Governors, Governor-generals And Viceroys Flashcards




The EIC was run by the Governor of Bengal till 1772

Madras and Bombay presidencies also had separate governors

After 1772, through the Regulating act of 1773, the governor of Bengal was made governor general

This setup continued until 1833. Warren Hastings was the first governor general

Lord William bentick was the first governor general of India (1833-57). The governor general of Bengal was called the governor general of India

In the GOI Act of 1857, the name of the governor general was changed to Viceroy. Lord canning being the 1st Viceroy in India

The GOI act of 1935 changed the post of Viceroy to governor general of India again, this system continued till 1950

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Governors of Bengal (1757-74)


Robert Clive (1757-60 and 1765-67)
The victory in the Battle of Plassey in 1757 led Robert Clive to become the governor of Bengal

After the Battle of Buxar, Clive was made the governor general again in 1765

In this period, he brought the policy of dual government in Bengal which continued till 1772

Clive and Warren Hastings were instrumental in laying the foundation of British power in India

Clive was also criticised for his policies which led to famine in Bengal. In 1770, Clive established the society for trade, which meant as a monopoly but not allowed by the EIC.

Governors after Clive:

John Zephaniah Holwell – temporary governor of Bengal in 1760. Survived the black hole incidence in Calcutta, June, 1757

Henry vanisttart – governor of Bengal from 1760-65. In his governorship, battle of Buxar was fought

Harry verelst, governor of Bengal from 1761-69. At his time, Bengal was under dual government rule

John Cartier, governor of Bengal from 1769-72. During this time, the 1st famine of modern India occured in 1770

Warren Hastings – governor of Bengal in 1772 and continued till 1773. Abolished the dual government system.

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Governor Generals of Bengal (1773-1833)


Warren Hastings (1773-84)
Lord cornwallis (1786-93)
Sir John Shore (1793-98)
Lord Wellesley (1798-1805)
Sir George Barlow (1805-07)
Lord Minto 1 (1807-13)
Lord Hastings (1813-23)
Lord Amherst (1823-28)

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Warren Hastings (1773-84)


He was the first governor general of India
He was impeached in 1784 for corruption and was acted in 1795 and made a privy councillor
He joined the British East India company in 1750 as a clerk
In 1757 he was made the British resident of Murshidabad
He was appointed to the Calcutta council in 1761 but went back to England in 1764
He return to India in 1769 as a member of the Madras Council
Hastings took measures to contain the rohillas tho they could not be prevented from capturing Agra
Hastings concluded Treaties with various rulers and sought Alliances against the powerful forces of Haidar Ali of Carnatic
However in order to wage these wars, he borrowed heavily from the begum of Awadh and Raja Chait Singh of Banaras

Administrative reforms:
Warren hastings put an end to the dual system of government in Bengal, established by Robert Clive in 1768. Due to which the company took responsibility for revenue collection.
He also stopped the payment of 26 lakh given to the Mughal emperor

Revenue reforms:
A Board of revenue was established in Calcutta to supervise collection of revenue
In 1772, Calcutta was made capital and the treasury was shifted from Murshidabad to Calcutta
English collectors were appointed in each district, who were helped by native officials
Warren Hastings made the account of revenue simple, intelligent and made many provisions for the protection of ryots

Judicial reforms:
Warren Hastings carried reforms in the judicial system
A civil Court and faujdari Adalat (criminal Court) in each district was to be established
A Supreme Court was also established in 1774 under the regulating act of 1773 during the tenure of Warren Hastings

Social reforms:
The Asiatic society of Bengal was established in 1784 by Hastings
He established a madrasa in Calcutta for the development of Muslim education
In 1791 a Sanskrit school was established in Banaras by Jonathan Duncon
Hastings strengthened the British power India by signing the Treaty of Banaras in 1773 and the Treaty of Faizabad in 1775
This increased the influence of the English in the state of Awadh and made the nawab dependent on the company

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Lord cornwallis (1786-93)


After Hastings, Sir John Jefferson was made the acting governor general for 1 year from 1785 to 86, then Lord Cornwallis came to India as the next governor general of India.

Cornwallis was again made the governor of India in 1805. In the mean time, he died in Ghazipur in 1805. His tomb is situated in Jaipur.

