grade_5_history_20161009141159 Flashcards
What happened to Egypt around 6000 year ago?
The climate changed it into a huge desert.
What covers most of Egypt?
The Sahara Desert
What happens to the Nile during the rainy season?
Many tributaries flow into it so it swells and floods
What does the Nile get from the mountains of East Africa
Fertile Soil
Why do the Egyptian farmers choose to plant their crops in the Nile flood plain?
Because the flooding of the Nile leaves behind fertile soil
What was the main way that Egyptian people earned their living?
Name the 7 ways the Egyptians used the Nile
- Irrigation2. Drinking water3. Fishing4. Transport5. Papyrus for paper6. Mud for bricks7. Hunting of hippos and birds for food
What was one of the good things about the desert?
It protected them because it was difficult for other people to attack them or live nearby.
How did the Nile protect the Egyptians?
The rapids prevented people from sailing up the river to attack them.
What type of society was Ancient Egypt?
It was a hierarchical society
What does hierarchical mean?
It means that people were not equal and did not have the same amount of power and resources
Who was the most important person?
The pharaoh
What was the most senior official called?
The Visier
For what was he responsible?
For the Pharaoh’s finances
Name some of the activities the Visier was responsible for?
- Collecting taxes2. Government activities like Construction
Name two aspects of Egyptian life that were very important?
- Religion2. Defence
From the top down, list how the hierarchical society was organised - clue : start with Pharaoh end with Slaves : there are 11 levels
- Pharaoh2. Government Officials3. Priests4. Army Commanders5. Nobles6. Scribes7. Craftsmen8. Traders9. Wealthy Farmers10. Peasant Farmers11. Slaves
How many gods did the Egyptians believe in?
2000 gods
What do you call it when people believe in many different gods?
What did the Egyptian believe about the gods?
That they controlled everything on earth
What did they believe would happen if they angered the gods?
That the gods would punish them
What type of punishment did the people think the gods would bring on them?
Who was the most well-known god an describe what this god looked like?
Ra : sun godHuman with a falcon’s headThe head had a crown of sun with a cobra around it
In your own words describe what Ra symbolised
Ra brings day and nightRa sales across the skyAt sunset Ra diedSailed through the night in the Underworld (where people died)Ra left the moon to provide light for the world aboveThen his boat had to sail through 12 doorsThe doors represented the 12 hours of the nightAfter sailing through these doors, Ra was born again and th sun rose
What did they believe happened when they died?
That they went to the afterlife
When did they start burial sites for their dead pharaohs?
Around 3000 years ago
Name the special place where the pharaohs were buried?
The Valley of the Kings
Why do you think that the political system in Egypt did not change much in those days?
Because the people had a strong belief in their gods and in the pharaoh and they would never disagree with him
How were the laws made?
What the pharaoh said is what the law became
Why did the people give so much power to the pharaohs?
Because they thought he could speak to the godsBecause they thought he was a god
How was the pharaoh chosen?
He was always the eldest son of the previous pharaoh
What were two roles that the pharaoh fulfilled?
He was the chief priest He was the head of the army
What did the Egyptians believe about land ownership?
All the land, people and possessions belonged to the pharaoh
What did the people believe would happen to the pharaoh after he died?
That he would become a god
How were they buried
Inside tombs in pyramidsWith many treasures to enjoy in the afterlife
What is another word for the Nile in Egypt?
How long is the Nile River?
The Nile is made up of two parts, what are they?
- The Blue Nile2. The White Nile
Where does the White Nile have its source?
Near Lake Victoria
Where does the Blue Nile have its source?
In the Ethiopian Highlands
Where is the mouth of the Nile?
The Mediterranean Sea
List the 8 ways the Nile is used by the Egyptians
- Hunting2. Water3. Fishing4. Transport5. Irrigation6. Papyrs7. Building Materials8. Hunting
What happens to the Nile between June & Sept?
It Floods
When are the crops sewn along the Nile?
October to November
When in the harvest?
What happens in February?
It is the second sewing
What happens from March to April?
Growing Season
When is the second harvest?
What is the soil called that is brought during the floods and is good fertilizer?
What caused the end of the annual flooding cycle?
The building of the High Dam at Aswan
When was the dam completed?
Give 4 facts about life as a farmer.
