govornment terms Flashcards
1 person possesses unlimited power & citizens have limited role in government
supreme power is vested in the people & exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system
of representation involving free elections. THEY VOTE !
Parliamentary democracy
citizens elect members of Parliament, and then the members select the leader
Leader works with or through the legislature. Indirectly elected by the people.
Presidential Democracy
system of government in which the leader is constitutionally independent of the
legislature; citizens directly elect leader.
Traditional Economy
social roles and culture determine how goods and services are produced, what prices
and individual incomes are, and which consumers are allowed to buy certain goods.
Command Economy
: a system in which the government decides what goods will be produced, how they will
be produced, and how they will be distributed.
Market Economy
this system is based on individual choices and voluntary trade; individuals answer the
basic questions of what to produce, for whom to produce, and how to produce.
Mixed Economy
this system has features of traditional, command, and market systems; all modern
economies are mixed economies, but the mix is different in each nation.
Something people exchange for goods or services. Ex: The money in circulation in any country.
The total value of all the goods and services produced in a country in a year.
Often an indicator of Standard of Living (just like the literacy rate)…it’s like a big (imaginary) calculator that
keeps track of all the money spent in a country in a year.
A government law stopping trade between two countries. A government restriction on trade with a
foreign nation. Something that stops trade.
A limit on the amount of products allowed from other countries.
A restriction on the quantity (number) of a good that can be imported during a specific time period
would be called an “import quota”.
A tax that the government puts on imported or exported goods. Makes trade more expensive.
When a person starts, organizes and manages a business. They’re willing to
risk everything for the possibility of success & profits.
Capital Goods
The products, items, and machines a business needs to run & succeed.
Examples:Machines, Factories, A car manufacturing plant, Technology, Computers, Software.
Human Capital
A person who has skills for a job. A worker or employee.
Examples: The knowledge and experience that a worker in a factory, A hair stylist, An actor, Waiter/waitress, A
person who mows lawns, Teacher, Carpenter etc. would have.
The thing that a country does best
Standard of living
the amount of wealth and prosperity that is able to be used in a community or for a person