Governmental Accounting: Fund Accounting and Financial Statements Flashcards
A public college or university must produce statements much like those of a governmental entity. Most of the services provided by such schools (such as tuition) have a user charge. Should a public college or university classify its activities as business-type or as governmental?
a public college or university has a choice of classifying its activities as all business-type, all governmental or a combination of both.
If a public college or university classifies all of its activities as business-type, does the school have to report both government-wide F/S and fund-based F/S?
the school does not have to report all of the government-wide F/S and all of the Fund-based F/S.
instead the college or university has to produce
- Statement of Net Assets
- Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets
- Statement of Cash Flows
What F/S are produced for the proprietary funds in fund-based F/S?
- Statement of Net Assets
- Statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in net assets
- Statement of Cash Flows
For internal reporting purposes, governments use fund accounting, which is also the basis for fund-based F/S. What is meant by fund accounting?
The key reason for using fund accounting is accountability.
a separate set of self-balancing accounts is maintained for each identifiable activity of the government.
Why have state and local governments historically relied on fund accounting to accumulate and convey financial information?
promotes accountability
monitor legal restrictions
use of different accounting principles in connection with different activities
What are the 3 broad classifications of funds utilized in governmental fund accounting as it is applied by state and local governments?
Governmental funds -Used for activities that provide service to the public without a fee, such as police protection and school systems
Proprietary funds - used for activities where a fee is charged to cover, at least in part, the cost of the service being provided
Fiduciary funds - Used to monitor money and other financial resources held by a government in a trustee capacity for parties external to the government.
How many different fund types can be found within each of the three broad fund classifications used in governmental accounting?
Governmental Funds - 5 types
Proprietary Funds - 2 types
Fiduciary Funds - 4 types
What are the five fund types found within the Governmental Funds?
General fund - any money or activity where no other fund type is appropriate, usually for public-service activities
Special Revenue fund - receipt and expenditure of current financial resources for special operating purposes; often for grants, taxes, and tolls with a designated purpose
Capital Projects fund - receipt and expenditure of current financial resources for construction & acquisition of long-lived assets
Debt Service fund - receipt and expenditure of current financial resources to pay long term debts and related interest costs
Permanent funds - assets contributed by an external donor where only the income can be used by the government
On the fund-based F/S reconciliations must be reported. Why are those reconciliations necessary?
Reconciliations must be shown to match the final figures shown for the governmental funds in the fund-based F/S with the final figures shown for the governmental activities in the government-wide F/S.
differences exist for many reason including:
the fund-based F/S measure only current financial resources, whereas the government-wide F/S measure all economic resources
the timing of recognition within the fund-based statements is guided by modified accrual accounting, whereas timing in the government-wide statements follows accrual accounting
internal service funds are not included as governmental funds, although most of the ISF’s are reflected as governmental activities in the government-wide statements
A state or local government must produce two different types of financial statements. What are these two types of statements?
government-wide F/S
fund-based F/S
In reporting Governmental Funds within the fund-based F/S, what is the measurement focus?
measurement of current financial resources, amount held currently and inflow and outflow of those financial resources
In reporting the governmental funds within the fund-based F/S, the measurement focus concentrates on current financial resources and the flow of those financial resources. What is normally included in the term current financial resources?
Current financial resources are usually viewed as monetary assets and any liabilities that are a current claim on those financial resources.
In producing fund-based F/S for the governmental funds, what method is used to determine the appropriate timing for the reporting of transactions?
in reporting the governmental funds on fund-based F/S timing of revenue and expenditure recognition is monitored by a system known as modified accrual accounting, which is based on when current financial resources are measurable and available.
On fund-based f/s for the governmental funds, what capital assets and long-term liabilities are reported on the b/s?
no capital assets or long-term liabilities are shown
What are the two fund types to be found within the proprietary fund?
enterprise funds - use to account for activities where a service is open to the public with a user charge; such as a bus system or a water utility
internal service funds - used to account for activities where a service is open to other activities of the government with a user charge (such as a data processing center or central warehouse)
For fund-based F/S, what accounting is used in reporting proprietary funds?
accrual based accounting
What are the four fund types found within the fiduciary funds?
agency funds - money is held that must be turned over to a person or to another government. The money is simply passing through the government to the appropriate recipient
Pension trust fund - money is held for employee retirement plans
Investment trust funds - records money that comes from other governments to create investment pools in hopes of receiving higher profit returns
Private-purpose funds - records money that is held in a trustee capacity for the benefit of an external party, for example, an estate which is being held by a government until relatives of the decedent can be located
What accounting is used to record an Agency Fund?
only the asset being held and the related liability upon conveyance are recorded
A state or local government produces fund-based F/S. the current financial resources of a governmental fund are increased as a result of an event or other transaction. In what 2 ways can this increase be reported?
either as revenue or other financing source if it is not appropriate to label it revenue
In producing fund-based F/S for the governmental funds, what are the two most common increases in current financial resources that are labeled as other financing sources?
- proceeds from issuance of long-term bond or other obligation
- inflow from an inter-fund transfer
The current financial resources of a governmental fund are decreased as a result of a transaction or other event. What are the two methods by which this decrease can be reported on fund-based f/s?
either as an expenditure or another financing use if not appropriate to label it expenditure