Governmental Accounting Flashcards
Why are separate fund financial statements for governmental and proprietary funds needed?
The purpose is to report additional & detailed information about the primary government.
Which funds use the modified accrual basis of accounting and current economic resource measurement focus?
Governmental funds (incl general, permanent, and capital projects) = current resource measurement & modified accrual accounting Proprietary & Fiduciary (includes internal service fund) = economic resource measurement & accrual basis
What does the statement of revenues and expenditures show?
What does the balance sheet show?
Resources received & consumed during the current financial period (current financial resources focus).
Bal Sht shows available resources and financial obligations (financial position focus).
GRaSPP = Governmental funds including General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, and Permnanet SE = Proprietary funds including Internal Service & Enterprise PAPI = Fiduciary funds including Pension & other emp benefit trust, Agency trust funds, Private Purpose, and Investment
What date should the salary rate be taken to calculate unpaid compensated absences?
The rate at the balance sheet date. (otherwise will be understated due to pay rises).
What is the ‘non-spendable’ classification?
It’s when resources are in a form that cannot be spent, e.g. inventory or prepaids, or are legally required to remain whole.
If a special fund has a deficit (spending exceeded amounts in committed, restricted, and assigned), how is this reflected?
It’s reflected as negative - unassigned. General fund subsidy to correct this is not necessarily guaranteed.
In which fund should a gift of investment in perpetuity to a city be reported? Income from the investment can be used to support the library.
It should go in the permanent fund. Permanent funds are used to report resources where principal is restricted but income can be used to support govt. Library is community org, not specif individual/other govt/private org which is what private purpose trusts are used for.
How many funds should be established for a new city?
Judgment: Accountant should set up the right funds to follow legal requirements (and segregate assets) and ensure sound financial administration to safeguard assets.
What type of non-exchange transaction is a tax on hotel charges?
Derived tax revenue. (derived/imposed on exchange transactions such as commercial sales).
Others: imposed non-exchange = fines or property taxes.*
government mandated = funds for lower level, e.g. county to clean up environment.
voluntary non-exchange = govt receives resources not for equal value, e.g. grant agreements.
*if collected prior to period being used e.g. occupational licenses, report as deferred inflow
When are these accounts used: appropriation, encumbrance and expenditure?
Encumbrance = after PO released
Appropriation = adoption/amendment of the budget at y/e,
Expenditure = when obligations incurred/paid or accounts closed at end of fiscal year
*Fixed assets not recorded in governmental funds
What are these types of expenditure classifications used for: activity, object, program, and function?
Activity - used to calculate expenditures per unit of activity.
Object - resource expenditures are grouped by object classes per type of items purchased or services obtained. e.g. salaries & wages
Program - groups related activities, ops, org units used for specific purpose, meeting certain objectives
Function - groups related activities aimed at achieving major service/regulatory responsibility
Where are encumbrances outstanding at y/e reported in a state’s general fund?
In the fund balance commitment in the general fund. Encumbrances represent unperformed contracts for goods or services, not liabilities or expenditures.
What’s the presentation format for the governmental fund statement of financial position?
Must be presented in a balance sheet rather than net position format:
assets + deferred outflows = liabilities + deferred inflows + fund balance
When will derivatives qualify for hedge accounting treatment (governmental)?
They qualify for hedge accounting treatment (when changes in value shown as deferred outflows or deferred inflows of resources) when they are effective.