Cornwallis is called the father of civil service in India. He started the civil services for administration in British India

He was the first person to codify laws in 1793. The code separated the revenue administration from the administration of justice. This is known as the Cornwallis code.

He also created the post of district judg

The zamindari system was also introduced by Lord Cornwallis in 1793 by permanent settlement. It fixed the land rights of the zamindars in perpetuity without any provision for fixed rent or occupancy rights for actual cultivators

The share of government in the total land revenue collected by the zamindars was at 10/11th and the rest went to zamindars

According to the permanent land revenue settlement, the zamindars were recognised as the permanent owners of the land

In his period, the third Anglo Mysore war took place, in which defeat of Tipu Sultan led to the treaty of seringa in 1792

In his period the europeanisation of administrative machinery was done.

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Sir John Shore (1793-98)


The British Parliament pass the charter act of 1793 in the time of sir John shore

The period of shore’s rule as governor general was comparatively uneventful

His policy was attacked as balancing and timid

His rule saw the battle of kharda between Nizam and marathas in 1795

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Lord Wellesley (1798-1805)


Lord Wellesley vigorously applied the policy of subsidiary Alliance to achieve British paramountcy in India

The first subsidiary Alliance was made with the Nizam of Hyderabad in 1798

Through the subsidiary Alliance princely rulers were stopped from making any negotiations and treaty with any other Indian ruler without informing the company officials

They were also not supposed to maintain any standing armies

They were instead to be protected by the troops of European companies and princely rulers had to pay for up keep of the British army station at them. A British resident was also kept at the court of the native ruler

He also founded the Board of Trade

He sent a British envoy mehdi Ali Khan to the court of Shah of Persia. Later he sent John Marshall

Wellesley passed a regulation for controlling the press. No newspaper was to be published at all until the manuscript of the whole paper was submitted to and approved by the government

Christian missionaries established a printing press at serampore

Wellesley founded Fort Williams College. Sir John Gilchrist was appointed as head of Hindustani language department

The fourth Anglo Mysore war was fought in his rule in 1799, resulting in the defeat and death of Tipu Sultan and the annexation of many parts of Mysore

Wellesley took the administration of Tanjore on 25th October 1977, of Surat in March 1800 and Carnatic on 1st July 1801

In his rule, the treaty of bassein was signed in 1802 and the second Anglo Maratha war was fought in between 1803 to 1805, resulting in the defeat of the Scindia, bhonsle and holkars

The Madras presidency was formed under his governorship

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Sir George Barlow (1805-07)


In his governorship, the Vellore mutiny of sepoys to place in 1806

Main grievances of the sepoys were related to uniform, haircuts, etc.

It was surprised by the governor of Madras, who at the time was William bentick.

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Lord Minto 1 (1807-13)


The main event in his governorship was the treaty of Amritsar in 1809 with Ranjit Singh

On this treaty Charles Metcalfe signed on behalf of the British administration

The charter act of 1813 was also passed during his tenure

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Lord Hastings (1813-23)


The Nepalese war of 1814-16 occurred during his governorship. The gorkha’s accepted the treaty of sagauli in March 1816

He participated in the pindari war of 1817-18, which resulted in the separation of the pindaris

He fought the third Maratha War from 1817 to 1818, where in the Maratha power was finally crushed. Peshwaship was abolished and all his territories were annexed

Bombay presidency was created out of the Maratha regions in 1818

The ryotwari settlement was introduced into the Madras presidency by governor Thomas Monroe in 1820

This was the primary land revenue system in South India. Major areas of introduction were, Madras, Bombay, parts of Assam and Coorg provinces of British India

In the ryotwari system, the ownership rights were handed over to the peasants. The British government collected taxes directly from them

The revenue rates of the ryotwari system where 50% where the lands were dry and 60% on irrigated land.

Though ownership of land was vested with the farmers, excessive tax impoverished them. Further more, the tax rates were frequently increased

The Bengal tenancy Act was passed in 1822. Coffee plantation was started in Bengal & Assam region during his tenure

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Lord Amherst (1823-28)


Forth in the first Burmese war (1824-26)
During his tenure, Barrackpore mutiny to place in 1824
The Malay Peninsula was also added to the British territories in his reign
Capture of territories of Bharatpur was done in 1826 by him

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Governor generals and viceroys of India (1828-1950)


The charter act of 1833 provided the role of governor general of India and placed the territories of Bengal, Madras and Bombay and others under his control.

