Gown and Gloving Flashcards
Vapocoolant Sprays
(Spray and Stretch) was a technique developed in the mid 1960’s by a physician named Janet Travell.
Th technique was developed for clinicians to quickly reduce muscle spasm and allow for better muscle stretching of muscles.
The spray temporarily decreases muscle tone, and decreases electrical stimulation in the muscle, therefore relaxing and decreasing muscle tone. We want to create a reflex inhibition to stretch.
Vapocoolant Spray Indications
- Myofacial pain
- Muscle Spasm
- Restricted motion
- Hypersensitivity to 11133 Pentafloropropane (flammable) or 1112 Tetreathane (ozone damaging).
- Diabetes - no sensitivity, you could cause frostbite.
Vapocoolant Spray Precautions
- Do not spray near the face, on open wounds or on abraded skin.
- Use care with poor circulation or insensitive skin.
- Do not freeze the skin as it can alter skin pigment.
- Vapocoolants are for external use only.
Pulsatile Lavage
Pulsatile lavage involves using a device that delivers a stream of saline solution at a pressure of 4 to 15 psi to an open wound area to separate infectious organisms and loosely held necrotic tissue. Less than 4 psi is not enough to dislodge organisms and greater than 15 psi is painful and may drive organisms into the patient.
Because the delivered fluid can begin to puddle and pool, a vacuum system was also attached to retrieve the saline and loosened debris.
Due to concerns over cross contamination, most units are disposable and designed for only 1 use.
Pulsatile Lavage Precautions
- Health care workers should wear personal protective gear equipment because of splash and spray from the device.
a. Fluid-resistant gowns
b. gloves
c. surgical masks
d. eye protection
e. show covers
f. head covers - Patients should wear surgical mask (Spray put organisms as much as 3 to 8 feet into the air)
- All patient IV lines should be covered during treatment
- Treat in a private room with easily washable surfaces
- No open supply shelves are allowed in the area
- The room should be cleaned and disinfected after each procedure and at the End of the day.
- Personnel should be thoroughly trained in proper technique for each device.
Sterile Field
Sterile Fields are necessary to safely perform minor procedure and debride wounds or dress open wound.
Guidelines for Creating a Sterile Field
- All items in a sterile field must be sterile (No Shit Really?)
- When a sterile container is opened the edges are not sterile.
- Gowns are sterile in front and down to table level (below waist is not sterile)
- Tables are sterile only on top.
- Only sterile persons and items may enter a sterile area. Only sterile items can pass over a sterile area.
- Sterile personnel must stay in a sterile area to remain sterile. They cannot lean against or touch non-sterile areas.
- Penetration of a sterile barrier contaminates the field. if a sterile surface becomes wet, it is no longer considered sterile.
- if there is any doubt, consider an area or item non-sterile.
Creating a Sterile Field
- Select a clean, dry surface
- Cover with a sterile cloth
- Add required sterile items from sterile packages
- Pour sterile fluids
Asceptic Technique (Using a Sterile Field)
- remove items from the stile field as needed.
- Anything that touches something non-sterile may not be returned to the sterile field.
- Expeditious use of stile fields.
Why Gown and Glove
It is important to gown and glove to keep our patients and ourselves uncontaminated. The protection of both the patient and the clinician.
Oder of Donning
Never do this out of order.
- Scrub Cap
- Mask
- Shoe Covers
- Wash hands
- Gown (tie neck then waist)
- Gloves
Don Scrub Cap
Pick up from the inside. Touch only the rear which is considered not sterile.
Don Mask
The inside and rear fasteners are considered non sterile.
Don Gown
- Touch the gown only on the inside.
- Lift the gown from the package
- Gently shake gown to open
- Work arms into the sleeves
- Have back of the neck tied
- use sterile forceps or lean technique to bring waist ties
behind and tie.