- Worked the fields2. They did not own land3. They worked for the pharaoh & nobles4. They were given food and clothing & a place to live
Give 7 facts about the Pharaoh
- Ruler of Egypt2. Was very powerful3. Was considered to be the god on Earth4. Owned all the land5. Made the laws6. Collected taxes7. Defended Egypt from invaders
Give 3 facts about being an Egyptian soldier
- Were responsible for defending the country2. Shared int he riches captured during the war3. Given land as reward for service to Egypt
Give 3 facts about slaves
- Were not bought or sold at markets2. Were captured during wars3. Worked in households, quarries, mines and temples
Give 3 facts about scribes
- Were the only people who could read and right2. Kept records of how much food was produced3. Kept records of how many soldiers & workers
Give facts about Visiers
- Were the Pharaohs advisors2. Were responsible for the administration of Egypt3. Saw that the Pharaoh’s wishes were carried out.
Give facts about priests
- Did not preach2. They were responsible for keeping the gods happy3. They performed rituals and ceremonies in the temples
Give 4 facts about life as a farmer.
- Worked the fields2. They did not own land3. They worked for the pharaoh & nobles4. They were given food and clothing & a place to live
How long ago did Egyptians use hieroglyphics?
5000 years ago
What made it possible for the archeologists to understand hieroglyphics?
About 200 years ago, they found a special stone on which a story had been written in 3 languages.One of these was hieroglyphics.
What did they name the stone that was the key to unlocking the mystery of hieroglyphics?
The Rosetta Stone
How do you know which way to read hieroglyphics?
It depends on the way the animals are facing.
Name 4 things the Egyptians used maths for?
- Measuring the Nile River2. For Dividing areas of land3. Counting money4. Building tombs, pyramids & buildings
What information did the Egyptians use to create their calendar ?
The farming seasons & Nile flood predictions
How many days were in an Egyptian calendar?
365 days
How many months were in an Egyptian calendar year?
12 months
How is the Egyptian calendar different to ours?
All the months had 30 daysThey added 5 festive days at the end of the year.
What 3 things did Egyptian astronomers calculate?
The ways the stars movedThe seasonsThe phases of the moon
What did astronomy have to do with the Temples and Pyramids?
The pyramids and temples were positioned in relation to the stars and other constellations
What did the astronomers use to tell the time?
How many hours are there on a Sundial?
24 hours
What do we call the 36 groups of stars in the night sky?
What were the Decans used for?
Telling the time at night
How did the Egyptians learn so much about how the human body works?
From embalming dead bodies
What did the doctors use to create medicines?
Plants, herbs & minerals
What helped to keep people healthy?
Good personal hygiend
Did doctors believe that spiritual beings caused diseases?
Yes, if they could not find a cure.
What did they do if they thought a spirit was causing a disease?
They used spells and magical potions.
Did they know how to do surgery?
What food that we eat today, did they use as a treatment for wounds?
How did they protect themselves from diseases?
They wore amulets
What did they know about insects?
Some insects carry diseases.
Ho old was Tutankhamen when he became Pharaoh and when did he die?
About 9 years oldDied about 18 years old
During which period of Egyptian history did he rule?
The 18th DynastyAbout 3000 years ago
Who were the two men responsible for the discovery of his tomb?
Howard CarterGeorge Herbert
When was his tomb discovered?
What makes the burial place of Tutankhamen different to other pharaohs?
It was filled with with thousands of treasures.
What is the name of the area where he was buried?
The valley of the Kings
How many chambers were there in the tomb?
What was the first room that the explorers went into?
The Antechamber
What is a sarcophagus
Another name for a coffin
How did Tutankhamen die?
They don’t know for sure, but they think it was from a broken leg that got infected.
What is a Sphinx?
A mythological creatureWith the body of a lionAnd the head of a person (mostly of a Pharaoh or god)
Why were they built?
To guard importan areas such as tombs and temples
When was the Great Sphinx of Giza built?
It was carved around 2500 BC.
In which direction does the Great Sphinx of Giza face?
The sunrise
How big is it?
73m long8m wide20m high
How did the Great Sphinx of Giza look different to now?
- It had a long braided beard2.It had a nose3. It was painted in bright colours
What happened to its nose?
Not 100% Most think it was removed by people who thought it was evil
What is the “legend of the Sphinx”?
It was buried under sand and a young prince Thutmose fell asleep near it’s head.That night he had a dream that if he restored it he would become Pharaoh.He restored it and later became Pharaoh.
What is the name of the river that runs through the Free State?
The Orange River
What did indigenous people of the area call it?
The Nu Gariep
Why was Koffiefontein called that?
