Governmental Accounting Overview Flashcards
________ fund financial statements should be presented for governmental and proprietary funds to report additional and detailed information about the primary government.
_________ is the most difficult to report for a governmental entity
________ are considered non-spendable
_____ are “legal restrictions”
In accounting for public funds, both governments and not-for-profits seek to demonstrate their operational _______ for the entity taken as a whole and their fiscal ________ for specific funding
accountability (2)
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) is the governmental counterpart of the ______
_______ establishes accounting principles and standards for not-for-profits
_____ prescribes “government auditing standards”
GAO (government accountability office)
3 generic fund types:
governmental; proprietary; fiduciary
Government-wide presentations use _____ accrual accounting and _______ resources measurement focus
full; economic
Government-wide presentations are like:
consolidated financial statements
Major fund financial statements are like:
segment reporting
Governmental funds use _______ accrual accounting and _______ financial resources measurement focus
modified; current
5 governmental funds
GRaSPP general fund special revenue funds debt service funds capital projects funds permanent fund
Proprietary funds use ______ accrual accounting and ______ resources measurement focus
full; economic
2 proprietary funds
internal service funds
enterprise funds
Fiduciary (trust) funds use ______ accrual accounting and _______ resources measurement focus
full; economic
4 fiduciary funds
PAPI pension trust funds agency trust funds private purpose trust funds investment trust funds
Under modified accrual (GRaSPP), revenue is recognized when _______ and _______
measurable; available
Under modified accrual (GRaSPP), expenditures are generally recorded when the related fund liability is ______
Full accrual (SE PAPI) is _______ to the accounting methods used in commercial enterprises
Under full accrual (SE PAPI), revenue is recognized when ________ and expenses are recognized when ________
earned; incurred
Prepaid expenses and inventories are ________ fund balances
Fund balance resources associated with assets restricted by external authorities
assets obligated by a formal action of the government’s highest decision-making authority (resolutions, encumbered)
Fund balance resources associated with assets the government intends to obligate but has not formally committed
Fund balance resources associated with spendable assets neither restricted, committed, or assigned
Only the ______ fund should have a positive unassigned fund balance
Neumonic for classification of governmental fund balances (for GRaSPP)
non-spendable, unassigned, committed, assigned, restricted