Governor Generals Flashcards
1 St governor of Bengal
Robert Clive
1 St Governor General of Bengal
Warren Hastings
Warren Hastings
1 St to be Impeached
1773 Regulatory Act
1st Supreme Court in Calcutta
Pitts Act
Gita translated in Enf by Charles Wilkins
Founded Diwani and adalat systems ( Appalet courts )
Treaty of Mangalore
Treaty of salbai
Rohilia war
Father of Civil services
Cornwallis ( 1786)
Permanent settlement of India
3 Rd Anglo Mysore war + Treaty of Seringpatram.
Created post of District judge
Izaredari system
Who 1 St introduced Charter Act
John Shore ( 1793)
Subsidiary Alliance system introduced ?
Lord Wellesley - 4 th Anglo Mysore war n 2 Anglo Maratha war
Censorship of Press Act (1798)
Lord Wellesley
Charter Act of 1813 ??
Ended East india company monopoly under Lord Minto 1
Who adopted the policy of intervention and war ??
1813- Lord Hastings ( Anglo Nepal war)
1 St Governor General of India? (1829)
Lord William Benedict ( 1 St medical clg established in Calcutta)
Established commisioners
1833 Charter Act
Father of Modern Western education?
William Benedict (1829)
Abolished Sati ?
William Benedict (1829)
William Benedict
Signed Treaty of friendship
Desposed Mysore kind annexed his territories
1st Medical College in Calcutta
Liberator of Press ? (1835)
Sir Radcliffe Metcalfe
***GT Road ( Calcutta to Delhi ) ? Constructed (1839)
Lord Auckland ( had renamed Sher Shah Suri marg as GT Road )
Lord Ellenbourgh
Annexed Sindh
Ended Afghan War
Lord Hardinge (1844)
Doctrine of Lapse (1848)
Lord Dalhousie
Widow remarriage Act (1848)
Lord Dalhousie
Woods Educational Dispatch (1848)
Lord Dalhousie
Annexed Sindh
Lord Ellenbourgh
Annexed Punjab
Lord Dalhousie
Introducing railways, postal system n telegraph
Lord Dalhousie ( Santhal uprisings)
1st Viceroy of India (1858)
Lord Canning