Governance in Australia Flashcards
What is the Doctrine of Separation of Powers?
Executive, Legislative, Judiciary
Why does the Doctrine of Separation of Powers exist?
To ensure that no individual body or person has complete control or can perform an abuse of power.
Role of the executive branch?
Puts laws into action.
Role of the Legislative branch
To create the laws
Role of the Judiciary
To apply the laws.
What are the powers outlined by the Constitution?
Exclusive, Concurrent, Residual
What is the significance of RE Kevin
Overturned the 1982 case of Corbett
Changed the definition of a ‘man’ for the purposes of marriage.
‘The possibility of transsexual people to marry according to their new gender.’
What is the significance of the Mabo case?
Recognised Indigenous people
Acknowledged the traditional rights of Indigenous people to their land and waters.
What is the significance of the Tasmanian Dam case?
Landmark decision in 1983 handed down by the High Court that illustrated the power of the Commonwealth parliament to legislate a treaty, overruling a residual power of the states.
What is the role of the High Court and relevant section?
Section 71
Primary function is to interpret the Constitution
Decides cases of special federal significance, constitutionally validity of laws and hears appeals.
What is the role of the Murri Court
Criminal justice system links Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander defendants to cultural and supportive services.
The aim is to reduce the representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system.
What is a democracy?
A form of government in which the people have the authority to deliberate and decide legislation, or to choose governing officials to do so.
What is the rule of law?
No individual is beyond the law
No individual can be convicted of a crime without a proper trial using established and valid laws.
The law must be applied and enforced to all.
What does the rule of law ensure?
Fundamentally ensures that the democratic principles of a fair society and just and equitable outcomes for all.
What is the Representative Government and the relevant sections?
A governmental system where politicians are elected (by the people) to represent the people, to serve in parliament and make decisions on their behalf.
Section 7 and 24: Requires both houses of the federal parliament to be ‘directly chosen by the people’.
What is the Responsible Government?
Government formed by the House of Representatives and is answerable to elected representatives of the people for all its actions.
For these responsibilities to be possible, a political party or coalition of parties must maintain the support of the majority of members of the House of Representatives in order to remain in government.
What are the exclusive powers and its relevant sections?
Can only be exercised by the Commonwealth Parliament.
Section 115: The Constitution prevents a State from making its own money.
Section 114: Prohibits States from having their own armed forces.