Governmental Flashcards
Purpose of Financial Reporting (Paramount Objective)
Interperiod Equity
Characteristics of Financial Reporting
TRUCCR (Trucker)
Timeliness Relevance Understandibility Comparability Consistency Reliability
Elements of Financial Statements
Deferred Outflow and Inflow of Resources
Net Position (NOT Net Assets)
GASB Concept Statements
Provide guidance in standard setting activities
Deferred Income Tax Expense with Reversal over multiple Years
Deferred income tax expense is the net change in deferred tax accounts for the year. Because the firm began the year without any deferred tax accounts, that change equals the net sum of the ending deferred tax accounts for 2004. Enacted tax rates are used to compute the change in deferred tax accounts.
Ending deferred tax liability (from depreciation temporary differences): $2,000(.25) - $1,200(.30) $140
Less ending deferred tax asset (from warranty temporary difference): $300(.25) + $100(.30) ($105)
Equals net change in deferred tax accounts, and deferred income tax expense $35
The 2005 temporary difference for depreciation is subtracted from the 2006 difference, because the 2005 difference is an originating difference, whereas the 2006 difference is the reversing difference.
At the end of the previous year, a firm reported a $6,000 deferred tax asset from a net-operating-loss carry-forward that can be carried forward several years into the future. The tax rate is 30%. For the current year, the firm records estimated warranty expense of $30,000 for the year and incurred $10,000 of warranty-claims costs. Taxable income for the current year is $12,000. Compute income tax expense (benefit) for the current year.
The unused net operating loss (NOL) at the beginning of the year is $20,000 (= $6,000/.3).
The firm pays no tax for the current year, because $12,000 of the NOL is used to absorb the $12,000 of taxable income. $8,000 of the NOL remains to carry forward to the next year.
Also, there is a future temporary difference of $20,000 from the future warranty deduction ($30,000 - $10,000 current-year claims). In total, then, the basis for the ending deferred tax asset is $28,000 (= $8,000 + $20,000). The ending deferred tax asset balance is $8,400 (= $28,000 x .3).
The beginning deferred tax asset balance is $6,000. Therefore, the deferred tax asset is increased by $2,400 and income tax benefit of that amount also is recorded (credited) in the tax-accrual entry.
The City of Palo Alto’s Service Efforts and Accomplishments Report for Fiscal Year 2010 reported that the average response to fire calls within 8 minutes occurred on 90% of the fire calls in 2010. This rate met the benchmark target goal of 90%. According to GASB’s conceptual framework, this information is classified as a measure of
Budget Implications
GASB Concepts Statement No. 1 lists the following four financial reporting implications associated with the legally adopted annual budget: (1) expression of public policy, (2) expression of financial intent, (3) form of control, and (4) it may provide a basis for evaluating performance (if the government established service efforts and accomplishment goals as part of its budget process). Since budgets are usually prepared according to requirements of state and local laws, the budget is not required to be prepared on the GAAP basis. Many state and local governments prepare the budget on the cash basis. When this occurs, the budget-to-actual statement is presented on the budget basis (i.e., cash basis) and a reconciliation of the cash basis to the GAAP basis is included in the notes to the basic financial statements.
Essential Financial Information
GASB Concepts Statement No. 3, basic financial statements, the accompanying notes to the basic financial statements, and required supplemental information are essential information and therefore required in general purpose external financial reporting. Supplemental information is useful but not required. Service efforts and accomplishment information are classified as supplemental information and are therefore voluntarily reported.
GASB Concepts Statement No. 1 states that interperiod equity is a basic component of accountability and fundamental to public administration.
Primary users of External Financial Info
GASB Concepts Statement No. 1 defines the primary users of the general purpose external financial report as the citizenry (e.g., taxpayers), legislative and oversight bodies (e.g., school boards), and investors and creditors (e.g., bond insurers). Typically, internal managers who have access to information through internal reporting are not considered primary users.
Fixed Assets
General fixed assets are items on which financial resources have been expended and accountability must be maintained; however, their main purpose is NOT the generation of revenues.
Agency Fund Examples (Fiduciary)
A county and city tax collection fund is an agency fund administered to collect and distribute property taxes collected to the county and the city.
