grade 7 Flashcards
nationality of Johann Sebastian Bach?
German composer
what does title sinfonia mean
(three-part invention) several distinct melodic lines of equal importance heard @ same time. BWV number identifies piece
what period is sinfonia in?
late baroque
features of period in sinfonia
-counterpoint/polyphony (2/3 voices simultaneously) -imitation b/w voices -ornamentation especially at cadence points -steady rhythmic pulse
what form is sinfonia in (2 main themes)
binary, AB
describe sections/key changes of sinfonia
A: 1-6, two voices B minor, 7-14, three voices D major 9 // B: 14-19, two voices D major (modulates to A maj/E min), 20-38, three voices B minor 24
main key of Sinfonia?
B minor
contemporaries of JS Bach in late Baroque period?
german Johann Pachelbel, Domenico Scarlatti, George Frideric Handel
When was the Baroque period?
c. 1600-1750
9-16 (1)
compound triple, three dotted quaver beats to a bar
trill (1)
ornament, rapid alternation b/w 2 adjacent notes, upper note in Baroque
bar 3 notes? (1)
leggiero bar 3 (1)
sopra bar 28 (1)
above (RH)
ritenuto bar 32 (1)
immediately slower
32 weird note (1)
appoggiatura, played on beat, 2/3 of value of dotted note
nationaity of Carl Phillip Emanuel Bach?
German composer, 2nd son
what does allegro title mean
fast and lively, sonata = composition several contrasting movements. CPE usually 3 (fsf) Wq
what period is allegro in?
early classical
features of period seen in Allegro
(light and elegant) -balance and symmetry -clearly articulated sounds (many detached notes/short slurs) -ornamentation particularly at cadence points -homophony (1 melodic line w/ simple chordal/broken chord accompaniments)
what form is allegro
Binary, AB (repeat signs)
describe sections/key changes of allegro
A1: 1-6. B minor (end dom chord), 7-12 trans, to D via Em 7-8, A2: 13-24, D major, Dm 19-20 // B1: 25-30 Dmajor, 31-36 trans E minor, to F#minor via Bminor 33-34, B2: 37-48, Bminor
main key of allegro
B minor
contemporaries of CPE Bach
Giovanni Battisa Pergolesi, Wilhelm Friedemann Bach, Christoph Willibald von Gluck
when was the classical period?
c. 1750 - 1810
b1 symbol upside down (2)
weird s infinity shape (2)
mezzo staccato (2)
moderately short and detached
piu (2)
nationality of Deodat de Severac?
French pianist and composer