in the supermarket
au supermarche
I go to the supermarket
Je vais au supermarche
He goes to the post office.
Il va a la poste.
We go to the bakery.
Nous allons a la boulangerie.
They buy cake at the pastry shop.
Ils achetent du gateau a la patisserie.
I swim in the swimming pool
Je nage a la piscine.
Gas (for the car)
le petrol
We buy gas at the gas station.
Nous achetons du petrol a la station service.
I read a book in the library.
Je lis un livre dans la bibliotheque.
I visit the museum.
Je visite le musee.
I go to the museum.
Je vais au musee.
I buy a calculator at the business center.
J’achete un claculatrice au centre commercial.
She goes to the shop.
Elle va au magasin.
You (plural) go to the movie theater (cinema)
Vous allez au cinema.
You (sing.) go to the restaurant.
Tu vas au restaurant.