Fund accounting is used by governmental units with resources that must be
Governmental accounting systems are organized and operated on a fund basis. A fund is a fiscal and accounting entity with a self-balancing set of accounts that record cash and other financial resources, along with the related liabilities and residual equities or balances, which are segregated for the purpose of carrying on specific activities or attaining certain objectives. GASB Codification 1100.102
Fund Characteristics
A fund is both a fiscal and an accounting entity. A fund is “fiscal” because it has assets, liabilities, revenue, expenditure or expense, and fund balance or other equity accounts. A fund is “accounting” because it has its own ledgers and contains a self-balancing set of accounts. A fund is not a separate legal entity.
Which of the following has the highest level of authority for setting GAAP for nongovernmental not-for-profit organizations?
Careful on GASB as well as it is NOT GAAP for Governmental either?
Expenditures and Modified Accrual
On the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances, which reports transactions using the modified accrual basis of accounting, repayment of principal on long-term debt, payments to vendors, and purchases of fixed assets are all reported as expenditures.
Expenditures Control Account
Same as Expenditures (is NOT the Appropriaitons Budget Account)
The Expenditures control account is a temporary account that must be closed at the end of the fiscal year. The Expenditures control account is debited as resources are expended during the year. When the books are closed at the end of the year, this account should be CREDITED for $9,000,000 so that the balance in the account is zero.
Primary Measurement Focus
Current Financial Resources for Governmental Funds and Economic Resources for Accrual Based (Enterprise etc).
Proprietary funds account for activities of the governmental unit that are similar to activities conducted by commercial enterprises. The orientation of accounting and reporting for proprietary funds is similar to that used in private businesses.
The accrual basis of accounting is used, and the measurement focus is on income determination, financial position, and cash flow (GASB Codification 1300.102).
Grant Revenue
Todd City should recognize the grants as revenues in the accounting period when they are susceptible to accrual. For grants, the expenditure of resources is a prime factor in determining eligibility for accrual. All of the operating grant has been spent; therefore, 100% should be recognized as revenue.
Since only 90% of the capital grant has been spent, only 90% can be recognized as revenue.
Budgetary Accounts
Estimated Revenues
Estimated Other Financing Sources & Uses
Fund Balance (Dr or Cr) is Plug Balance
Required for General and Special Revenue only
Revenues vs Sources
Transfers in from other funds are classified as “Other Financing Sources” and are not revenues. The other three amounts are classified as revenues and, for budget purposes, should be included in determining “estimated revenues.” The total is $5,550,000.
Closing Budget and Actual Accounts
Assuming that both actual and budgetary transactions are closed to the fund balance, closing appropriations, a credit balance account, would increase the fund balance whereas closing expenditures, a debit balance account, would decrease the fund balance.
Since appropriations were greater than expenditures, the net effect would be to increase the fund balance.
Encumbrance Accounting
Primarily for Government Funds
- Dr Encumbrance and Cr Budgetary Fund Balance
- Reverse for Amount Received (PO Filled at Orig Price)
- Book Invoice at Invoice Price (Dr Expenditure, Cr Vouchers Payable)
Outstanding POs at Year End
“Reserved” NO LONGER Used
Fund Balance Committed or Assigned is now used
Dr Fund Balance - Unassigned
Cr Fund Balance - Assigned
YE Closing of Encumbrances
- If Cancelled, close out the Budgetary Fund Balalnce and Encumbrance Accounts
- If Carried Forward: Close out nominal Budgetary fund balance to real account fund balance assigned (or committed or restricted)
Encumbrances vs Expenditures
No expenditures are recorded at the time purchase orders were issued. Encumbrances represent a commitment made to the vendor in the form of a purchase order prior to incurring actual expenditures. At the time a purchase order is issued, the encumbrance account is increased by the amount of the purchase orders - in this case, $40,000. Expenditures of $39,100 will be recorded when goods are received along with the invoices, and at that time the $40,000 encumbered will be also be reversed out.
Ye Encumbrances Open
Encumbrances outstanding at year’s end represent outstanding purchase orders or unfilled contracts. The fund balance classification is either restricted, committed, or assigned depending on the level of authority behind the encumbrance.
If the government intends to use the resources the specific purposes but is not a constraint imposed by external parties or enabling legislation (i.e., restricted) or by formal action of the government’s highest decision making authority (i.e., committed) then a portion of the fund balance needs to be assigned for the outstanding encumbrances to indicate that a portion of the fund balance needs to be assigned for the outstanding encumbrances to indicate that a portion of the fund balance is not available for future appropriations.
