Governmental Flashcards
three standard sections of a governmental comprehensive annual financial report
Introductory, Financial and Statistical
enterprise fund
Enterprise funds account for government entities which are partially or wholly supported by voluntary payments, which often take the form of user fees.
Only a proprietary fund such as an enterprise fund reports operating revenue.
If the fees charged by an activity are intended to recover its costs, the activity should be classified as an enterprise fund activity.
imposed non-exchange revenues
Property taxes and fines are imposed non-exchange revenues because they are assessed and not derived from transactions.
Derived tax revenues
derived from a transaction, such as sales taxes
Government mandated nonexchange transactions
are funds provided by one level of government to another.
Voluntary nonexchange transactions
are those entered into willingly by the paying party, such as grants and donations.
internal service fund
Services provided by one agency to other governmental departments on a cost reimbursement basis are accounted for in internal service funds
debt service fund
A debt service fund is used to make principal and interest payments on the tax supported debts of the government and collect funds for that purpose.
Revenues include funds that are derived from taxes, assessments, fines, and activities of the governmental unit. Funds received from the proceeds of bond issues and operating transfers to other funds are considered other financing sources and are not considered revenue
Reciprocal interfund activity
includes interfund loans and interfund services provided and used.
Nonreciprocal transfers include interfund transfers to establish a new fund and routine interfund reimbursements.
What is the measurement focus and the basis of accounting for the government-wide financial statements?
Similar to GAAP, government-wide financial statements are prepared on the accrual basis and with an economic resources measurement focus. This basis and measurement focus together are generally considered to provide a truer representation of entity performance.
expenditures that’s expected to occur in the period
basic financial statements should include
government-wide financial statements (statement of net position and statement of activities), fund financial statements, and notes.
three primary user groups of state and local governmental financial reports
- The citizenry of the reporting governmental entity
- Legislative and oversight bodies
- Investors and creditors
Which format must a proprietary fund use to report cash flow.
proprietary funds prepare cash flow statements using the DIRECT method