Governmental Flashcards
What are the funds withing the Governmental fund statements? Which ones use encumbrances and budgets?
- ) General, Special Revenue, Debt Service, Capital Projects, Permanent Fund.
- ) Special Revenue, and General fund use Encumbrance and budgetary accounting.
What is the encumbrance journal entry for a purchase order and when the goods are received?
- ) Dr Encumbrance, Cr Budgetary fund balance
- ) Dr. Budgetary fund balance, Cr Encumbrance
- ) Dr Expenditure, Cr AP
What funds need to be reconciled back to the Government-wide financials?
The governmental fund and the internal fund which is part of the proprietary fund.
When reconciling the balance sheet from the fund to the government-wide statement, how are internal service and capital assets, LT liabilities, revenues and accrued interest treated?
Add internal service funds dollar for dollar
(Use A=L+E)
Capital Assets: Add assets, increases Net position
LT Liabilities: Add liabilities, decreases net position
Revenue recognition: subtract unavailable, increases net position
accrued interest: add, decreases net position
When reconciling the income statement from the fund to the government-wide statement, how are the internal service funds, and the governmental fund’s capital assets, LT liabilities, revenue and accrued interest treated?
Add internal service funds dollar for dollar
Capital assets: add capital expenditures (outlay), subtract depreciation
LT Liabilities: subtract LT debt issued, add principal payments on LT debt
Revenue recognition: Add revenue not recognized in funds
Accrued interest: subtract increase, add decrease
What are deferred inflows and outflows of resources?
Resources that occur in the current year but are related to future periods.
- ) What are the 3 types of net position?
2. ) Where is net position used?
1.) A.)Net investment in Capital Assets: Cap assets net of depreciation, less outstanding debt used for assets
B.) Restricted: by external parties, constitutional provisions, held in trust
C.) unrestricted: board designated funds + everything else
2.) Government-wide and proprietary and fiduciary statements (accrual statements)
- ) What are the different types of funds?
2. ) Where are the fund balances used?
1.) A.) nonspendable fund: items in nonspendable form (inventory) or legally required to be intact (endowment).
B.) Restricted fund: by external parties or legislation
C.) Commited funds: imposed by the government’s highest level authority (not considered legally enforceable) with formal action
D.) Assigned funds: constrained by the governments intent to use
E.) Unassigned funds: the general fund can only report a positive unassigned amount
What are “Other financing sources (or uses)?
Other financing sources are used for transfers into an account, this can include proceeds from bonds. Other financing uses are transfers out of an account.
What is the test for reporting “Major Funds” in CAFRs?
more than 10% of all funds of the same type (governmental or enterprise) and more than 5% of all funds (governmental and enterprise).
What are the purposes of each Governmental fund?
The special revenue fund is for sources that are committed to something other than debt or capital projects.
The debt service fund is for resources used to pay for principle and interest of debt.
The capital project fund is for resources used to pay for capital outlay for buildings land or improvements.
The permanent fund houses resources entrusted to the government for the benefit of the government or its citizens. Funds must remain in tact. Earnings transferred to general or special revenue funds
General fund houses all other resources that does not apply to any other fund. Ex: revenue from taxes, licenses, permits, services or fines.
What is a sale of future revenue recorded as in governmental wide statements?
Deferred inflows of resources
A large not-for-profit organization’s statement of activities should report the net change for net assets that are?
Without Donor Restrictions and With Donor Restrictions
What are funds from bonds reported as in the governmental fund?
Other financing sources
Fund category that cannot be spent due to legal or contractual restriction or because it is not in spendable form?