Fund Balance Classification
The fund balance classification is either restricted, committed, or assigned depending on the level of authority behind the encumbrance.
If the government intends to use the resources the specific purposes but is not a constraint imposed by external parties or enabling legislation (i.e., restricted) or by formal action of the government’s highest decision making authority (i.e., committed). Assigned fund balances should be used to indicate that a portion of the fund balance is not available for expenditure.
The use of reserve for encumbrances indicates that a portion of the fund balance has been segregated for expenditure on vendor performance.
Deferred Inflows and Outflows
Occur IN a period, but are related to a FUTURE period.
EXAMPLE: receive restricted Grant (Inflow) in x1 and met all restrictions, but funds to be spend in x2.
GASB SPECIFICALLY limits use of the word deferred to deferred outflows and inflows of resources.
Only items DESIGNATED by GASB can be classified as such and this is a NEW concept statement (GASB CS 4).
Debt Service Fund Revenue vs Deferred Inflow
The Debt Service Fund recognizes revenue when it is measurable and available. Since the first installment will be received 120 days into Year 20x2, no revenue is recognized in Year 20x1.
Since the Debt Service Fund uses the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized with measurable and available. The $200,000 is not expected to be available and hence should be reported as a deferred inflow or resources in Year 20x1.
Since the entire levy is due starting in Year 20x2, the entire amount is a deferred inflow of resources in Year 20x1.
Gov’t Wide Statement of Net Position
(Assets + Deferred Outflows of Resources) − (Liabilities + Deferred Inflows of Resources) = Net Position
NOTE: Deferred INFLOW goes with Liabilities BECAUSE it is deferred (i.e. not available now) like Deferred Revenue is a liability.
Types of Deferred Outflows and Deferred Inflows of Resources – GASB Concept Statement No. 4 (para. 38) stipulates that recognition of deferred outflows and deferred inflows are limited to those items identified by GASB. The following items have been identified by GASB:
Derivatives (GASB 53 and 64
Service Concession Arrangements (GASB 60)
Items Previously Reported as Assets and Liabilities (GASB 65)
Refunding of Debt
Nonexchange Transactions
Net Position (not Net Assets)
Residual “Equity” in Gov’t Wide Statements
Board Designated Funds
This is UNRESTRICTED Net Position rather than RESTRICTED.
Net Position Categories
- Net Investment in Capital Assets
- Restricted
- Unrestricted
Restricted can be by External Parties, Constitutional Provision or Legislation or Held in a Trust (fiduciary)
Which of the following fund balance classifications is used for budgetary accounting but not for GAAP financial statement reporting?
GASB Statement No. 54 eliminated the use of “reserve” and “unreserved” fund balances. The appropriate fund balance classifications are Nonspendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned.
According to GASB Statement No. 54, outstanding encumbrances are no longer reported as Reserves in the fund balance section, which was the practice prior to Statement No. 54. Significant encumbrances should be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements.
Fund Level vs Govt Wide for Capital Assets
At the Governmental-Fund level, the entire proceeds from the sale of capital assets is a financial resource of the fund - it is spendable. Only the gain or loss on the sale of capital assets is reported in the Government-Wide Financial Statements. Therefore, the book value of capital assets should be subtracted.
Unassigned Fund Balance Amounts
Only the General Fund can report a positive amount in Unassigned Fund Balance. In all other Governmental Fund types (including a Special Revenue Fund), if expenditures exceed amounts restricted, committed, or assigned, it may be necessary to report a negative Unassigned Fund Balance.
Should that occur, the Assigned Fund Balance is reduced to eliminate the deficit. If a deficit remains after eliminating Assigned Fund Balance, the negative residual should be classified Unassigned Fund Balance.
GASB Statement No. 54 Fund Balance Classifications –
Spendable - Restricted, Committed, Assigned, Unassigned
Restricted: usually by external party or legislature
Committed: highest authority; reversed by same
Assigned: Finance Committee etc
Unassigned: Gen Fund only unless negative
Net Position vs Fund Balance
Net Position is Govt Wide and Fund Balance is Funds
Capital Assets and Govt Wide statements
The Government-Wide Financial Statements will present both the asset and the liability associated with a capital lease asset.
