Government acctg Flashcards
What types of funds are these?
- Pension Trust Funds
- Investment trust funds
- Private purpose trust funds
- Agency trust funds
fiduciary funds, keyword is “trust”
Which of the government funds uses the accrual basis of accounting
- enterprise
- debt service.
- capital project
- special revenue
- enterprise, they run business-like services, where the govt provides a service and gets paid by customers.
does the timing of collection of revenues affect revenue recognition in the entity-wide(govt wide) statement of activities?
no, revenues are recognized after deducting estimated collectibles, discounts, etc. Therefore, the amount reported for the current year will be the net realizable value of the tax levy for the current year.
the measurement focus of govt fund accounting is on what
current financial resources, because acctg in govtal funds typically follows a budget, the assets that can be spent are grouped with the appropriate liabilities.
what are the 5 types of governmental funds
- general fund
- special revenue funds
- capital project funds
- debt service funds
- permanent funds
the accounting equation of governmental funds is
- current asset -current liabilities=fund balance
2. revenue-expenditures+other financing sources-other financing uses=increase or decrease in fund balance.
what are governmental funds
funds that are used to account for financing of general govt functions and activities. also, they are used to account for the acquisition, uses of, and balance of government’s expendable financial resources and related current liabilities (except those accounted for in proprietary funds)
Are governmental funds accounted for on the modified accrual basis?
what kind of funds are these?
enterprise funds
internal service funds
proprietary funds (business like fund of a state or local government)
would gifts and contributions be considered as operating revenues?
what are Required supplementary information?
within a government;s comprehensive financial report (CAFR), RSI must be included following the notes to the F/S, RSI includes budgetary comparison schedules, information about the modified approach for reporting infrastructure assets, and employee benefit information.
can enterprise fund be included in the combining fund statements of governmental funds?
when revenues are received from charges to users for services provided, these revenues are classified as?
program revenue of general revenue
program revenue, revenues derived from those who purchase, use, or directly benefit from the goods or services of a program.
how should revenues be recognized on the modified accrual basis,
when all eligibility are met and the resources are available
the outstanding encumbrance would be reflected as ?
committed or assigned.
how many funds do you need to set up the structure of a newly established city’s accounting system
the minimum # of funds consistent with legal requirements and sound financial administration. governmental accounting is only required to have one fund, the general fund. Other funds can be added to meet budgetary and legal requirements.
the paramount objective of govt accounting is
are uncollectible taxes considered as a bad debt expense in a governmental fund?
the measurement focus of a govt fund is on expenditures, decreases in resources, rather than expenses
Property taxes receivable–current 600,000
Property tax revenue 575,000
Allowance for uncollectible
property taxes 25,000
he notes contain disclosures related only to required supplementary information in governmental funds-true of false?
the extensive list of items a government should address in the notes of its financial statements covers material additional to “required supplementary information.” both notes and RSI are required.
is the stmt of functional expenses required by all non profit organizations?
no, this is required for voluntary health and welfare organization.
the stmt of financial position, the stmt of activity, and the stmt of cash flows are required by all non-profit organizations.
IS debt service fund used to account for in connection with a pension or a proprietary fund
no, Debt accounted for in a pension trust or a proprietary fund is serviced from that fund and is not general long-term debt.
where should the non current portion of the a capital lease agreement financed by the govt be reported in the financial statements
in the govt wide stmt of net position in the govtnl activities column.
reported as long-term liabilites,
the statement of activities of govt wide financial statements is designed to provide information to assess what?
operation accountability using all economic resources.
is depreciation on general capital assets, including infrastructure, always required at the entity-wide perspective
no, certain infrastructure capital assets are not required to be depreciated under the modified approach.
does cash inflow from investing activities include interests received on long-term investments?
pension expense
add service cost. subtract expected rate of return on plan assets, add the amortization of prior service cost, and add the interest cost on the pension obligations.
a major exception to the general rule of expenditure accrual of govntal units related to ummatured
principal of general long-term debt and interest on general long term debt.
intergovernmental revenue is included as revenue
program service costs vs supporting costs, is research cost for a non-profit considered a supporting or program cost?
principal is to remain invested forever, but the point of the investment’s income is to benefit the government.,
permanent fund
reporting of expenses by all NFP entities,
functional classification in the statement of activities of notes to the financial statements.
Financial reporting for a not-for-profit should provide information about the service efforts of the entity. Therefore, the FASB Accounting Standards Codification requires expenses to be reported by functional classification (i.e., program services, management, fundraising, etc.). Only those not-for-profits that are voluntary health and welfare entities must augment the functional classification of expenses that appears in the statement of activities with a natural classification of expenses, displayed in a matrix format, that is shown in a separate document, a statement of functional expenses.
if an NFP has cash for investment, how may Maple pool its investments?
may pool all investments, but must allocate realized or unrealized gains and losses considering donor restrictions, board policy, and relevant legislation.
what kind of assets are included in the statement of financial position for a non government NFP organization?
unrestricted net assets, temp restricted net assets, and perm restricted net assets.
cost of electricity used is an expenditure regardless of whether the supplies of electricity is part of the the same government or an independent suppliers
debit expenditures.
a major exception to the general rule of expenditure accrual for governmental units relates to unmatured are?
principal of general long term debt and interest on general long term debt. otherwise, expenditures should be recorded as fund liabilities as incurred or assets as expended.
the letter of transmittal and the statistical section are classified as?
other, neither basic statements nor required supplemental information.
Lys City records a compensated absences liability as a general government liability. The salary rate used to calculate the liability should normally be the rate in effect:
at the balance sheet date.
which fund would report transfer to other funds as other financing uses
general fund
In the preparation of the statement of activities for a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity, all expenses are reported as decreases in which of the following net asset classes?
all expenses are reported as the decrease in unrestricted net assets.