Wagon riders used to stop at a spring there to rest and drink coffee.
What did they discover at Koffifontein?
A diamond
What is Vredefort famous for?
The site of the oldest known meteor impact site in the world.
What does Thaba Nchu mean?
Black Mountain
What was Thaba Nchu known for?
It become a homeland for the Tswana people.
After whom was the Gariep dam originally named?
Hendrik Verwoerd - first prime minister of the Republic of South Africa
What does the name of a place tell you about it.
It can tell you about the beliefs and culture of the people who named it.
What is Fauresmith name after?
It is named after Reverend Faure and Sir Smith (governor of the Cape Colony).
What can ARTEFACTS tell us about our heritage?
Artefacts give us clues about our culture.They tell us about what our ancestors believed in They show us what skills they had
Where in Limpopo were important artefacts found?
Where in Limpopo is Mapungubwe?
On the northern border of South Africa joining Zimbabwe and Botswana
What is the similarity between the Tutankhamen’s treasure and the treasures of Mapungubwe?
They were both burial treasures (graves)
What if the artefacts were never found?
We would never even have known that the people existed there.
Describe the artefacts that were found?
Wooden carvings covered in gold sheetsRhinocerousBowlSceptre
What was significant about the graves of Mapungubwe?
It is thought they were the graves of very important chiefs.
When is it thought that this African kingdom existed?
Between 1075 and 1220
A country’s heritage includes things that people create - give two examples.
When was the Cape colonised by the Dutch?
What does colonise mean?
When a place is governed by another country.
Why was the Castle build?
It was built as a FORT to protect the settlement from attach
What was the original for made of?
How was the original fort transformed?
They used local rocks and wood from Hout BayThey added very strong cement made from crushed shells, sand and lime.
What is the oldest building in South Africa?
The Castle (duh!)Sorry…dumb question (Tania):)
When it was no longer necessary as a means of protection, what was the Castle used for?
A community meeting placeCentre of administration for the colony
During the South African War, what was it used for?
A prison
What is the castle used for today?
It houses military personnelA museumIt is the home the Cape Town Highlanders
What was the name of the first company that had their offices at the Castle?
The Dutch East India Companyor VOC
What did Jan Van Riebeeck do when he got to the Cape?
He started a vegetable garden for passing ships.
What was the original bell in the Castle used for
To call soldiers and people to meetings
What is the name of the important Ruins found in the NW
Kaditshwene Ruins
What was found a the Kaditswhene Ruins
The largest Iron Age stone-built city.
How big was this city?
In 1820 it was bigger than Cape Town!!
What was the population size?
16 000 - 20 000 people
How big are the ruins?
About 3 square kilometers
At the time, what made Kaditshwene important?
It was the manufacturing and trading capital of the Sotho-Twana people (Bahuruthse)
When was this town populated?
Between before 1600 until 1823
Which metals were manufactured there?
Iron Copper
Describe the buildings found at Kaditswhene.
Dry stone wallsNo cement to hold them togetherAll the sones had to be careful chosen so that they fit well together
How did the walls of the Kaditshwene Ruins stay upright without cement?
The stones fit perfectly togetherThe weight of the stones kept the other stones in place.
Describe the buildings found at Kaditswhene.
Dry stone wallsNo cement to hold them togetherAll the sones had to be careful chosen so that they fit well together
How did the walls of the Kaditshwene Ruins stay upright without cement?
The stones fit perfectly togetherThe weight of the stones kept the other stones in place.
Can you list the 9 provinces of South Africa?
- Western Cape2. Eastern Cape3. Northern Cape4. North West Province5. Free State6. Gauteng7. Kwazulu Natal8. Limpopo9. Mpumalanga
What is “Heritage”
AnythingYour inherit from your pastAs an IndividualAnd as a nation
Name a “Site of Significance”
Cradle of Humankind in Gauteng
Name a place that gave us important “Artefacts”.
Mapungubwe - Limpopo
Name a place of heritage that has mountains, rivers, mountains, roads etc
Free State
Name a place where Frances Baard made a difference in the life of a Nation.
Northern Cape
Name a place of monuments and buildings like the Castle of Good Hope
Western Cape
Name a place of tradition knowledge of things like medicinal indigenous plants
Eastern Cape
Name a place of architecture like Katitshwene
North West
Name a place of natural environment like ancient rocks at Makhonjwa Mountains
Name a place of rock paintings like uKhahlamba-Drankensberg Park