govern Flashcards
governmental funds
general, special revenue, capital projects, debt service, and permanent
proprietary funds
enterprise funds and internal service funds
A component unit
legally separate organization for which the primary government is financially accountable
financial accountability exists if the separate organization (1) is financially dependent on the primary government and (2) has a financial benefit or burden relationship with the primary government.
Imposed nonexchange revenues.
Property taxes and fines ,forfeitures represent
where general long term lia report in gover?
general long term lia report in the governmental activity column of G WIDE;
ex; general long term liability
long term lia is not recog on govern FUND
short term lia report in gover?
short term lia report in both gover WIDE and FUND
ex: tax anticipation note, utility bond ( in enterprise fund)
wut is debt service fund ?
A debt service fund is created specifically to account for resources restricted, committed, or assigned to expenditure for principal and interest.
budgetary fund balance entry?
Dr estimated rev (asset, debit) Cr appropriation (lia) , amt authorized to spent for the government
encumbrance? entry?
to record commitments to purchase goods or services
Dr encumbrance , Cr encumbrance outstadning
wut entry when govern issue purchase order?
Dr encumbrance, Cr encumbrance outstanding
when goods received, reverse encumbrance entry , then book Dr expenditure, Cr voucher payable
in gover WIDE, wut is special items
Special items are significant transactions or other events within the control of management that are either unusual or infrequent. They are reported separately after extraordinary items.
expenditure for principal and interest in government fund r recognized when?
recog only when these amount r due
Imposed nonexchange revenues other than from property taxes recog wen in acctg period?
recognized at the same time as the recognition of the assets unless time requirements apply`
where to report construction in progress?
not in capital project fund,
report it in gov WIDE
wut is budgetary comparison schedule?
it is a required supplementary information,
contain orginal, final budget and actual inflow, outflow
property tax entry in gover FUND ?
DR Property taxes receivable – current $600,000
Cr Property tax revenue 575,000
Cr Allowance for uncollectible property taxes – current
wut RSI include? where it present
it present in Annual Financial Report
RSI include: schedule, STAT, budgetary comparison schedule, 4) other information that is an essential part of financial reporting
in govern,a fund is
basic accounting unit,
used to ensure fiscal compliance
private purpose trust fund
is not a special revenue fund
how to report prepaid insurance in govern FUND ?
(1) the purchases method, in which an expenditure is reported when the policy is purchased
(2) the consumption method, in which an expenditure is reported when the asset is consumed.
when to use discrete presentation ?
when it is legally separated entity AND have no financial benefit or burden relationship
wut is correct approach to note in Govern FS ?
notes r essential in presentation
focus on primary govern : 1) govern acti 2) busines acti 3) major funds , 4) nonmajor funds in aggregated
wut is a component unit of a goverN?
component unit is a legally separated entity
a component unit must be blended OR discretely present
A blended component unit is in effect the same as the primary government. Thus, its balances and transactions are reported in a manner similar to those of the primary government. Discrete presentation involves reporting component unit information in columns and rows separate from the information of the primary government.
wut statements r required for special purpose govern that engaged only in business type activities (utility) ?
the basic financial statements and RSI include (1) MD&A, (2) enterprise (proprietary) fund statements (statement of net position; statement of revenues, expenses, and changes in fund net position; and statement of cash flows), (3) notes, and (4) RSI other than MD&A.
three primary user groups of the external financial reports of a state government
citizen, lawmakers, and advocate group
when resources r actually available and measurable to recog in govern FUND ?
when it available and measurable , it can also include previous year amt, cuzz these were not available back then
sale tax collected but not remited ( as long as it is within 60 days)
when does defer inflow of resource increases ?
when govern has legally enforceable right to levy
treat it as unearn rev, debit defer inflow , cre revenue when the period begin for which property taxes are levied
intergovernmental revenue ?
should be included in estimated revenue