GOVT 422 FINAL Flashcards
Roth v. US
Prurient Interest Test
Obscenity has no legal redeeming social importance and receives no 1st amendment protection.
Tinker v. Des Moines
Student wore armbands to protest war.
Court considered this action “pure speech” which is protected by the 1st amendment.
NY Times v. Sullivan
Actual Malice
Public official may not recover damages unless he/she proves the statement was made with actual malice.
NY Times v. US
Pentagon Papers Case
Government tried to prevent NY Times from publishing excerpts from study on Vietnam policy
Court held that government’s attempt to block material was unconstitutional prior restraint
Miller v. California
Obscenity Test
Abrams v. US
Bad Tendency Test
Court affirmed Abrams’ conviction (a Socialist) for distributing leaflets urging workers to resist American involvement in Russia
US v. O’Brian
Draft-Card Case
Court Reject 1st Amendment claim of war protestor who burned draft card.
Govt’s card, does not belong to O’Brian.
Texas v. Johnson
Court said Johnson’s conduct did not threaten to disturb the peace
Johnson’s conduct was of an expressive, overtly political nature
Dissenting, Rehnquist stated that flag burning was not expressing any particular idea, but designed to antagonize others
US v. Eichmann
Congress passed Federal Flag Protection Act of 1989 making flag burning a federal crime
Court struck down this Act as applied to flag burning as political protest
VA v. Black
Court upheld Va law banning cross burning with intent to intimidate b/c burning a cross is a particularly violent form of intimidation.
Coates v. Cincinnatti
Court struck down ordinance making it unlawful for persons to conduct themselves in an annoying manner
US v. Stevens
Court found alarming videos of animals being crushed, protected.
Lochner v. NY
Supreme Court struck down law about working hours as an unjustified interference with right to labor
Unjustified interference with “right to labor” and “Liberty of Contract”
Cantwell v. Conn
Applied the Free Exercise Clause to the states.
State may not require prior approval to solicit for religious purposes door to door
Plessy v. Ferguson
“Separate but equal”
“Colorblind Constitution”
Dred Scott
First Supreme Court decision (after Marbury v. Madison) to declare an act of Congress ‘unconstitutional.’
- Extreme example of Judicial Activism.
Court held that blacks were not citizens of the state.
Nullified by the 13th and 14th amendments.
Ex Parte McCardle
Reconstruction Acts of the South allowed soldiers to arrest anybody who interfered. Congress changed the supreme courts appellate jurisdiction during the argument and therefore they were forced to drop the case.
DC v. Heller
Recognized that the 2nd amendment granted individuals to bear arms.
Chicago v. McDonald
2nd amendment rights are protected against state government by 14th amendment.
Hammer v. Daggenheart
Congress could not reach child labor because its not manufacturer. Therefore not regulated by commerce.
Gibbons v. Ogden
Commerce Clause. Constitution empowers congress to regulate commerce, Congress could not regulate trade solely with one state but instead “between” states, 1793 congressional licensing act took precedence over the state act.
Buckley v. Valeo
Congress placed a limit on contributions to candidates.
Does this abridge citizen’s first amendment rights? Yes.
National League of Cities v. Usery
Congress amended the Fair Labor Standard Act in order to control minimum wage/overtime for government employees.
These amendments were considered unconstitutional because congress’ commerce power is limited and is protected by the tenth amendment.
Swift and Co. v. US
Challenged activities (buying and selling cattle) were local, but court found them to be in ‘current of commerce” among states. Permits federal regulation of commerce that is no longer of an interstate nature.