Lord William bentick (1828-35)
Sir Charles metcalfe (1834-36)
Lord Auckland (1836-42)
Lord Ellenborough (1842-44)
Lord hardinge I (1844-48)
Lord Dalhousie (1848-56)
Lord canning (1856-62)
Lord Elgin I (1862-63)
Sir John Lawrence (1864-69)
Lord mayo (1869-72)
Lord northbrook (1872-76)
Lord lytton (1876-80)
Lord Ripon (1880-84)
Lord dufferin (1884-88)
Lord Lansdowne (1888-94)
Lord Elgin II (1894-99)
Lord Curzon (1889-1905)
Lord Minto II (1905-10)
Lord hardinge II (1910-16)
Lord Chelmsford (1916-21)
Lord reading (1921-26)
Lord Irwin (1926-31)
Lord willingdon (1931-36)
Lord linlithgow (1936-44)
Lord wavell (1944-47)
Lord Mountbatten (1947-48)
C. Raja gopalachari (June 1948-January 1950)

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Lord William bentinck (1828-35)


Last governor general of Bengal from 1828 to 1833, and first governor general of India from 1833 to 1835

He is regarded as one of the liberal and enlightened governor generals of India.

He is said to be the father of modern Western education in India

In his tenure, the annexation of Mysore in 1831 took place

He concluded a treaty of perpetual friendship with Ranjit Singh in 1831

The charter act of 1833 was passed during his reign. It provided that no Indian subject of company was to be debarred from holding in office on account of his religion, birth, descent and colour. So the removal of distinction in recruitment to public services was removed.

He abolished sati in 1829 forst to Bengal and then to Madras and Bombay in 1830

Suppression of thugi was another refund taken by him in 1830

In education, he brought the Macaulay minute and English was made the official language of the British Indian administration, which helped the growth of higher education in India

In judicial reforms, the provincial courts of appeal and circuit courts were abolished. Their duties were transferred to magistrates and collectors under the supervision of the commissioner of revenue and circuit

For the convenience of the public of upper province and Delhi, a separate Sadr nizamat Adalat and a Sadr diwani Adalat where set up at Allahabad

The residence of these areas when no longer under the necessity of travelling long distances to file their appeals at Calcutta

Persian was so far the court language. Bentinck gave the suitors the option to use vernaculars in filing their suits. In higher courts, Persian was replaced by the English language

Qualified Indians were appointed in junior judicial capacities of munsiffs and could rise to the position of sadr amins.

William bentinck followed the policy of non interference into the affairs of Indian states as far as possible.

At the request of the new Nizam, nazeer-ul-daula, who succeeded his father to Gaddi in 1829, the British officers were removed from Hyderabad

Similar policy of non intervention was followed towards the states of Jodhpur, Bundi, Kota and Bhopal

However Bentinck departed from the policy of non intervention and annexed Mysore in 1831, Coorg in 1834 and Central Cachar in November 1834 on the plea of misgovernance.

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Sir Charles metcalfe (1834-36)


He is known for freeing the press in India

Passed the famous Press Law, removing the restrictions placed on press

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Lord Auckland (1836-42)


The first Afghan war (1838-42) happened during his reign, in which the British suffered heavy losses

That defeat was a blow to the prestige of British power in India

Due to this, Tripathi treaty was made in 1858 between shah sh, Ranjit Singh and the British for Afghanistan

Shah Shuja worst be seated on the Afghan seat, later Ranjit Singh withdrew from this treaty

In his tenure, the construction of a road from Delhi to Kolkata was started in 1839 and during this time, the Sher Shah Suri Marg was renamed the grand trunk road.

