Government-wide financial statement Flashcards
what are the basic info about government-wide FS?
- has statements: statement of net position and statement of activities
- use for all governmental activities (GRaSPP + S) and all business-types activities (E)
- GASB 34 requires to use economic resources measurement focus and full accrual of accounting
- includes all assets and liabilities over which government has control or responsibility
- excludes fiduciary funds
- includes component units
what are components of statement of net position?
- net investment in capital assets: capital assets, A/D, reduced by outstanding balances of bonds, mortgages, notes, and included deferred in/out flows
- restricted = externally imposed
- unrestricted = everything else
- eliminated interfund activities
how to record a debt to be repaid from general resources?
any debt (ex: special assessment debt) to be repaid from general resources will be recorded as general long-term liabilities in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement
how to record interfund receivables and payables b/w governmental and business-type activities in government-wide FS?
- report as internal balances
- they are not eliminated in the individual column but recorded and aligned in both columns so that they sum to zero prior to prepare the govt-wide FS
what are the two required schedules of supplementary info using modified approach reporting?
- a schedule reporting the condition of the government’s infrastructure
- a comparison schedule of needed and actual expenditures to maintain the infrastructure
what is to be based on when recording expenses?
functions and program listed
what are the 3 main program revenue classified by functions in the statement of activities in govt-wide FS?
the govt can SOC away these revenue:
- Services (charges for)
- Operating grants and conditions
- Capital grants and conditions
how to report a non-exchange revenue in support of government activities?
activity like levi tax to improve roads is reported as “general fund”
what is the difference b/w the govt fund FS and govt-wide FS on fixed asset disposal?
NBV of the assets sold