Grade 3 Flashcards
Where is Fourth
Aerial Position?
• The working leg is extended to the front as in fourth position but raised to normal level.
• Used in: Outward brushes in the first step of the Seann Triubhas.
Where is Fourth
Rear Position?
• As in fourth position but the working foot is taken to the rear, and is placed on the ball or flat.
• Used in: The introduction to the Seann Triubhas.
Where is Mid Fourth
• The working leg is extended to the front, midway between fourth position and fourth intermediate position and is placed on the toe.
• Used in: Pointing and
Back-Stepping quick step in the Seann Triubhas.
Where is Mid Fourth
Aerial Position?
• The working leg is extended to the front as for mid-fourth position and raised to low level.
• Used in: Shuffles
Describe an
Outward Brush
• The half point of the working foot lightly brushes the ground in its progress from third aerial position very low through third, to an open aerial position.
May also be taken from a rear position, through first position to fourth aerial position.
• When an outward brush is danced with a spring or a hop, the working foot touches the ground at the same time as landing.
Describe an
Inward Brush
• The half point of the working foot lightly brushes the ground in its progress from an open aerial position to an accepted position.
Describe a Shuffle
• Starting with one foot in mid fourth aerial low, spring, and during the elevation, extend the other foot to mid-fourth aerial low.
• Almost simultaneously on landing, brush the new working foot inwards on the half point to third or fifth position and immediately brush it outwards to mid-fourth aerial low.
• Shuffles may be executed with slight backward travel.
• Examples for Counting (Four Shuffles):
Seann Triubhas: 1& 2& 3& 4&
All other dances: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
What is an Assemble?
• A movement of elevation begun on the ball of one foot and finished by landing on the balls of both feet in third or fifth position.
What is a Disassemble?
• A movement of elevation begun in a closed position with the weight of the body equally distributed on the flat or balls of both feet, and finished by landing on the ball of one foot with the other raised to a specific position.
• There is no travel on this movement unless otherwise stated.
Describe a
• Hop, extending the working foot to fourth intermediate aerial position.
• Quickly execute an inward brush to third aerial position low (count 1 and [and]).
• Place the working foot on the half point in third or fifth position then lightly beat the rear foot in third or fifth rear position (count a 2).
What is the General Rule for Raising and Lowering the Arms?
• When an arm is being raised or lowered, there should be minimal displacement of the elbow and no part of the arm or hand should come in front of the dancers face.
• The exception to this rule is in the introduction, first, and second step of the Seann Triubhas, where the hands come up in front of the face as the arms are raised in front of the body from fifth position.
How is the Working Foot
Placed on the Ball?
• The pads of the toes and the ball of the foot are in contact with the ground with the instep arched.
• The knee of the working leg is kept as straight as possible.
• When the working foot is placed on the ball, the weight of the body is transferred onto it.
What is an
Aerial Position?
• Open Aerial Position:
The knee of the working leg should be kept straight. The working foot is off the ground, with the toe at the correct height.
Three Levels: High (in line with the knee cap), Normal (in line with the centre of the calf), and Low (in line with the ankle).
• Closed Aerial Position:
The working foot is off the ground and is in contact with the supporting leg.
What is an
Open Position?
• An Open position is one in which the working foot is not in contact with the supporting foot or the supporting leg.
How is the
Introduction for the Seann Triubhas done?
• On bars 1 and 2, stand for the bow (counts 1-8).
• On bar 3, bow (count 1, 2, 3, 4).
•On Bar 4, take arms to first position if not already placed, step left foot towards second position, making a one-eighth turn to the right. Step right foot to fourth rear position flat and finish with left foot pointed in fourth position (count 5, 6).
• Take arms through fifth position then raise them up in front of the body to fourth position (count 7).
• Carry arms out to third position and rise (count 8).
- Where is fourth rear position used?
- Fourth rear position is only ever used in the introduction of the Seann Triubhas.
- What is the difference between mid fourth position and fourth position?
- Mid fourth position is slightly wider than fourth position.
It is in between fourth and fourth intermediate position.
- What level of third aerial position is used in a hop brush-beat-beat?
- Third aerial position low.
- What open position is used in shuffles?
- Mid fourth aerial low.
- When is the exception to the rule that the arms should never come in front of the dancers face?
- In the introduction, first, and second step or the Seann Triubhas.
- What are the three levels used in an open aerial position?
- High (in line with the knee cap), Normal (in line with the centre of the calf), and Low (in line with the ankle).
- Where is second position used with a flat foot?
- Second position flat is used in the introduction of the Seann Triubhas.