Governmental Accounting (Part B) Flashcards
What are the three categories that functions/programs categorized into for government-wide statement of activities?
1) Primary Government Activities = GRaSPP + S
2) Primary Government Business-Type Activities = E
3) Component Units = Rescue Squad, BOE
What are three program revenue category types, and give definition for government-wide statement of activities? “SOC”
1) Charges for Services
- Charges for services to customers who benefit from goods or services (water and sewer fees, licenses, building permits)
- Charges for service to other governments such as housing prisoners
- Fines and forfeitures
2) Operating Grants and Contributions
- Restricted for use in a particular program
3) Capital Grants and Contributions
What are the net (expense) revenue and changes in net position for government-wide statement of activities?
1) Primary government activities column
2) Primary business-type activities column
3) Component unit column
4) Total column (1 & 2)
What are the two criteria that (both must be met) for major fund reporting for government-wide fund financial statements of governmental fund’s balance sheet?
1) The 10% test states that, the individual GRSPP funds are compared to the total of all GRSPP funds, and the individual E funds are compared to the total of all E funds.
- 10% or more of the total revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets and deferred outflows of resources, or liabilities and deferred inflows of resources.
2) The 5% test states that, the individual GRSPP funds are compared to the total of all the governmental funds AND enterprises funds. The individual enterprise funds are compared to the total of all enterprise AND governmental funds.
- 5% or more of the total revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets and deferred outflows of resources, or liabilities and deferred inflows of resources.
How do you reconcile GRaSPP funds balance sheet to government-wide statement of net position (balance sheet)
GRaSPP - Fund balance
+ Assets (non-current)
- Liabilities (non-current)
+ Service (internal) fund net position
ADJUSTMENTS Basis of Accounting Accrued Revenues and Expenses
How do you reconcile GRaSPP funds statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance to government-wide statement of activities (income statement)
GRaSPP - Net change in fund balance
- Other financing sources
+ Expenditure - capital outlay (net of depreciation)
+ Service (internal) fund net income
ADJUSTMENTS Basis of Accounting Accrued Revenues and Expenses
What are the seven differences between commercial statement of cash flows and government-wide proprietary funds statement of cash flows?
1) The direct method is required (no indirect method)
2) A reconciliation of operating income to net cash provided
3) 4 Categories instead of three: A) Operating Activities B) Capital and related financing activities C) Noncapital financing activities D) Investing Activities
4) The order of financing and investing activities categories are reversed
5) Interest income/cash receipts are “investing activities” not operating activities
6) Interest expense/cash receipts are either:
A) Capital and related financing or
Noncapital financing
7) Capital asset purchases are reported as “financing activities” not as investing activities
What is required and optional in Required Supplementary Information (Not part of F/S)
Schedules must show original budget, final amended budget, and actual amounts.
1) Variances between budget and actual is optional
2) Variances between original and final amended budget is optional.