GP Flashcards
Initial investigations in coeliac disease?
TTG antibodies
Endomyseal antibodies
Gold standard for coeliac diagnosis?
Endoscopic intestinal biopsy - duodenum
Findings of biopsy in coeliac disease?
Villous atrophy
Crypt hyperplasia
Increased intraepithelial lymphocytes
Which gene associated with coeliac disease?
Investigations for colitis?
Colonoscopy and biopsy (flexi sig)
Findings on colitis biopsy?
No inflammation beyond submucosa
Crypt abscesses
Findings on crohn’s biopsy?
Inflammation in all layers
Skip lesions
Increased goblet cells
Fluid analysis findings in gout?
Needle shaped, negatively birefringent crystals
First line treatment for mild-moderate acne?
Topical combination:
+ benzoyl peroxide
12 week course
First line treatment for moderate-severe acne?
12-week course
Topical treatment + PO abx (tetracycline)
Alternative to topical antibiotics for women with acne?
Acute bronchitis signs over pneumonia?
Wheeze and no other focal chest signs (creps, dullness etc)
Most common causes of bronchitis?
Treatment for acute bronchitis?
Abx if:
Very unwell
pre-exisiting co-morbidities
CRP >100
What is acute stress disorder?
Acute stress reaction within the first 4 weeks after traumatic event
Management of acute stress disorder?
Trauma-focused CBT first line
Benzo’s for acute symptoms (with caution)
Type 1 hypersensitivity reaction?
IgE - acute reaction
Investigations for allergies?
Skin prick testing
Food challenge testing
Key management/treatments of allergies?
Antihistamines e.g. cetirizine
IM adrenaline
Adrenaline doses for anaphylaxis?
Adult (>12yrs) - 500mcg 1/1,000
6-12yrs - 300mcg 1/1,000
6m-6yrs - 150mcg 1/1,000
<6m - 100-150 mcg 1/1,000
Common causes of anaphylaxis?
Foods e.g. nuts
Features of anaphylaxis?
Swelling of throat and tongue
Hoarse voice/stridor
Respiratory wheeze
How regularly can adrenaline doses be repeated?
Every 5 minutes
When can patients be discharged following an anaphylactic reaction?
2 hours - good response to single dose adrenaline
6 hours - 2 doses needed/prev biphasic reaction
12 hours - severe rxn, >2 doses, possible ongoing reaction
Causes of microcytic anaemia?
Iron deficiency
Congenital sideroblastic
Causes of iron deficiency anaemia?
Excessive blood loss
Dietary intake
Poor absorption
Symptoms of iron deficiency anaemia?
Fatigue, SOB, Palpitations, pallor, koilonychia
Management of iron deficiency anaemia?
Treat underlying causes
PO ferrous sulfate
How long to take ferrous sulfate for?
3 months after iron deficiency corrected
Causes of macrocytic anaemia?
B12 deficiency, folate deficiency, secondary to MTX
How to treat b12 deficiency?
Hydroxocovalamin IM 3x weekly for 2 weeks then 3 monthly
What is pernicious anaemia?
Autoimmune disorder affecting gastric mucosa = b12 deficiency
Abs to intrinsic factor
Causes of normocytic anaemia?
Anaemia of chronic disease
Aplastic anaemia
Haemolytic anaemia
Acute blood loss
What are anal fissues?
Tears of the squamous lining of distal anal canal
Risk factors for anal fissure?
Features of anal fissures?
Painful, bright red, rectal bleeding
Management of acute anal fissure?
Stool softener
Topical anaesthetics
Management of chronic anal fissures?
Topical GTN cream
What is atrophic vaginitis?
Atrophy of vagina usually due to low oestrogen in post-menopausal women
Treatment of atrophic vaginitis?
Vaginal lubricants/moisturisers
Topical oestrogen
What is blepharitis?
Inflammation of the eyelids
Management of blepharitis?
Warm compresses BD
‘Lid hygiene’
Artificial tears if needed
What is a stye?
Hordeolum - inflammation of glands of the eyelids
Management of a stye?
Warm compresses BD
‘Lid hygiene’
Incision with a sterile needle
Topical/PO abx if recurrent/severe
What is entropian and ectropian (eyelids)?
Entropian = inward turning of eyelid
Ectropian = outward turning of eyelid
BPPV symptoms?
Vertigo triggered by change in head position
Lasts 10-20 seconds
Diagnosis and treatment manoeuvres for BBPV?
Dx: Dix-Hallpike
Tx: Epley