Grade 6 Chemistry Test Flashcards
Write the definition of matter.
Anyting that has mas and takes up space.
betweensolids,liquids,gases,andplasma.Includea drawingoftheirparticles,apropertytheyhave(eg,takes
Solid holdsitsshapeinacontainer particles
arecloselypackedtogether e.g.Ice Liquid takes
theshapeofthecontainer particlesarenotasclosely
packedasasolid e.g.water Gas Fillsupthecontainer particlesarespreadoutandthespacebetweenthemis
largerthantheparticlesthemselves e.g.watervapour
Matter can be classified into 3 different categories what are they?
Elements, compounds mixtures
Write the defenition of
a. an atom and give 3 examples
b. compounds and give 3 examples.
a. One of the basic substances that are made of atoms of only one kind and that cannot be separated by ordinary chemical means into simpler substances. e.g. osygen, hydrogen, carbon.
b. Compounds are made of two or more different elements combined together in a fixed composition. Compounds are made of molecules. e.g. CO2, CO2, NaCI
What is the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures? Give an example in each of your statments.
Elements are only made up of only one kind of atom (atoms have the same ID) and cannot be broken down into anything simpler. E.G Oxygen, O. Compounds are made of two or more different elements and can be broken down into simper parts but not physically E.g. FeO (iron oxide or rust).
Mixtures are made of different substances combined but can be broken apart physically. E.g. Pepper water.
Explain 3 different methods for filtering mixtures and give examples of different mixtures.
Magnet - remove iron fillings in sand
Sieve - separate big and small substances like rice and sand or pasta and water.
Filter paper - separate liquid and small solids like sand and water.
What are the 10 properties of materials?
Colour, density, texture, lusture, smell, solubility, conductivity, transparency, combustibility, acidity
Examine the following materials and write their different properties in the observation table. Material | Texture | Conducte | Combust | Transparent Balloon Metal Paper Plastic contai ner
Balloon | smooth | No | Yes | Opaque
Metal | smooth | Yes | Yes | Opaque
Paper | Smooth | No | Yes | Opaque
Plastic | Smooth | No | Yes | Translucent
Give examples of how or what you could use the following materials for:
Metal | Use GOLD | Jewellry SILVER | Jewellry, Bowls, silverware COPPER | Drinking water pipes, roofs, electrical wire, storage bins, Tools, weapons PLATINUM: Jewellry, teeth restoration
a) Why must you polish silver items?
b) Why does copper turn green?
a) Silver reacts with other substances and becomes tarnished.
b) Copper reacts to oxygen to form a coating call verdigris.
Why are some metals more expensive than others, do you Think?
Some metals like precious metals are very rare which makes them more expensive than other metals.
The first chemist were called alchemists. They tried to produce gold.
a) Why do you Think they wanted to make gold?
b) What do you Think would have happened if they had succeeded at producing gold?
a) They wanted to become rich/ make other people rich.
b) The cost of gold would decrease because it would not be as rare.
Giv an example of 3 different things that are made of metal.
Bike, pen, zipper
Write the corect Word for the descriptions from the Word box.
a. Isthelightestmetal.____________________
b. Isnotshedbythebodyandusedinscrewsplaced inabonefracture.______________________
c. Isthemostcommonmetalintheearth’scrust __________________________
d. Aredissolvedinseawater.________________
e. Usedforexampleingasolineandpaint._________
f. Isliquidatroomtemperature._________________
g. Nearly120elementscan
befoundonthis: ___________________________
h. Isusedtoseparatelargesolidmaterialwithsmall solidmaterial.________________
i. Pizzaisanexampleof______________________
j. Describingsoapassmellingfreshisan
k. Anythingthathasmassandtakesupspace._______________
l. IsacompoundandhasthechemicalformulaCO2._________________
m. Theseparticlesarenotastightlypacked
n. neutronsandprotonsarefoundin
o. Isusedtoseparateliquidsandsolidmaterials.____________
p. Ascientificwordforthing.________________
q. Thepropertythatexplainswhya
s. Thewaysomethingfeelswhenyoutouchitiscalled________________
t. Holdtheirownshape._____________________
u. Addheattoiceanditwill________________intowater.
v. Waterisanexampleofa____________________.
w. Lightningisanexampleof____________________.
x. Isthechemicalpropertyofbeingabletoburn._____________________
y. Theabilityofasubstanceto
z. Thesmallestparticleintowhich
Word box: Magnesium Nickel Aluminium Titanium Lead Mercury Carbon dioxide Filter paper Substance Transparency SMell Liquids Dissolving Melt Lusture Element combustion Mixture Atom Neutron Water Funnel Conductivity Acidity Periodic table Gases Evaporation State change TExture Compound Density Water Proton Electron Sugar Seive Solubility Color Matter Solids Plasma Nucleus
a. Isthelightestmetal.magnesium b. Isnotshedbythebodyandusedinscrewsplaced inabonefracture.titanium c. Isthemostcommonmetalintheearth’scrust aluminum d. Aredissolvedinseawater.magnesium e. Usedforexampleingasolineandpaint.lead f. Isliquidatroomtemperature.mercury g. Nearly120elementscanbefoundonthis:periodic table h. Isusedtoseparatelargesolidmaterialwithsmall solidmaterial.sieve i. Pizzaisanexampleofmixture j. Describingsoapassmellingfreshisanexampleofthisproperty:smell k. Anythingthathasmassandtakesupspace.matter l. IsacompoundandhasthechemicalformulaCO2.carbondioxide m. Theseparticlesarenotastightlypackedtogetherasthoseinasolid.liquid n. neutronsandprotonsarefoundinthispartoftheatom.nucleus o. Isusedtoseparateliquidsandsolidmaterials.filterpaper p. Ascientificwordforthing.substance q. Thepropertythatexplainswhyaballoonwillfloatonwater.density r. Whenwaterboilsandturnstoagas,thistypeofstatechangeiscalledevaporation. s. Thewaysomethingfeelswhenyoutouchitiscalledtexture t. Holdtheirownshape.solid u. Addheattoiceanditwillmeltintowater. v. Waterisanexampleofaliquid. w. Lightningisanexampleofplasma. x. Isthechemicalpropertyofbeingabletoburn.combustion y. Theabilityofasubstancetoallowlighttopassthrough.transparency z. Thesmallestparticleintowhichanelementcanbedivided.atom
Describe the properties of a notebook made of paper. Why is it useful to make a notebook out of paper?
Absorbs ink or pencil lead which makes it easy to write on
Lightweight to carry around
You can tear of pages easily / You can cut paper with sicissors, which is good if you want to take a piece of paper out of the notebook.
It doesn’t break like glass does. It is flexible, so you can fold pages if you want.
It is cheap to make.
Paper is thin so you can bind many pages together into a book. It is good to have many pages so you can have more space to write.
It is opaque so you can hide what you write by closing it.