gov test 3 Flashcards
political party
a group of people with broad common intrests who organize to win election, control gov, and thereby inluence gov policies
one party
the party is the gov
two party
when two parties compete for power, minor parties exist
nations that allow more than one political party
third party
any party other than one of the two major parties
splits away from one of the major parties becasue of some disagreement
single-issue party
focuses exclusively on one major society, economic, or moral issue
ideological party
focuses on overall change in society rather than an issue
intrest group
want to pass policy
party platform
containing diff ideologies
using ideas, information, or rumors to influence opinon
meeting of party members to choose canidates
open/closed primary
voting for canidates of one party (best dem. or rep.)
nominatng convention
a political convention held every four years in the United States by most of the political parties who will be fielding nominees in the upcoming U.S. presidential election
A formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority with respect to a particular cause
type of propganda: associating a patriotic symbol with a canidate
type of propaganda: urging voters to support a canidate because everyone else is
plain folks
type of propaganda: identifying the canidate as “just one of the common people”
type of propaganda: name calling
type of propaganda: a celebrity endorses a canidate
type of propaganda: interpreting a political event or statement from a particular point of veiw
card stacking
type of propaganda: giving only one side of the facts to support a canidate’s position
technique of intrest group: influence government policy thru direct contact
technique of intrest group: “friends of the court” ex. amicus curiae brief
amicus curiae brief
1) file briefs that consist of a written argument for their side. 2) class action suit
class action suit
technique of intrest group: lawsuit brought by a representative member of a large group of people on behalf of all members of the group
technique of intrest group: keep people in office who are sympathetic to group wants and needs
dispensing patronage
functions of political parties: parties give favors to their members; most of the time its a deal
educating the public
functions of political parties: parties share their veiws and information by radio, TV, pamplets, and more. the public will vote based on their veiws.
recruiting canidates
functions of political parties: political parties look for people that would make good canidates and would win. they base the chance of winning on public approval
loyal opposition
functions of political parties: the minority party assumes the position of “watch dog” over governament, becasue they don’t have a main role in government this is how they express their veiws
reduction of conflict
functions of political parties: parties encourage groups to work together. an outcome of this is modern policies with mass appeal
operating the government
functions of political parties: political parties run and staff the government by getting people in office most of the time one party operates teh white house and the other operates congress
12th amendment
provides the procedure for voting the president and vice president
15th amenment
black males can vote
17th amendment
people elect senators
23rd amendment
DC gets 3 electoral votes
19th amendment
women can vote
24th amendment
abolished poll tax
26th amendment
18+ years can vote
problems of 3rd parties
getting a ballot, funding for campaigning, winning elections due to: single member districts and winner take all system
when is election day
the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November
what does FEC stand for an do?
Federal Election Commission. It regulates the FECA act: limits the amount of donation (money) that can be given to a canidate
where money comes from for campaigning
donations, foundations, federal grants, and contracts
how is electoral college determined?
number of senators and congressman in that state
reasons people vote
civic duty
how one joins a political party
declares it
what happens at the national convention for each party
each party chooses the party’s presidential and vice presidential candidates, ratify the party platform, elect officers, and adopt rules
political efficacy
when you think your vote counts
party centrism
to support your politial party
political apathy
when you think your vote doesn’t count