Grade 1 Flashcards
What is the name of this note?
a semibreve (whole note)
What is the name of this note?
A minim (half note)
What is the name of this note?
A crotchet (quarter note)
What is the name of this note?
A quaver (eighth note)
What is the name of this note?
semi-quaver (sixteenth note)
How are notes grouped together in written music?
Notes are grouped together into measures, also known as bars.
What are the lines called, which seperate bars?
bar or measure lines
At the beginning of each piece of music is a time signature. What is a time signature?
The time signature consists of 2 numbers, shown on top of each other. The top figure shows how many beats there will be in a bar. The bottom figure shows what kind of beats they are.
for example 4/4 = 4 beats per bar, each beat = 1/4 note
3/4 = 3 beats per bar, each beat = 1/4 note
What is common-time?
Common time is another name for 4/4 time and is shown as:
What is a beamed note?
When there are 2 or more quavers or semiquavers in a bar, they can joined together by a beam.
What are the letter names of notes?
The notes are named after the first 7 letters of the alphabet:
What is a stave, or staff?
The staff, or stave, is a set of five horizontal lines and four spaces that each represent a different musical pitch (note).
What is the purpose of a clef?
To show what note is A, B etc a clef is placed at the beginning of each stave.
What are the 2 most common clefs called?
The treble clef and the bass clef.
What is another name for the treble clef?
The treble clef is also known as the G-clef, because it curls around the 2nd line, which is the G line.
What is another name for the bass clef?
Another name for the base clef is the F clef, because it has 2 dots in it’s symbol, which go each side of the F line.
In the treble stave, what are the notes on the lines?
In the treble stave, what are the notes on the spaces?
In the bass stave, what are the notes on the lines?
In the bass stave, what are the notes on the spaces?
What are the 3 elements of a note called?
- note head
- stem
- flag
If a note is shown below the middle line of the stave, how should it be drawn?
The note should be drawn, such that the stem goes up on the right.
If a note is shown on or above the middle line of the stave, how should it be drawn?
The note should be drawn, such that the stem goes down on the left.
When quavers or semiquavers are drawn, what happens to the flag?
The flag is always drawn to the right regardless of whether the stem goes up or down.
It is sometimes necessary to write notes that are higher or lower than those on the stave. What happens in those cases?
Short extra lines are added below or above the stave to accomodate the note(s).
These are called ledger lines.
They are only long enough for the notes which need them and are never joined up.
What are the black notes on the piano called?
The black notes on the piano are known as sharps and flats. A black note to the right of a white key has the same letter as the white key but has a ‘sharp’ (#) added. A black note to the left of a white key has the same letter note as the white key but has a ‘flat’ (b) added.
What is the full name of a white note. e.g. C?
C natural
What is the distance between 2 notes called?
The distance between 2 notes is called the interval.
What is the interval between 2 adjacent keys on the piano called?
A semitone. 2 semitones together make a tone.
If all the white notes from C to C are played. What has been played?
A scale has been played. C major.
What are the notes that comprise the C-major scale and what are the intervals between each note?
The intervals are WWHWWWH
where W=whole tone & H=half tone.
This interval pattern (WWHWWWH) is the same for all Major scales.
What notes comprise the G major scale and what are the intervals between the notes?
Again, The intervals are WWHWWWH
What notes comprise the D major scale and what are the intervals between the notes?
Again, The intervals are WWHWWWH
What notes comprise the F major scale and what are the intervals between the notes?
Again, The intervals are WWHWWWH
What does a rest do?
It signifies the length of a period of silence. Rests are measured in beats, as musical notes are.
What is the name of this rest?
a semibreve (whole rest)
What is the name of this rest?
A minim (half rest)
What is the name of this rest?
A crotchet (quarter rest)
What is the name of this rest?
A quaver (eighth rest)
What is the name of this rest?
A semiquaver (sixteenth rest)
How is a completely silent bar marked?
A completely silent bar is marked with a semibreve rest, not only in 4/4 time, but also in 3/4 and 2/4 time.