Governmental Reporting Flashcards
what is the acronym CAFR and what does it contain
Comprehensive Annual Financial Reporting - A report issued by a governmental entity that includes the entity’s audited statements for the fiscal year as well as other information about the entity
In the statistical section of CAFR info can be presented in 5 categories what are they
- Financial Trends Info
- Revenue capacity info
- Debt capacity
- Demographic & economic info
- Operating Info.
what are the components of governmental accounting and the basis of accounting
DRIP CEG Modified accrual 1.Debt service Fund 2.Special Revenue Funds 3.Permanent Fund 4. Capital Project FUnds 5. General Fund Accrual 6.Internal Services Fund 7. Enterprise FUnds PIPA 8.Pension Trust 9. Investment Trust Fund 10. Private Purpose Trust Funds 11. Agency Funds
what does financial statement for proprietary fund include?
Financial statements for proprietary funds include (1) a statement of net position, (2) a statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net position, and (3) a statement of cash flows.
what does financial statement for governmental fund include
Financial statements for governmental funds include (1) a balance sheet and (2) a statement of revenues, expenditures, and (3) changes in fund balances.
what are the required supplementary information in the financial statements of state and local governments under GASB 34.
there are 5 categories which are:
These five categories are
* Management’s Discussion and Analysis;
* Schedule of Funding Progress and Schedule of Employer Contributions (these schedules relate to pension disclosures);
* Budgetary Comparison Schedules (this disclosure is for governmental funds)
* Information about Infrastructure Assets Reported Using the Modified Approach; and
* Certain information about Risk Financing Activities.
what financial statements should be prepared by a NFP hospital
Not-for-profit hospitals should prepare a balance sheet, a statement of operations, a statement of changes in net assets, and a statement of cash flows.
What is the purpose of the statement of net assets, statement of operations, and balance sheet
The statement of changes in net assets reports the changes in the hospital’s unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted net assets for a time period. The statement of operations discloses only the changes in unrestricted net assets for a time period, while the balance sheet discloses the amounts of unrestricted, temporarily restricted, and permanently restricted net assets as of a specific date.
Which entries does not require a statement of cash flows
GASB does not require it.
What statement are prepared by a voluntary health and welfare organ. (VHWO)?
Statement of functional expenses
Statement of financial position
Statement of activities
Statement of cash flows
What does it mean to have fund balance lassitude as committed?
They are amounts that can only be used for a specific purpose because of constraints imposed by formal action of the government’s highest level of decision making authority.
What financial statements are prepared by a non profit hospital
- Balance sheet
- Statement of operations
- Statement of changes in net assets
- Statement of cash flows
What is appropriation
It is a budgetary account which represents the total authorized expenditures for the current period. It is recorded in the beginning of the period as a credit.