CAFR and Financial Reporting
Intro / Financial / Statistical
The CAFR includes Fund statements from all three fund categories. The government-wide statements include data from the Governmental and Proprietary Funds only.
CAFR NOT Min Requirement:
The minimum reporting requirement for a government is a General Purpose Financial Statement, which has three main components: (1) management’s discussion and analysis, (2) basic financial statements, and (3) required supplementary information.
Statement of Activities
The Government-Wide Statement of Activities is organized by function, divided into Governmental Activities and Business-Type Activities.
It is designed to show the extent to which the operational expenses of each function are covered by related fees and grants and the extent to which general revenues must be used to cover the expenses. That is, operational accountability
Donated Works of Art
GASB Statement no. 34 para. 27-29, provides not-for-profit organizations with an option to not recognize contributions of donated works or art, historical treasures, or similar assets that are added to collections if the following conditions are met:
they are held for public exhibition, education, or research in furtherance of public service rather than financial gain;
are protected, kept unencumbered, cared for, and preserved;
or are subject to a policy that requires the proceeds of items that are sold to be used to acquire other items for the collection.
Capitalized collections or individual items that are exhaustible, such as exhibits whose useful lives are diminished by display or educational or research applications, should be depreciated over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation is not required for collections or individual items that are inexhaustible. In this question, neither capitalization nor depreciation is required.
Sections of the CAFR
Component Units
Determination:Financial Accountability and Financial dependence
Reporting: Blended or Discrete
Component units should be discretely presented in the city’s financial statements unless its governing body is substantially the same as the governing body of the primary government, if the component unit provides services almost entirely to the primary government.
Since the school district provides services to the general public and not solely to the City, it should be presented using discrete presentation.
Discretely presented component units are presented in the Government-Wide Financial Statements only and not in the fund-level statements.
Major Funds
A major fund is one that comprises 10% of the total assets plus deferred outflows, or liabilities plus deferred inflows, revenues, or expenditures/expenses (excluding extraordinary items) for its fund category (governmental or enterprise funds) and one that comprises at least 5% of the corresponding total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined.
Fund Financial Statements
- Proprietary Funds and Fiduciary Funds present a Statement of Net Position, rather than a Balance Sheet (Governmental Funds still call their statement a Balance Sheet).
- Since Fiduciary Funds do not recognize revenue or expense, they produce a Statement of Changes in Net Position, rather than a Statement of Revenues and Expenses.
- The Statement of Revenues and Expenditures-Budget-to-Actual - essentially the budget comparison statement - appears with Other Required Supplementary Information.
Fund Combinations
GASB Stmt. #34 requires that Internal Service Funds be included in the Governmental Activities totals on the Government-Wide Statements since Internal Service Funds supply goods or services only to the government entity.
Budgetary Comparison Schedule
The Budgetary Comparison Schedule must report the original budget, the amended/final budget, and actual revenues and expenditures. The revenues and expenditures must be reported using the same basis used to prepare the budget: governmental budgets are frequently prepared on a cash or near-cash basis.
Bond Anticipation Notes
If all legal steps have been taken to refinance the bond anticipation notes and the ability to consummate refinancing criteria (FASB Statement No. 6) have not been met, then the bond anticipation notes should be reported as a Fund Liability in the fund receiving the proceeds. The Capital Projects Fund should credit Bond Anticipation Notes Payable for $50,000.
Other Financing Sources
This type of interfund activity is a transfer from one fund to another fund without an equivalent return of assets and without a requirement for repayment. They are classified as Other Financing Sources.
Govt vs Fiduciary Funds
Governmental activities reported in the Government-Wide Financial Statements pertain to the Governmental Fund types: General Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Capital Projects Funds, Debt Service Funds, and Permanent Funds. The other three choices in this question are all Fiduciary Fund Types that are not reported in the Government-Wide Financial Statements since the government acts as a fiduciary and has no ownership interest. Fiduciary Funds are reported in the fund-level financial statements of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR).
Permanent Fund
Permanent Funds account for the receipt of the endowment principal that is donated to a government and is to be held in trust for the benefit of the government (or of its citizenry as a whole) as revenue. The property should be capitalized at $925,000-fair market value at the time of donation ($800,000) plus the cost of improvements ($125,000) made by the city. Earnings from the office complex would usually be transferred to and expended through a Special Revenue Fund.