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Lord Ellenborough (1842-44)


In his 2 years of tenure, he brought an to the Afghan war

Sindh was annexed in 1843 in the leadership of Charles Napier

He brought the Indian slavery act, 1843 which abolished slavery in India


Lord hardinge I (1844-48)


Anglo Sikh war (1848) occurred during his reign in 4 places, mudki, sobraon, Feroz Shah and aliwal

Came to an end with the treaty of Lahore in 1846

He also took steps to abolish female infanticide and human sacrifice


Lord Dalhousie (1848-56)


The second Anglo Sikh war was fought in 1840, in which Sikhs where defeated in Punjab was annexed to the British Empire in 18 days

In Dalhousie’s time, the second Anglo Burmese war in 1852 took place, in this war the Burmese lost and lower Burma (Pegi) were dissolved in the British Empire

Sikkim was merged with the English Kingdom in 1850

A major revolt by Santhals 1856 took place in his tenure which was suppressed

The doctrine of lapse:
Using this lapse, Satara in 1848, Jaitpur and Sambhalpur in 1849, Baghat in 1850, Jhansi in 1853, Udaipur in 1852 and Nagpur in 1854 were merged with the British Empire

In 1856, Awadh was annexed by Dalhousie and merge with the British Empire on the basis of misgovernance

Reforms taken by Dalhousie:
Dalhousie appointed A lieutenant governor for Bengal to East the work of the governor general of India under administrative reforms

Territories which had been recently annexed to the British Empire where put in a system of a centralised control in which a commissioner was appointed to the territory who report in directly to the governor general

This was also called the non regulation system

In military reform, he raise The Gorkha regiment

Dalhousie also emphasize the reduction of Indians in the British army which he saw as a danger. The Gorkha regiment helped in the separation of the revolt of 1857

In educational reforms, he recommended the thomsonian system of vernacular education for the whole of the North Western provinces (1853)

Wood’s education dispatch of 1854 an opening of Anglo vernacular schools and Government colleges came in his tenure

An engineering college was set up in Roorkee

Public works like the first railway line connecting Bombay with Thane was started in 1853

The electric telegraph services also began during his reign

He also laid the basis for the modern postal service in 1854. A separate Public works department was set up for the first time

He also work on the construction of the grand trunk road and developed the harbours of Karachi, Bombay and Calcutta


Lord canning (1856-62)


Last governor general of India, 1st Viceroy of India due to the Government of India Act of 1858

This act ended the rule of East India company and Indian territory came under direct control of the British monarchy

In his tenure, the widow remarriage Act was passed on 25th July 1856

The revolt of 1857 took place under his governorship

He withdrew the policy of doctrine of lapse

The Indian councils act of 1861 was passed. 8 proof to be a landmark in the constitutional history of India

The Indian penal code of criminal procedure (1859) And The Indian High Court act of 1861 were enacted

Income tax was introduced for the first time in 1858 in his tenure

Other recommendation of the Wood’s dispatch, universities of Calcutta, Madras and Bombay where founded in 1857

The Indigo riots in Bengal (1860) took place under his governorship


Lord Elgin I (1862-63)


The wahabi movement, a pan islamic movement began in this period. Suppressed by the Britishers

Died in dharamshala in 1863, which was Punjab at that time


Sir John Lawrence (1864-69)


Adopted the policy of non intervention in case of Afghanistan

He was a friend of the Afghanistan ruler, Sher Ali

In his tenure, the reason of Orissa, Bundelkhand and Rajputana fell under severe famine

A famine Commission was set up under George Campbell to deal with the famine

Telegraphic communication was open with Europe through sea in his tenure

High courts were set up in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay in 1865 and reorganised the native judicial service

Expanded canal works and railways

The Bhutan war of 1865 took place during his reign

He also created the Indian forest department


Lord mayo (1869-72)


Under his rule, the system of state railways began

Establishment of colleges for the education and political training of the Indian princes was done

Rajkot college in Kathiawad and the Mayo College at Ajmer were established

The organisation of statistical survey of India under WW Hunter was done and the first chances of India was taken up in 1872

Department of agriculture and commerce was established

Initiated the process of financial decentralization in India in 1870

Took up the first step in the direction of separation of Central and provincial finances

In 1872, Sher Ali Afridi, and Afridi Pathan, a convict in the andamans assassinated Mayo

He was the only Viceroy to be murdered in office


Lord northbrook (1872-76)


The kuka movement of Punjab to place in 1872 in his tenure

The Prince of Wales (King Edward the seventh) visited during his reign in 1875

He donated 10000 rupees to Muhammedan Anglo Oriental College


Lord lytton (1876-80)


He was a great writer and talented administrator

He wrote with the synonym Owen Meredith for writing poetry

During his tenure, the second Anglo Afghan war was fought from 1878 to 1880. Adopted an aggressive policy towards Afghanistan

Under the chairmanship of Richard Strachey, a Commission was formed in his tenure. This Commission had advise the constitution of the famine fund in each province

During his reign, the Delhi darbar was organised on 1st January 1877 in which Queen Victoria was honoured with the titles of Kaiser e Hind

This was organised while the country underwent severe famine.

