Government Accouting Flashcards
Property Taxes
Receivable within 60 days
deferred taxes after the 60 days
allowance for not recievable
Exchange and non-exchange transactions
Exchange transactions are those transactions where equal amounts are given or received. Non-Exchange transaction Derived Imposed Govt mandated Voluntary Grant
11 Types of funds
Govermental Funds:( Modified Accrual) General Fund Capital Projects Fund Special Reserve Fund Debt Service Fund Permanent Fund Propritory Fund Internal Service Fund Enterprise Fund Fiduciary Funds Pension trust Investment trust Private purpose trust Agency Trust
Debt Service Fund
IS the money we accumulate to pay off interest of principles and interest for bonds
Permenant fund
Non expendable fund.moeyresricted and may not be fund
Propritory funds
Accrual- Utilities, Bus service train service
Government Obligated
Government Not Obligated
Govt Obligated- Capitol projects or debt service fund
Govt not obligated- Agency fund
No-fund balance
Financial statements
MDA Government wide F/S(Acrual Basis) Statement of net position Statement of Activities Fund FS
Govt wide funds
No fund statements
Financial statements
mdma Govt Wide=5=1 statement of net position-B/S Governmental activities Business type activities-1 Total=total of all( whats not on these statements? Fiduciary Funds) Componant unit statement of activities=Income statement(Govt wide=Accrual) Program Revenues General Revenues
fund catogeries
Non-spendable Restricted Assigned Committed Unassigned
Component Unit
Discrete Presentation: A separate elected Governing board, Legally separate, physically independent
Blend: Blendwithotherfundsifthe activitiescannot be separated
Diff between appropriation and encumbrance
Appropriation is authorized to spend and encumbrance is expected to spend
Purchase method and consumption method
The purchase of inventory is recorded as an immediate expenditure. If the consumption method is used inventory would be debited as goods are purchased.
Explain Modified approach
If the Government are able to prove the maintenance of the assets can give them indefinite life they can omit depreciation
extra money from bonds
transfer to debt service funds
what is the measurement focus in governmental funds
Economic resource measurement focus
General capital assets
General capital assets are all capital assets not reported in the proprietary funds and the fiduciary funds. They are reported, at historical cost, only in the governmental activities column of the government-wide statement of net assets.
Bond anticipation notes
Bond anticipation notes of governmental funds are reported solely as general long-term liabilities if (1) all legal steps have been taken to refinance the bond anticipation notes, and (2) the intent is supported by an ability to consummate the refinancing on a long-term basis.
IN the government wide financial statement how is purchases recorded
Your answer is correct.
In the governmental fund financial statements, whether an expenditure was for services consumed immediately or for a general capital asset is irrelevant. The focus of governmental-fund reporting is on the disposition of current period resources. Thus, such outlays are expenditures, not expenses. In the government-wide financial statements, all economic resources, both current and long-term, are reported. The services consumed in the current period are debited to an expense, and the long-lived asset is capitalized.
Bond premium
is not amortized in debt funds
pension funds
actual amount
The CAFR include
The CAFR should’s discussion and analysis (MD&A),
b. the basic financial statements,
c. required supplementary information (RSI) other than MD&A,
d. combining and individual fund statements,
e. schedules,
f. narrative explanations, and
g. a statistical section.
2.The basic financial statements include government-wide financial statements, fund financial statements, and the notes to the financial statements.
Componenent units
Direct presentation in a separate coloum if:
A separate elected Governing board
Legally separate
Fiscally independent-authority to:
Determine its budget,levy taxes w/o approval,issue bond debt w/o approval.
Blend: with other units if operations cannot be separated and it will be misleading to present them separately.
The required govt wide financial statements
Your answer is incorrect.
The statement of net position reports all financial and capital resources. The statement of activities presents operations in a format that displays net (expense) revenue for each function, thereby reporting the relative financial burden to the taxpayers for that function.
Are the primary fund and component fund blend
Your answer is incorrect.
The funds of a component unit are blended with those of the primary government in the fund statements and combining statements. However, the primary government’s general fund should be the only general fund reported. Thus, the general fund of the blended component unit should be reported as a special revenue fund of the primary government.
Depreciation of capital assets
Your answer is incorrect.
The funds of a component unit are blended with those of the primary government in the fund statements and combining statements. However, the primary government’s general fund should be the only general fund reported. Thus, the general fund of the blended component unit should be reported as a special revenue fund of the primary government.
capitalproject fund
A capital projects fund accounts for financial resources, including general obligation bond proceeds, to be used for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities other than those financed either by proprietary funds or in trust funds for individuals, private organizations, or other governments.