GPD Flashcards
Sporting events A mini bus is classed as a vehicle that is constructed or adapted to carry how much passengers: A) 8 B) 16 C) 8 passengers + - driver D) less than 9
Mental health
How long may a person with a mental disorder be held in a place of safety?
A) until they decide the want to go (i’e you have no power to keep them there)
B) 72 hours
C) 12 hours
D) 24 hours
Sporting events-
The period of a designated sporting event means a period which:
A) commences 2 hours before and 2 hours after
B) 1 hour before and 2 hours after
C) 2 hours before and 1 hour after
D) the period of play
Sporting events: The relevant area of a sports ground means any part of the ground which:
A) Spectators are granted access on payment
B) Where the event can be viewed directly
C) Any part of the relevant stadium
D) all the Stands for the spectators
(Two answers)
A and B
If a crime is committed and the offenders behaviour is considered to be "ln relation to a regulated football match' what power of arrest do the police have? A) Silent B) conditional C) Unconditional D) Fixed penalty
What two things have to be present for a football banning order to be put in place?
A) A person has to be convicted of the crime and the crime had to cause fear and alarm to the lieges
B)A person has to be suspected of committing the crime and is over 12 years of age
C) The person is convicted of the offence and is 16 years or over at the time the offence is committed
D) The person is strongly suspected of committing the offence and is 16 years or older at the time the crime was committed
What two ways can a banning order be made?
A) on conviction
B) by the relevant football team
C) by suggestion from the relevant police constable.
D) On summary application
A and D
Who if any or more than one can apply for a football banning order?
A) the police
B) The chief constable within the force area of which the offence was committed
C) The procurator fiscal
D) The sheriff
B and D
Mental health pre read
Which one if any of these are classed as a mental disorder
A) Dependence on alcohol or drugs
B) Behaviour that causes or is likely to cause harm to you or or any other person
C) Sexual orientation
D) None of the above
Mental health- pre read
What is any is classified as a place of safety?
A) A hospital
B) A police station
C) The persons home address
D) Where the person feels most comfortable
How many people will a mental health tribunal for Scotland consist of? A) 5 B) 7 C) 3 D) 1 (the sherif)
Mental health
Compulsory treatment orders:
On occasions it is necessary that a person with a mental disorder become the subject of a compulsory treatment order which may stipulate that the person be:
A) detained in a hospital
B) kept in charge of by Authorised person
C) reside at a specific place
D) obtain the approval of a mental health officer prior to changing address
All of the above
Within how many days should the constable give the information to the mental welfare commission when removing a mentally disordered person to a place of safety? A) 24 hours B) 48 hours C) As soon as practically possible D) 14 days
A mental health officer or other specified person may apply for a warrant to order a patients removal to a place of safety and continued detention for a period of how long? A) 7 days B) 72 hours C) 24 hours D 14 days
Under section 35 of the mental health care and treatment Scotland act 2003 how long can a person be detained in order to be medically assets? A) 24 hours B) 12 hours C) 2 hours D) 3 hours
D) 3 hours
Dealing with death What are the two categories of sudden death? A) Known causes B) suspicious death C) Unknown causes D) Suspicious circumstances
A and C
Dealing with death; Who has the responsibilities of carefully searching a dead body and removing property? A) The medical surgeons B) The on scene Sargent C) the enquiry officer D) the undertaker
Antisocial behaviour etc During the hours of 0700 and 1900 hours what is the permitted level of noise? A) 41 Db B) 37 Db C) 31 Db
A - 41 Db
During the hours of 1900 and 2300 hours what is the permitted level of noise?
A) 41 Db
B) 37 Db
C) 31 Db
B) 37 Db
During the hours of 2300 and 0700hours what is the permitted level of noise?
A) 41 Db
B) 37 Db
C) 31 Db
C - 31 Db
Miscellaneous anti social offences
Section 47 of the civic government Scotland act 1982 creates for any person to do what?
Urinate or defecate
Miscellaneous anti social offences
Section 55 of the civic government Scotland act 1982 creates an offence for any person to tout for the purposes of selling, advertising or obtaining custom in a public place.
What power of arrest do the police have?
A) Conditional
B) unconditional
C) silent
D) no power of arrest
D no power of arrest
Miscellaneous anti social offences; Between what times is it an offence to use a loud speaker (includes a megaphone or other device for amplifying sound) for any purpose in a road? A) between 9pm and 8am B) 0700 hours and 2300 hours C) 2300 hours and 0700 hours D) 8am to 9pm
A) 9pm to 8 am
Miscellaneous anti social offences; Section 54 of the civic government Scotland act 1982 allows you the retain the noises making equipment for how many days A) 7 B) 14 C) 28 D) none of the above
Anti social behaviour (Scotland act 2004) (ASBO’s)
What is the minimum age which a person may be subjected to an ASBO in Scotland
A) 8
B) 12
C) 13
D) 16
B) 12
Miscellaneous anti social offences; Which one or more than one of the following can apply for an ASBO? A) The procurator fiscal B) The local authorities C) Registered social landlords D) The police
B and C
anti social behaviour Scotland act 2004;
Which of the following are correct in relation to police powers when dealing with a group of two or more persons in any public place in a designated dispersal area
A) Require the group to disperse
B) Direct persons who do not reside in the designated area to leave the designated area
C) Direct any of those persons not to return for a period of time not exceeding 24 hours
D) none of the above
A b and c
Domestic abuse - police powers An exclusion order means that the non applicant partner must leave the matrimonial home within how many Days? A) 7 B) 2 C) 1 D) 14
A 7