Debt Service Fund
A Debt Service Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest.
The entire $65,000 of principal ($50,000) and interest ($15,000) should be debited to Expenditures Control when the payment is made.
Both Interest Expenditures and Principal Expenditures are recognized in the Debt Service Fund. Debt Service Expenditures are usually not accrued at year-end but are recorded as Expenditures when due and payable.
In 20x9 the Debt Service Fund paid a total of $176,000-$ $40,000 interest and $100,000 principal on April 1 (both Expenditures of the fund) and $36,000 interest on October 1.
Capital Project Funds
A Capital Projects Fund is used to account for financial resources to be used for the construction or acquisition of capital assets, except for those to be financed by Proprietary Funds or Trust Funds.
Property Taxes
Property taxes are an Imposed Nonexchange Revenue source for which the government receives value without directly giving something in equal value in exchange. In the Government-Wide Financial Statements, a Receivable is recorded when there is an enforceable claim - the property tax levy in this case - and Revenue should be recorded at the amount of Net Estimated Refunds and Estimated Uncollectible Amounts, in the period for which the taxes are levied [GASB Codification Section N50.115].
Given the facts in this question, revenue of $1,980,000 should be recognized ($2,000,000 gross levy less 1%, $20,000, estimated uncollectible amount). Had the question asked about revenue recognition in the General Fund, which uses the modified accrual basis of accounting, the answer would be different. In modified accrual accounting the concept of availability is an aspect of revenue recognition (GASB Codification Section P70.104].
Typically, that means that amounts collected during the year and up to 60 days into the next year are recognized in the current year as revenue. While the facts are incomplete in this question regarding the next year, the implication is that $1,800,000 would be recognized as revenues in the current year and $180,000 as deferred inflow of resources in the current year.
Fund Transfers
Transfers between funds are classified as Other Financing Sources and Uses.
The payment to the Pension Trust Fund pertains to employee and employer contributions to the pension plan and is part expenditure (employer share) and liability reduction (employee share that was due to the Pension Trust Fund).
Under the modified accrual basis of accounting used by the General Fund, the purchase of the equipment is an expenditure.
Revenue vs Source / Use
Small Amounts in error can also be Expenditure Reimbursement.
Revenue usually from Grant and Transfers from other funds are usually Sources and Uses
The General Fund records the original receipt of cash as Revenues, then transfers the cash to the Debt Service Fund. The Debt Service Fund records this receipt of cash as an operating transfer. The cash payments are recognized as Expenditures by the Debt Service Fund.
The $450,000 transfer from the General Fund is classified as an Other Financing Source-Transfer In, but the $300,000 state grant is recognized as Revenue.
Though the grant has not yet been received in Cash, GASB #33 requires that it be recognized as Revenue in the Government-Wide Statements when the receivable is recognized, as long as there are no eligibility restrictions. It would also be recognized as Revenue in the fund statements as long as the cash was received within 60 days of the year end.
Special Revenue vs. Capital Projects
A Capital Projects Fund should be used to account for financial resources, $15,000,000 federal grant, to be used for the construction or acquisition of major capital facilities, other than those financed by Proprietary Funds and Trust Funds.
General Fixed Asset
The acquisition of a general fixed asset results in the General Fund recognizing an increase (debit) in Expenditures Control and Other Financing Sources (credit) for the total amount of the principal, $150,000.
F/S for Enterprise Funds
Statement of Net Position
Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Fund Posiiton
Statement of Cash Flows
Equity Section:
Net Investment in Capital Assets (NBV less Capital Related Debt)
Cash Flow Statement:
- 4 Sections (Financing has Capital and Non-Capital)
- Direct MEthod MUST be used.
- Noncash on Face (can be in Notes for private sector)
Proprietary Fund Statement of Cash Flows
Operating Activities:
- Excludes interest Revenue and Expense
- Includes Loans made and collected for operations
- Direct Method
- Must recon Operating Income to CF from Operating
NONCAPITAL Financing Activities:
1. Include Debt AND Interest for Debt to finance operations
CAPITAL Financing Activities:
- Includes Acquisition and Sale of Capital Assets (in Investments for Private Firms)
- Debt and Interest for Capital activities
INVESTING Activities:
- Acquire and dispose of Investments.
