Govt Acct Flashcards
What are the three major types of funds in governmental accounting?
Governmental, Proprietary, Fiduciary
Which two accounting bases are used in governmental accounting?
Accrual basis - current economic resources focus (revenues recognized when earned) Modified accrual basis - current financial resources focus (revenues recognized when available and measurable)
What is a budget appropriation?
The highest amount allowed for a particular expenditure under a budget.
What is an encumbrance?
Records purchase and reserves it for the encumbrance.
What is the opening budgetary entry?
Dr Estimated Revenues Control Cr Appropriations Control Dr/Cr Budgetary Fund Balance (plug)
What is the closing budgetary entry?
Dr Appropriations Control Dr/Cr Budgetary Fund Balance (plug) Cr Estimated Revenues Control
What are the types of governmental funds?
General Fund Special Revenue Fund Permanent Fund Capital Projects Fund Debt Service Fund
What is a General Fund?
The operating fund of the governmental unit Records Significant Revenues: Taxes; Tickets; Fines; Licenses Records Significant Expenditures: Police; Education; Fire Dept
What is a Special Revenue Fund?
Restricted for a specific purpose such as street repair.
What is a Permanent Fund?
Legally restricted fund; where only earnings can be used to fund programs. Principal remains intact.
What is a Capital Projects Fund?
Used to acquire and build facilities.
What is a Debt Service Fund?
Handles repayment of long-term debt and related interest.
Which fund statements are issued in Governmental Accounting?
Balance Sheet Statement of Revenues; Expenditures; and Changes in Fund Balance
When is Revenue recorded in Governmental Accounting?
When it is BOTH available and measurable; regardless of when it is spent.
What is Derived Tax Revenue?
Money collected from people doing things: Sales tax (buying cars) or income tax (people working)