Government Unit review Flashcards
Conseravtive Ideologies
-Less tax/less business tax
-Slow Changes
-private sector
-merit over equality
-Less government
-Individual freedom as a value
Liberal Ideologies
-More government
-more tax
-tax to benefit the government
-changes appropriate/ new ideas
-individual freedom= equality/equity
-believes that the government can produce a better result than the private sectors
-Low government involvement/ regulation
-competitive market/regulation
-individual equality
-free market
-Total government control
-suspend individual rights
-classless society
-dictatorship ideologies
-an extreme version of socialism
-State-controlled system
-individual power leadership
-pro capitalist-if it benefits the state
-dictatorship ideologies
fill in the blanks [_______]
[_____] —– [________] ——-[_________]
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[__] [__] [_________] [_________]
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[_________] [___________]
[Leg b] —– [Executive b] ——-[Judicial b]
| | | |
[Senate] [H.O.C] [P.M] [Supreme Court]
| |
[Cabinet] [Pro/ter court]
[Governement department]
Outline the checks and balances in the system
Each branch cannot be more powerful than another, a branch and sub-branch may check one thing or another.
Reasons to reform the Canadian Senate
-More accurate/fair representation of the entire province/territory
-bias (senator is chosen by the P.M.)
-voted representation v.s. Appointment
-how much power should be given?
-do not have popular legitimacy
Pros of a minority government in Canada
-More cooperation
-more involvement (smaller parties)
Cons of a minority government in Canada
-Do not pass much due to constant compromises
-can create a stalemate
-weaken the legislation (too watered down due to compromise)
Pros of a majority government
-Work gets done quicker
-laws are passed quicker
Cons of a majority government
-Can rule without lots of ramifications (reduced checks and balances)
-some unfair representation
First past the post pros
-Quicker results
-single-party government = more stable government
-simpler process
-what countries are the most stable: almost all are – —-FPTP countries due to the points above
First past the post cons
-Minority rule
-bad at local representation
-votes have no effect
-tactical voting
Proportional representation pros
-The country is governed by a parliament that reflects its people
-every vote counts
-coalition governments = balanced and collaborative decision-making
-more democratic on a national basis
Proportional representation cons
-Fragmented parliaments
-candidates are often appointed by the party leaders, not by people in constituencies (undemocratic)
-can be unstable/not productive (constant negotiation)
-less democratic on a local basis
-more elections
-High government involvement
-Community equality
-Classless society (ties to communism)
-Government is the solution
-Practice envy (dislike successful people)
-No private sector