Governmental accounting (Part B) Flashcards
Reconcilation of change in fund balance
Fund Finanicial statements
Income statement
G Change in Governmental Fund Balance
-Other financing sources
+Expenditure-Capital Outlay (net of dep)
_+S Internal Service Fund Net Income _
Basis of Accounting
Additonal Occured All adjustments
Reconcilation of change in fund balance
Fund Finanicial statements
Balance Sheet
GRaSPP Fund Balance
+Assets (noncurrent)
-Liablities (noncurrent)
_+Service (Internal) fund net posision _
Basis of Accounting
Accured All Adjustments
The statment of activities of the government-wide statements is primarily to assess what?
The effectivness and efficency of Operational accountability
For supplementary information for GASB 34 (Basic Finanicial statemetns and MD&A), what supplementay information is required?
- Schedule showing the orginal budget
- The final operations budget
- Actual inflows outflows and balances on a budgetary basis
Varainces are NOT required to be shown.
If a financial independent authority provides loans to a commercial business operating in a county, where would these loan disbursments go on the cash flow statement?
In operating activities.
Operating activities are those that are central activities for that group.
So if giving loans is what they do, that would be central, therefore in operating activities.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (GAFR), what are the parts?
Introduction section (MD&A)
Basic finanical statements
Supplementary information
What do fund finanical statements look to provide?
Fiscal accountability
What is part of the basic financial statements for GASB 34?
Government-wide financial statements
Fund Financial statements
Notes to the Financial statements
Reporting for General purpose Governmental Units.
Statements required and order
MD&A (Supplementary Information)
Basic financial statements
Required Supplementary information other than MD&A
Integrated approach
The joint presentation of governmentwide and fund finanical statements and approiate reconcialtion.
CAFR is divided into what sections
Introductory section
Basic Finanical Statements and Required Supplementary Information
Statistical section
Government-wide finanical statements does not include what activities?
Fiducary activities
Component units (rescue squad, Board of Ed.)
Modified accrual for capitlizing infrastructure. Basic rule
Infrastructure expenditures are reported as expenses except for:
outays that result in additions or improvements, which would be capitizlied.
What all is in program revenue?
Charges for services
Operating grants and contributions
Capital grants and contributions
Criteria for determing major funds
10 percent of revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets, or liabilities for all governemtnal OR enterprise
5 percent of the total of the associated totals for ALL governmental AND enterprise funds.
Fund balance/equity is not used
Comparisons under GASB 34
Presentations of budget vs. actual amounts for the General Fund and EACH major Special Revenue Fund
a legally adopted budget presented in either the Required Supplemntary Information (RSI) or within the Basic Finanical Statements
RSI for infrastructure information using modified accrual
Assesed conditon of the infrastructure
Estimated annual amount to maintain and preserve infrastructure for each of the past five years
Blended presentation
A board of the component unit is substantively the same as that of the primary government
The component unit serves the primary government exclusively or almost exclcusively
and, The component unit is not a separate legal entity
Discrete presentation (separate presentation)
When the criteria for blended is not met
Most common although with the CPA exam they don’t seem to give a fuck
Really only use blended unless the componenet unit is not substanially the same as the city and does not exclsuively service or benefit the city itself.
Statement of cash flows (Only for SE PAPI)
Not included in GRaSPP
A cash inflow from issuing bonds to finance a building is a GRaSPP activity and would be included in capital projects fund and/or debt service fund
Interfund transfers, where is it reported on the financial statements for govt-wide?
As internal balances
J/E for general fund from billings from enterprise fund into general fund
Expenditures xxx
Due to electric utlity enterprise fund xxx
Fund accounting, cash and cash equivelents? Does it report?
Yes, it does. Remember that fund accounting statements are just like full accrual statements.
3 months or less is considered cash equivalent.
Interfund receivables and payables, how are due to and due from reported?
As a separate asset for due from to the fund
**and **
As a seperate liablity for due to for the fund.
Entity-wide finanical statements, what is reported as tax revenue?
Taxes levied
less: percentatge expected to be uncollectable
Collection information is only useful in the **modified **accrual basis.
Entity-wide uses the full accrual basis
Program revenues
S Charges for (services)
Operating grants and contributions
Capitial grants and contributions
When the question states what is part of the *governmental section *of the Government-wide finanical statements, it is referring to what?
The GRaSPP portion
Method for Statement of cash flows for SE PAPI?
Direct method
Donated property
General rule is to capitlize at historical cost or FMV, but may elect not to capitilze if
The collection is held for public exhibition
The collection is protected
The collection is subject to policy that proceeds from sales of collection items to be used to aqcure other items for collections
Deprecation is not required
Government-wide statements bond payments for interest expense and interest payable
Government-wide statements use the accural method, therefore interest expense AND interest payable is reported.
Where does the reconcilation of govt fund finaical statements to government-wide presentation go?
In the Basic Finanical Statements
Way to tell Discrete vs blended
SELF test
Elected governing body
Legally separate entity
Financial indedpendent status
Governments that all of this critera are reported as primary governments while those that fail any are reported as **compentent units (then decide if blended or discrete). **
Statement of cash flows
Investing activites
Includes making and collecting loans and acquiring and disposing of debt or equity instruments.
Includes interest and dividend income.
Couple of weird non capital and capial financing activites
Operating transfers out- **Noncapital financing activity **
Speical assessment recepits- Capital and related financing activities
Where would transfer fund payments to another fund go on the Cash flow statement?
Under Cash flow from Operating Activities
Noncapital financing activites
ANY kind of receipt of cash to subsidize the general fund goes in **Noncapital financing activites **
Where does a purchase of an capital asset go in the statement of cash flows?
Capital and related financing activities
In the reconcilation process, how book value of capital assets sold during the year be treated?
It is subtracted, proceeds need to be subracted out while expenditures are added back in.
Reciporcal interfund activity
Interfund loans
Interfund services
Non-reciprocal interfund activity
Activites include:
interfund transfers
intefund reimbursments
Introductory section of CAFR
Letter of transmittal
Organizational chart
List of principal officers