It was during Lytton’s time that the vernacular press Act was passed in 1878. Newspapers were banned in the Indian languages because of this act. This act was known as Galaghot act

He is also criticized for free trade and abolition of duties on manufacturing goods in India, which led to the drain of wealth

He also lower the maximum age limit from 21 to 19 years


Lord Ripon (1880-84)


Repealed the vernacular press Act in 1882

And introduced the first factory act of 1881 for improving the conditions of the workers in factories

During his tenure, census began to take place regularly from 1881

The introduction of local self government begin in 1882 with the resolution for local self government. That is why he is called the father of local self government in India

He found the hunter Commission 1882, which worked to improve primary education in India

Ilbert bill controversy took place during his time in 1883. This bill try to do away with discrimination by allowing Indian jurists to try Europeans.

But the bill had to be amended because of protests by Europeans. He resigned after this


Lord dufferin (1884-88)


The third Anglo burmese war (1885-88) took place during his tenure

Burma was defeated in this war

This led to the annexation of lower and upper Burma in 1885

In his rule, the tenancy Act was passed in Bengal in 1885, according to which the landlords could no longer snacks the land of the farmers as per their wish

It was during Dufferin’s time that the Indian National Congress was established in 1885

The Allahabad University was established in 1887 during his tenure


Lord Lansdowne (1888-94)


In the time of Lansdowne, the second factory Act was passed in 1891

Also the Indian Council act of 1892 was passed in his tenure

It was during this very period that the boundary line between India and Afghanistan was determined, called the durand line


Lord Elgin II (1894-99)


During his tenure, between 1896 to 1898, there was a severe famine in UP, MP, Bihar and Punjab

In 1898, Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of James Lyall to investigate these

In the time of Elgin himself, opium Commission was constituted in 1893

The Munda uprising from 1899 took place under his regime

2 British officials, Rand and Amherst where assassinated by chappekar brothers in 1897 in his tenure


Lord Curzon (1889-1905)


He created the territory of eastern Bengal and Assam
Partition of Bengal was also planned under his tenure
He United the new Northwest Frontier. He started interference in Tibet by accusing the Dalai Lama of his inclination towards Russia. In the year 1903 under the leadership of Colonel Young, the army went to sign a treaty with Tibet

Curzon established the Indian University Commission under Raleigh in 1902. The Indian universities Act was passed in the year 1904 on the basis of the recommendation of the commission

Lord Curzon set up a police Commission under the chairmanship of Sir Andrew Fraser in 1902. In the year 1903, the criminal investigation department was set up under the police department

During the reign of Curzon, a famine Commission was appointed under the chairmanship of Anthony McDonnell. Its function was to make recommendations in the matter of running the system of famine assistance effectively

During his reign, the agricultural research institute was set up at Pusa, New Delhi

In the year 1901, an irrigation Commission headed by Sir Colin Scot Moncrieff was set up to study the problem of irrigation in India


Lord Minto II (1905-10)


The anti partition and Swadeshi movement against the Bengal partition were one of the main events to occur during his tenure

Muslim league was founded in 1906 by Aga Khan in his tenure

Congress announced its goal of Swaraj in Calcutta session in 1906

Split in congress took place in its annual session of Surat in 1907

In his tenure in 1908, Khudiram Bose was sentenced to death and Bal Gangadhar Tilak was sent to present for 6 years

The Indian Council act of 1909 was also called Morley-Minto reforms. It widened the gulf between Hindus and Muslims by announcing separate electorates


Lord hardinge II (1910-16)


The Delhi darbar was organised in 1911 during the reign of Lord hardinge 2.

