Government, Propaganda and Foreign Relations Flashcards
What was key to Stalin’s style of government?
Bureaucratic centralism
What was bureaucratic centralism?
Government controlled from the centre; this includes the central appointment of district officers and other party officials
How was Stalin’s government presented?
As a continuation of Lenin’s legacy
What was the driving force in Stalin’s system of government?
Fear: his henchmen were scared, not only of Stalin, but of each other
How did the secret police change?
Renamed the OGPU (Joint State Political Directorate) in 1926, the role of the secret police became even more pervasive under Dzerzhinsky’s successor, Menzhinsky
How could Stalin justify his use of terror?
Lenin had done so, so Stalin could claim he was just continuing Lenin’s legacy
How was propaganda used to ‘sell’ the first Five Year Plan in 1928?
It was portrayed as the work of the all-knowing ‘Great Leader’, Stalin, who was frequently depicted alongside Lenin and Marx
Example of a slogan used by Stalin?
‘Stalin is the Lenin of today’
What imagery did some propaganda use to appeal to the peasantry?
Used imagery and icons connected to tsarist Russia as these were familiar to traditional peasant society
How and why did Stalin perpetuate the cult of Lenin?
Wanted to portray Lenin as a god-like figure in order to portray himself as his disciple and heir
e.g. Stalin insisted on having Lenin’s body embalmed and his tomb turned into a shrine (against the wishes of Lenin’s wife)
Who were Stalin’s chief representatives in foreign affairs?
Chicherin and his deputy, Litvinov
Who did Stalin support in China?
The Guomindang - revolutionary-nationalist movement (as opposed to the CCP)
Example of the GMD being bad
1926 - massacred striking workers in Canton
1927 - viciously suppressed communist-led workers’ revolts
1927 - massacred around 30,000 striking workers in Wuhan
Why did Trotsky criticise Stalin’s attitude towards China?
Said Stalin had betrayed the CCP (however, Trotsky’s influence was waning and Stalin’s policy of ‘socialism in one country’ was supported enough that this wasn’t an issue)
When was the Treaty of Berlin signed?
What was the Treaty of Berlin?
A promise between Russia and Germany to maintain positive diplomatic relations
Litvinov called it ‘an amplification of the Treaty of Rapallo’
How did Stalin support the GMD?
Gave them financial backing and military help
Economic clauses of the Treaty of Berlin?
Article 3 - promise not to join any economic boycott against the other
Political clauses of the Treaty of Berlin?
Article 2 - if either country was attacked by a third party, the other would remain neutral in the conflict
How long was the Treaty of Berlin to be in effect for?
5 years
Economic benefit for the USSR of good relations with Germany?
In June 1926, the USSR received large financial credits from German banks
How had Stalin viewed the Comintern between 1924-29?
Low priority as he had been far more concerned with internal affairs
When did Stalin announce his changing attitude to foreign affairs?
At the Sixth Comintern Congress in July 1928, Stalin announced that the time was right for an all-out attack on anti-communist social democratic parties in Europe (what Stalin called ‘social fascists’)
What did Stalin instruct the Comintern to do?
Purge ‘weak elements’ (and Trotskysists) to prepare to fight to spread revolution around the world
Why might Stalin have changed his attitude towards the Comintern?
Return to genuine revolutionary fervour he had held in 1917-19?
Picking a political fight with Bukharin?
How did Stalin change how the Comintern operated?
Put loyalists in charge
Soviet agents were sent abroad to infiltrate foreign communist parties in countries like France, Germany and Italy