Govt Intervention - Promoting Competition and Contestability:Competitive Tendering and Promotion of Small Businesses Flashcards
What is competitive tendering and give examples
When a project is put out to tender so that private sector firms can bid for the right to provide the service
Laundry Services in hospitals
School Meal Services
Building and maintaining of roads
Arguments for and against competitive tendering
-Increased competition leads to lower prices for govt
-encourages greater efficiency
-promotes transparency in the procurement process
-Leads to a better value for taxpayers’ money
-poorer service quality due to profit motive
-Loss of accountability for private firms
-Job insecurity
-Lack of public control
-Costly and time-consuming
What are ways the govt can promote small businesses
-Giving training
-Providing grants
-Tax incentives
Benefit of promotion of small businesses
-Increase innovation
-increase efficiency
-incumbent firms are less likely to be x-inefficient