Government Test Flashcards
What are the responsibilities of the federal government?
Conduct of national affairs, stated in the Australian constitution and includes defence and foreign affairs;trade, commerce and currency, immigration, postal services, telecommunications and broadcasting
What is the state government responsible for?
Responsible for schools, hospitals, conservations and environment, roads, railways and public transport, public works and fishing. Each state has its own constitution with the rules it follows.
What is the local governments responsibilities?
Concerned with matters close to our homes, such as building regulations and development, public health, local roads and footpaths, parks and playing fields
What is the role of the opposition?
To question the government of the day and to hold them accountable for their actions. They also scrutinise new legislation as part of the process.
What is the role of the parliament?
The Parliament has four main functions: legislation (making laws), representation (acting on behalf of voters and citizens), scrutiny (examining the government), and formation of government
What is the role of the crown?
The crown is Australia’s head of state (queen Elizabeth 2) the Governor General is the crowns representative in Australia. The Governor General has executive power and can do many things including not allowing a law to be passed.
What is the role of the pressure group?
To try and influence the government to change, or not change laws and regulations. They are a way for people to voice their opinion in a group of people with the same opinion.
What is the House of Representatives?
The lower house of the commonwealth parliament. The house of reps is larger than the senate with about 150 members
What is the job of the House of Representatives?
Controls government expenditure, Represents the people, Publicises and scrutinises government administration and makes laws
What is the senate?
The upper house of the commonwealth parliament. The senate controls our constitution and has about 76 members.
What is the job of the senate?
The Senate is a house of review and a powerful check on the government of the day. It’s main functions are, safe guard interests of all states and represent the interests of voters.
What is criminal law?
It’s concerned with cases in which a person has committed an offence against the wellbeing of the community
Examples of criminal law?
Against the state -> treason or sabotage
Against a person -> assault or murder
Against property -> theft or damage
Against public order -> traffic offences or abusive language
What is civil law?
Concerned with cases in which there is a dispute between two private individuals.
Why does the court hear civil cases?
In order to determine the rights of individuals and settle the dispute.
Examples of civil law
- > Ownership of property
- > Contracts or other legally binding agreements
- > Divorce
Sample cases heard in the Supreme Court
Serious criminal offences such as murder, manslaughter and attempted murder. Unlimited amounts in damages
Sample cases heard in the high court of Australia
Constitutional matters such as interpretation of the constitution
Sample cases heard in the county court of vic
Serious criminal offences such as culpable driving and armed robbery. Unlimited amount in damages.
Examples of cases head in the magistrates court
Minor criminal offences such as assault and traffic offences. Up to $100,000 in damages
Who is Julie Bishop, what does she do and a problem she deals with
Julie Isabel Bishop is an Australian politician, serving as the Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2013, and the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party since 2007. A problem that she has to deal with is a gifted school wants to move to a high rise building and she believes that the student safety well-being and health will be compromised as I’ll be no sporting spaces or greenery so she’s trying to stop this move
What is a petition?
a formal request to parliament to tale action
what is democracy?
a system of government by the people in which representatives are elected eligible people vote for candidates to carry out the business of governing on their behalf.
what are citizens?
members of a state or nation
what is the systems of government in Australia based on?
what is a consensus decision?
a decision reached by general agreement
what is a Prime Minister?
the leader of a commonwealth government. they are the leader of the political party with a majority in the house of representatives is summoned by the governor general.
what are ministers?
members of the government with responsibility for areas of government policies or departments
Who is the leader of Australia
The prime minister Malcolm Turnbull
how many members of the house of Representatives are there
NT- 2 QLD- 30 NSW- 48 VIC-37 ACT-2 WA-15 SA- 11 TAS- 5
what is an electorate
a geographic are consisting of approximately 80,000 voters who vote for on representative
federal elections (description)
elections are always held on Saturdays. in a federal election, each voter os given two ballot papers to complete, one for the house of reps and the other for the senate
What are types of voting?
- ordinary vote
- absentee voter
- pre-poll and postal voter
- section vote
what is an absentee vote?
someone who is not in their electorate on the day of the election. they can go to any polling place and declare that they are entitled to vote. they are given ballot papers for their area which will be sent to their local counting
what is a pre-poll or postal vote?
someone who is either too ill or old, lives more than 8k from the nearest polling place, belongs to a particular religion or out of sate an apply for a ballot paper to be posted to them which they complete before the Election Day and then is counted
what is a section vote?
someone who’s name is not listed to votemaz still vote if they sign a declaration that they completed an electoral enrolment form which, along with a complete ballot paper, is given to an electoral officer
what system of voting is used to determine they house of reps?
the preferential voting system is used. voter mark candidates from their first choice (1) to their second (2) and so on until all the candidates have a number, and no number can be repeated.
what must the candidate earn to become the house of representatives?
they must receive absolute majority. at least 50% + 1. If no one can achieve his the candidate with the lowest vote are taken away and their ballot papers are changed to have who ever was second counted as the goal. if this still does not let absolute majority occur then it continoues to the next lowest candidate until id does
members of the house of Representatives (Bob Katter)
Robert Carl Katter Jr. is an Australian federal politician, a member of the Australian House of Representatives since March 1993 for the Division of Kennedy, and the leader of Katter’s Australian Party.
members of the house of Representatives (Bill shorten)
William Richard “Bill” Shorten is an Australian politician who is the current Leader of the Opposition in the Parliament of Australia, in his capacity as Leader of the Australian Labor Party
members of the house of Representatives (Juile Bishop)
Julie Isabel Bishop is an Australian politician, serving as the Minister for Foreign Affairs since 2013, and the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Party since 2007. HAS even fewer convictions than Turnbull, near mute on even key issues such as free speech;
What is a representative government?
An electoral system where citizens vote to elect people to represent their interests and concerns.