Gram + Bacteria Flashcards
Gram Positive, Catalase positive, Coagulase positive, Beta hemolytic, Ferments mannitol
Staph aureus
Coagulase Positive
Turns fibrinogen to fibrin
Ferments mannitol
“Tall man in YELLOW”
Turn agar yellow
Staph aureus virulence factor
Protein A – prevents complement binding
Colonizes the nares
Staph aureus
Pneumonia (patchy infiltrate on XR) – post-viral bacterial PNA
Staph aureus
Septic arthritis
Impetigo – abscesses
Acute bacterial endocarditis – IV drug user
Staph aureus
Osteomyelitis (most common cause)
Scalded Skin Syndrome
Toxic Shock Syndrome
Staph aureus
Food poisoning –> vomit»> diarrhea
Rapid onset
Meat & dairy products
Staph aureus
Staph aureus
Drugs tx Staph aureus
Vanco & Penicillin (Not MRSA)
Nafcillin (Naf for Staph)
Gram positive
Catalase positive
Coagulase NEGATIVE
Urease Positive
Novobiocin-sensitive **
Staph epidermidis
Normal flora on the skin – easy to contaminant blood cultures
Staph epidermidis
ENEMY of prosthetic joints or hardware (indolent infection)
Staph epidermidis
Indwelling catheters
Heart valves
Produces BIOFILM
Staph epidermidis
Treatment for Staph epidermidis
Joint replacement
Gram positive
Catalase positive
Coagulase NEGATIVE
Urease Positive
Novobiocin-resistant **
Staph saprophyticus
Honeymoon cystitis
Acute bacterial prostatitis
Staph saprophyticus
Impetigo – honey crusted sores
Scarlet Fever (exotoxin)
Strep pyogenes (Group A Strep)
Gram Positive Coccus
Encapsulated – made of hyaluronic acid
Beta Hemolytic
Bacitracin sensitive***
Strep pyogenes (Group A Strep)
Swollen strawberry tongue
Widespread rash (except the face)
Scarlet fever – Strep pyogenes (Group A Strep)
Toxic shock-like syndrome (TSS) –super antigen
Necrotizing fasciitis
Rheumatic fever
Strep pyogenes (Group A Strep)
Rheumatic fever
Type II Hypersensitivity
Immune response to strep infection
M protein
Molecular mimicry (myosin in heart – mitral valve)
Jones criteria
Erythema marginatum
Sydenham’s chorea (hand/face chorea)
Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSGN)
Immune response to strep infection
Type III hypersensitivity
Dark brown cola colored urine + facial edema
Two weeks post initial infection
Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin (SPE)
Scarlet fever
Superantigen (TSLS)
Protease (nec fasc)
Superantigen (TSLS)
Streptolysin O
RBC Lysis
Allows for Beta Hemolytic
ASO antibodies (can show titer had recent strep infection)
M Protein
Highly antigenic
Antiphagocytic – interferes with opsonization
Strep Pyogenes
Adds a phosphate
Plasminogen to plasmin
Lysis of clots
Gram positive
Polysaccharide capsule
Beta hemolytic
Bacitracin RESISTANT
CAMP test positive
Positive Hippurate test
Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B Strep)
Nothing to do with cAMP
Distinguish GBS from other Beta-hemolytic strep
GBS observed to enhance hemolysis when in close proximity to S. aureus
Synergistic effect
Meningitis in neonates
Sepsis in neonates
Disease of Streptococcus Agalactiae (Group B Strep)
Galactic Baby
Alpha hemolytic – partial (green hew)
Encapsulated (polysaccharide)
OptoCHIN sensitive
Lancet shaped diplococci
Bile soluble**
Streptococcus Pneumonia
Streptococcus Pneumonia
Virulence factor
Polysaccharide capsule
IgA protease – reduce host defenses