- Interest and Dividends on Investments
- Loans Made and Acquired (except Operating Loans)
Noncash Activities:
- Donated Assets.
- Capital Leases.
- Unrealized Gain/Loss on Investments
- Debt issued to acquire Capital Asset
Bonds related to Proprietary Funds
Bonds directly related to and expected to be paid from Proprietary Funds (Water and Sewer Fund and Municipal Recreation Fund) should be included in the accounts of such funds. These are specific fund liabilities, even though the full faith and credit of Todd City has been pledged as further assurance that the obligations will be paid.
Cash Flow from Capital and Related Activities
Proceeds of Revenue Bonds assumed to be for Capital.
Both capital contributed by subdividers, $900,000, and proceeds from the sale of revenue bonds, $4,500,000, are considered cash flows from capital and related financing activities, therefore $5,400,000 is the correct answer.
The cash received from customer households, $2,700,000, is classified as cash flows from operating activities.
Enterprise Fund Revenues
Can be operating (normal activities) or non-operating revenues.
Cash Equivalents
A government entity considers an investment a cash equivalent if it matures within three months of the date it was purchased.
This answer is correct because both the 2-month treasury bill and the 3-month certificates of deposits should be presented as cash equivalents in the statement of cash flows. A government entity normally considers an investment a cash equivalent if it matures within three months of the date it was purchased and it is readily convertible to known amounts of cash. Both the 2-month treasury bill and the 3-month certificates of deposit qualify as cash equivalents under these terms.
Capital Lease for Internal Service Fund
Internal service funds follow FASB Statement No. 13 in accounting for capital lease. When a lease payment is made, both the liability and expenses are debited.
Fiduciary Funds
NOT included in Govt Wide Statements
Statement of Fiduciary Net Position
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position
Additions and Deductions rather than Revenues and Expenses.
RSI: Funding Info, Actuarial Info, Schedule of Employer Contributions
Trust Fund Investments
The endowment securities should be maintained in a Private-Purpose Trust Fund and would therefore be measured on the full accrual basis.
Should recognize interest and any appreciation (MTM) on an accrual basis.
Private Purpose Trust Fund
Permanent Fund is FOR the Government
A Private-Purpose Trust Fund is used to account for resources, both expendable and non-expendable, which either must be used for a non-governmental purpose or the earnings from which have to be used for a non-governmental purpose.
As in this case, Private-Purpose Trust Funds usually disburse monies to individuals or organizations outside the governmental entity.
Agency Fund
Agency Funds are used to account for assets received on behalf of and paid to other funds, individuals, or organizations.
The capital grant described in this question is an example of a pure pass-through grant in which Harland County acts as a conduit to distribute the funds to the five subrecipient municipalities. Hartland County will not record any revenues or expenditures related to the grant and will record a receivable and payable in the Agency Fund that acts as a clearinghouse for the funds.
Agency Funds act as intermediaries in the process of disbursing monies from one governmental entity to another. The government has no claim on the resources in the Agency Fund and does not recognize revenues when it receives the monies or recognize expenses when the monies are disbursed.
Private Purpose Trust Fund
A Private-Purpose Trust Fund may be either expendable or nonexpendable. It is expendable if the principal of the trust gift, as well as the earnings, is expendable. A nonexpendable Private-Purpose Trust occurs when the principal must be maintained intact and only the earnings are expendable, or neither the principal nor the earnings are expendable (e.g., loan funds).
Pension Contributions from General Fund
Because the question is about the General Fund, which uses the modified accrual basis of accounting, only the $10,000 contribution to the pension plan, which is a use of financial resources in year 1, is recognized as pension expenditure. The Pension Trust Fund would report the $10,000 received from the General Fund as an “Addition” and not as revenue.
Investment Fund Pooling
Maple may pool all the cash available from all the different accounting funds, irrespective of whether or not they are restricted or unrestricted funds. Realized and unrealized gains and losses must be equitably allocated among the participating funds.
Pension Trust Fund Additions
In addition to the actual earnings on plan assets, both employer and employee contributions are recognized as Additions in the Pension Trust Fund.
Funded Ratio of a Pension Plan
The funded ratio compares the actuarial value of plan assets to the actuarial accrued pension liability.
When Revenue vs Deferred vs Source/Use Recognized and in which fund (General vs Debt Service etc)