Grad class notes II Flashcards
pulsed dose rate
low dose rate, but radiation is delivered for only short part of the hour
-nurse can attend to patient during breaks
BED = nd(1+g*d/(alpha/beta))
-g is repair function
-depends on 1/2 time for cell repair and fractionation
-if HDR or EBRT, g = 1
-includes g factor
-BED = Rt[1+(2R/(mu *alpha/beta)) * (1- ((1-e^-mut)/mut))]
t= implant time for each LDR fraction
R= dose rate
mu = ln2/T1/2 (T1/2 is repair time of tissue)
-repair between successive fractions and during the whole fraction
why do we prefer pure gamma emitters in brachy?
absence of alpha (don’t penetrate) and beta emissions simplifies geometry and reduces encapsulation thickness required
why do we care about specific activity in brachy?
the higher the specific activity, the smaller the source can be
-determines max possible dose rate. Higher dose rates may be desirable to reduce patient treatment times
why do we care about energy of emitted radiation in brachy?
-affects tissue penetration
-determines dose distribution
-important for radiation protection
effect of photon energy on absolute dose rate
E > 200 keV - all sources have same dose rate constant regardless of medium
E < 100 keV - photoelectric effect results in up to 2-fold heterogeneity corrections (Z dependent)
apparent activity
Sk/ (tau * (W/e))
air kerma strength
Sk = K * d^2
K is air kerma rate in vaccuo due to photons with energy greater than 5 keV
-cutoff designed to exclude low energy photon-emitting radiation (would not contribute to dose in tissue beyond 0.1 cm but would increase K)
NIST calibration standard for brachy source > 2 mCi
-series of graphite cavity ion chambers
-source of unknown strenght is calibrated by intercomparison with the working standard using 2.5 L spherical aluminum ion chamber in air positioned at 1 m
NIST calibration standard for weaker source
-WAFAC- directly determine strength of unknown strength source
-Ti characteristic xrays are filtered out
Sk for well-type ion chamber and electrometer
Sk = ImassPionpolPtpPelecNsk
difference between TG43 and previous models
TG43 uses dose rate constants and other dosimetric parameters that depend on the specific source design, and are directly measured or calculated for each source design
issue with Sv integral
only looked at IS law and some attenuation
-did not consider the media