King George 5 and Queen Mary of Britain came for the coronation and visited the Darbar

The partition of Bengal was cancelled at the time of king George 5 and Queen Mary’s Delhi darbar and the transfer of capital to Delhi from Calcutta was announced in 1911

On 23rd December 1912 hardinge was hit by a bomb while entering Delhi in which he got injured

World War 1 began during his reign

In 1916, Lord hardinge gave his permission to open the Banaras Hindu University


Lord Chelmsford (1916-21)


The Home rule league was formed in 1916 during the time of Lord Chelmsford. At the same time, women University was established in Pune

Lucknow pact was signed between Congress and the Muslim league in 1916 and the moderates and extremists also came back together in the same year

The sadler commission on education was appointed in 1917

It was during this period that the rowlatt Act of 1990 was passed, during this time the jallianwala Bagh massacre took place on 13th April 1919 and the GOI act of 1919 was passed

During the time of Chelmsford, the khilafat movement, non cooperation movement from 1920-1922 took place

The third Anglo Afghan war took place in 1919 during his reign


Lord reading (1921-26)


He was the only Jewish Viceroy to come to India

During his reign, on the recommendation of the Acworth committee, the railway budget was separated from the general budget

Moplah rebellion took place in Kerala in 1921

The Swaraj party was founded in December 1922 during the time of Reading

On 5th February 1922, after the incident at chauri chaura, the non cooperation movement was stopped
Civil services exams began to be held in Delhi and London simultaneously from 1923
It was at the time of Reading that the Lee Commission for public service was established in the year 1924

On 19th August 1925 at the time of the kakori incident, reading was the viceroy of India


Lord Irwin (1926-31)


In the tenure of Lord Irwin, the Simon came Commission came to India

The Nehru report in 1928 was published under the chairmanship of Motilal Nehru

Against the Nehru report jinnah put his 14 points

The royal Commission related to agriculture was appointed in 1928 in his tenure

On 31st December 1929 the declaration of Purna Swaraj in Lahore session was made

On 26 January 1930 independence day was organised in the entire country

Civil disobedience was launched by Gandhiji on 12th March 1930. In it Dandi March also took place

The first round table conference was held in London in 1930

Gandhi Irwin pact took place in March 1931


Lord willingdon (1931-36)


The second round table conference was organised in London in 1931

It was during willingdon’s time that Ramsay McDonald announced the communal award in 1932

Individual civil disobedience movement was launched in his tenure

The third round table conference was held in 1932

The Government of India Act of 1935 was passed

India was separated in 1935 from Burma

In 1936, all India Kisan Sabha was formed


Lord linlithgow (1936-44)


During his tenure, the first general elections were conducted and the Congress attained absolute majority

The Congress formed ministries in the majority of the provinces in 1937

Congress ministries resigned in 1939 after the outbreak of the second world war

Subhash Chandra Bose was elected the Congress President in 1938 and later resigned and formed the forward bloc in 1939

The August offer was proposed by Viceroy in 1940 and was rejected by Congress

The cripps mission also came in 1942

On 7th August 1942, congress session pass the quit India resolution in 8th August 1942 and launch the quit India movement


Lord wavell (1944-47)


CR Formula was evolved by C Rajagopalachari in 1944 and Gandhi jinnah talks based on it took place in 1944

On 25th June 1945 the Shimla conference took place to discuss the Wavell plan

On 28 January 1946 wavell announced the government’s intention to set up an executive Council of political leaders

On 18th February 1946, mutiny of the Indian naval ratings occurred in Bombay

The INA trial begin in 1946

On 15th March 1946 Atlee announced the cabinet mission under Pethick Lawrence, Stafford Cripps and AV Alexander, who arrived in Delhi on 24th March 1946

Its proposal was accepted by congress

The direct action day in August 1946 was observed by the Muslim league

Elections were held for the constituent assembly and an interim government was formed by the Congress on September 1946

Prime minister of England, Clement Atlee announce the end of the day rule in India on 20th February, 1947


Lord Mountbatten (1947-48)


Announce the third June 1947 plan, also called the Mountbatten plan

The Indian independence Bill was introduced in the house of commons during his tenure on 4th July 1947

As per the bill, the two independent Nations, India and Pakistan were to be formed

Two boundary commissions under Sir Cyril Redcliffe were appointed for the partition of Punjab & Bengal

Pakistan got independence on 14th August 1947 and India on 15th August 1947

After independence, Mountbatten became the first governor general of free India


C. Raja gopalachari (June 1948-January 1950)


Last governor general of free India

Only Indian government governor general

In his tenure, the constitution was adopted on 26 November 1949 and enacted on 26 January 1950.