not a stable environment
Produces spores
Many are chemoheterotrropic, needs chemical to live, motial