Governmental Accounting Overview Flashcards
Financial Statements
- Timeliness
- Consistency
- Comparability
Governmental Accountability Office (GAO)
Prescribes auditing standards (single audit act)
GAAP for governmental Agencies
Government= GASB Not-for-Profit= FASB
Characteristics in Financial Reporting for Government
u- understandablitiy r- reliability m- make a difference- relevance I- In timeliness C- Consistency year over year E- entity to entity comparability
Key Concepts in Governmental Accounting
- fund structure
- fund accounting
- external reporting
Fund Structures
Governmental Funds- GRaSPP
Proprietary Funds- SE
Fiduciary Funds- CIPPOE
Governmental Funds
No profit motive
accounted for using the:
modified accrual basis of accounting
current financial resources measurement focus= current only (no FA and no LTD)
General Fund
set up to account for the ordinary operations of a governmental unit that is financed from taxes and other general revenues
Special Revenue Funds
set up to account for revenues from specific taxes or other earmarked sources that (by law) are restricted or committed to finance particular activities of government.
Debt Service Funds
Set up to account for the accumulation of resources and the payment of interest and principal on all “general obligation debt”
Capital projects fund
set up to account for resources restricted, committed, or assigned for the acquisition or construction of major capital assets by a governmental unit
Permanent Fund
used to report resources that are legally restricted to the extent that income and not principal may be used for purposes supporting the reporting governments programs.
Proprietary Funds
Treat like a customer/ not a citizen
accounted for using the:
full accrual basis of accounting
economic resources measurement focus
Proprietary Fund types
Internal Service Funds- set up to account for goods and services provided by designated departments on a cost-reimbursement
Fiduciary Trust Funds
Trust accounts
full accrual basis of accounting
economic resources measurement focus
Custodial Funds
usually account for resources in temporary custody of the governmental unity and any fiduciary activities that are not required to be reported in other fund classifications.
Investment Trust Funds
account for external investment pools
Private Purpose trust funds
used for activities not properly accounted for either as pension or investment trust funds
Pension and other employee benefit trust funds
resources of defined contribution plans, post-employment benefit plans and other long-term employee benefit plans