Grade 4, term 1&2 Flashcards
What 4 main things does a dictionary tell you about words?
- how to spell them
- how to pronounce them
- what they mean
- their origin
When do we use a capital letter? 11 occasions
- to begin a sentence
- for names and surnames
- for names of places
- for cities, towns and suburbs
- days of the week and months of the year
- for ‘I’
- names of roads and streets
- special days
- titles of books, newspapers etc
- titles of people
- names of countries, continents, rivers, mountains, seas
When do we use a full stop? 2 occcasions
At the end of a sentence.
After some short forms, e.g. S.A., Mr., Prof., Dr.
When do we use a colon :? 3 occasions
- to introduce a list
- to link 2 clauses, when the second clause gives more information about the first
- when we write the time
When do we use a semi colon ;? 2 occasions
- to separate longer items in a list
2. to link two clauses that are closely related
When do we use a comma? 4 occasions
- to separate a list
- to separate the name of a person being spoken to from the rest of the sentence
- separate 2 thoughts in a long sentence, usually when there is a pause
- when a person or thing is named in 2 different ways
What is an uncountable noun? Give an example
Noun that cannot be counted as they are not separate objects. Only have singular form, do not have a number in front
e.g. water, sand, air, work
What is a proper noun? Give an example
Special names of streets, schools, people and animal names, days of the week, months of the year, countries, cities, titles of books, films and songs.
E.g. Dan, Tuesday, Jingles, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mulvihal Road
What is a common noun? Give an example
Names given to ordinary things. Usually have ‘the’ or ‘a’ in front of them. Do not begin with a capital letter.
E.g. book, table, desk, orange, boy, cat
What is a countable noun? Give an example
Nouns that can be counted. Have a singular and plural form
E.g. book - books, man - men, soap - soaps
What is an abstract noun? Give an example
Nouns that describe things we cannot touch, feel, see, smell or taste. Names of ideas, feelings and sounds
E.g. love, happiness, croak, beauty, honesty, respect, fear, trust, joy, roar
What is a concrete noun? Give an example
Naming words, things we can see, touch, feel, taste or smell.
E.g. frog, sky, sea, mouse, house, child, beach, school
What is a personal pronoun? Give an example
Used instead of the names of people.
E.g. Sarah made dinner
She made dinner
What is a demonstrative pronoun? Give an example
Used to point out particular things.
E.g. That is your sandwich, but this sandwich is mine.
That is your sandwich, but this is mine.
What is a possessive pronoun? Give an example
Shows that something belongs to someone.
E.g. The cake is Tom’s.
The cake is his.