Government Flashcards
Which of the following is voluntary information within a general purpose external financial report?
other SI (other supplemental information)
Which of the following is the paramount objective of financial reporting by state and local governments?
Which event(s) is(are) supportive of interperiod equity as a financial reporting objective of a governmental unit?
I. A balanced budget is adopted.
II. Residual equity transfers out equal residual equity transfers in.
I only
Which of the following items is recognized for governmental activities in the government-wide statement of activities and not in the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance for governmental funds?
Property tax revenue for an amount deferred because it was not available
Property tax revenue that is not currently available is not reported at the governmental fund level but is reported in the government-wide statements—this is a very common reconciliation item between governmental fund balance and government-wide net position.
Which of the following activities would most likely be accounted for in a proprietary fund?
Wastewater and sewerage services
Which of the following statements about the differences between U.S. GAAP and IFRS in determining whether or not to consolidate an entity is/are correct?
IFRS guidelines for determining the eligibility of an entity to be consolidated are more principles-based than are U.S. GAAP guidelines.
In assessing an investor’s level of ownership of an investee, both U.S. GAAP and IFRS consider outstanding securities that are exercisable or convertible into voting shares.
Under both U.S. GAAP and IFRS, there are circumstances under which a majority-owned subsidiary does not have to be consolidated.
I and III
Oro County’s Expenditures control account at December 31, 2005 had a balance of $9,000,000.
When Oro’s books were closed, this $9,000,000 Expenditures control balance should have
Been credited to close it
For governmental fund types, which item is considered the primary measurement focus?
Flows and balances of financial resources
When Rolan County adopted its budget for the year ending June 30, Year 1, $20,000,000 was recorded for Estimated Revenues Control. Actual Revenues for the year ended June 30, Year 1 amounted to $17,000,000.
In closing the budgetary accounts at June 30, Year 1,
When the budgetary accounts are closed at the end of the fiscal year, the estimated revenues control account will be credited for the amount for which it was debited when the budget was recorded, $20,000,000.
On January 1, Fonk City approved the following general fund resources for the new fiscal period:
Property taxes $5,000,000 Licenses and permits 400,000 Intergovernmental revenues 150,000 Transfers in from other funds 350,000 What amount should Fonk record as estimated revenues for the new fiscal year?
Transfers in from other funds are classified as “Other Financing Sources” and are not revenues. The other three amounts are classified as revenues and, for budget purposes, should be included in determining “estimated revenues.”
Assuming no outstanding encumbrances at year’s end, closing entries for which of the following situations would increase the unassigned fund balance at year’s end?
Appropriations exceed actual expenditures.
Encumbrances outstanding at year’s end in a state’s general fund may be reported as a
Fund balance assigned in the general fund.
Encumbrances would not appear in which fund?
Encumbrance accounting is rarely used by Proprietary Funds so the Enterprise Fund (answer D) is the best choice for this question.
For state and local governmental units, generally accepted accounting principles typically require that encumbrances outstanding at year’s end be reported as
Assigned or committed fund balance
Taxes levied in the Debt Service Fund and due in the Year 20x1 include $200,000 that is not expected to be collected within the first 60 days of the Year 20x2. As of the end of Year 20x1, the $200,000 would be reported as
A deferred inflow of resources.
Since the Debt Service Fund uses the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized with measurable and available. The $200,000 is not expected to be available and hence should be reported as a deferred inflow or resources in Year 20x1.
A Special Revenue Fund may report a positive amount in each of the following fund balance classifications except:
Only the General Fund can report a positive amount in Unassigned Fund Balance. In all other Governmental Fund types (including a Special Revenue Fund), if expenditures exceed amounts restricted, committed, or assigned, it may be necessary to report a negative Unassigned Fund Balance. Should that occur, the Assigned Fund Balance is reduced to eliminate the deficit. If a deficit remains after eliminating Assigned Fund Balance, the negative residual should be classified Unassigned Fund Balance.
As of the end of the fiscal year, a Capital Projects Fund has material balances of supplies inventory. Which fund balance classification would reflect the inventory of supplies?
Nonspendable, inventory is nonspendable
Which of the following fund balance classifications is used for budgetary accounting but not for GAAP financial statement reporting?
Unreserved Fund Balance.
GASB Statement No. 54 eliminated the use of “reserve” and “unreserved” fund balances. The appropriate fund balance classifications are Nonspendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned.
A Capital Projects Fund has outstanding encumbrances of $250,000 as of the end of the fiscal year. Assume that all resources in the Capital Projects Fund are considered to be committed due to the constraints established by the enabling legislation of the governing body of the government. How should the encumbrances be reported in the year-end external financial statements?
The encumbrances would only be reported in the note disclosures.
In preparing Chase City’s reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in fund balances to the Government-Wide Statement of Activities, which of the following items should be subtracted from the changes in fund balances?
Book value of capital assets sold during the year.
At the Governmental-Fund level, the entire proceeds from the sale of capital assets is a financial resource of the fund - it is spendable. Only the gain or loss on the sale of capital assets is reported in the Government-Wide Financial Statements. Therefore, the book value of capital assets should be subtracted.
A local citizen donated land and an office complex to a city with the stipulation that net income from the office complex be used help finance the operations of a teenage alcohol and drug treatment center. At the time of donation, the property’s fair market value was $800,000. The donor paid $500,000 for the land and house twenty years ago. The city spent $125,000 to upgrade the office complex. The city would capitalize the land and office complex in its permanent fund at:
The property should be capitalized at $925,000-fair market value at the time of donation ($800,000) plus the cost of improvements ($125,000) made by the city. Earnings from the office complex would usually be transferred to and expended through a Special Revenue Fund.
Shared revenues received by an Enterprise Fund of a local government for operating purposes should be recorded as:
Shared Revenues received by a Proprietary Fund for operating purposes should be recorded as Non-Operating Revenues in the period in which they are earned and become measurable.
Which of the following statements is the most significant characteristic in determining the classification of an enterprise fund?
The pricing policies of the activity establish fees and charges designed to recover its cost.
The funded ratio of a pension plan compares:
The plan’s fiduciary net position as a percentage of the actuarially determined total pension liability..
According to GASB Statment No. 68 (para 46(b)(1)(d), governmental employers must report as required supplemental information, the pension plan’s fiduciary net position as a percentage of the actuarially determined total pension liability.