Gotwalt - To Kill a Mockingbird Flashcards
assent; agree without protesting to assent tacitly (agree completely), submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent
gather; accumulate formed by the conjunction of collection of pieces into a whole; total; combined ex. all of the individual people combined to form the aggregate (group)
apart; reserved; at a distance, especially in feelings or interest in something; apart
comparable; corresponding to something else; being similar to something else
fear anticipation of something bad happening the act of understanding something acceptance of information without judgement
effective; distinct; uttered in clear syllables capable of speech; not speechless using language easily and fluently; knows lots of words and how to use them
ease or lessen (pain); satisfy hunger); soothe (anger) to make mild or less severe; relive; ease; mitigate to appease; satisfy; allay; relieve to soothe, calm, or mollify
forbiddingly stern; severely simple and unornamented; severe in manner or appearance; strict rigorously self disciplined and severely moral grave, sober; solemn; serious
generous; charitable; expressing goodwill or kind feelings desiring to help others; charitable intended for benefits rather than profit
conciseness shortness of time or duration the quality of expressing a lot in just a few words; terseness
self satisfaction; smugness; feeling of quiet pleasure or security, often during times of danger
admit; yield to acknowledge something as true or right; admit to acknowledge an opponents victory before it is officially announced; Hillary should have conceded to Donald Trump on election night since that is the proper behavior of a losing candidate.
quarrelsome; tending to arguing or strife; quarrelsome characterized by argument or controversy
gracious; heartfelt; courteous and gracious; friendly; warm
confirm; support; to make more certain; confirm ex. The girl said she was at the store, and her friend corroborated her story
steadiness of effort; persistent hard work; constant and earnest effort to accomplish something
instruct; correct morally; to instruct or benefit, especially morally or spiritually; uplift
explain; enlighten to make clear; throw light upon; explain
evasive; baffling; hard to grasp 1. eluding clear perception to complete mental grasp; hard to express or define
excessive zeal; extreme devotion to believe or cause; being fanatical in spirit or conduct; extreme behavior
stealthy; sneaky taken, done, or used in a sneaky, security way surreptitiously or by stealth sly; shifty
seriousness; serious or critical nature serious of dignified behavior the force of attraction that causes things to fall toward the center of earth heaviness of weight
pride; arrogance; proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant; looking down on things that you thing aren’t good enough for you
pretending to be virtuous pretense of having beliefs or principles that you don’t actually have ex. Pretending to be a nice person and then doing mean things when people aren’t watching
illegal; not legally permitted or authorized; unlicensed; unlawful disapproved of or not permitted for moral or ethical reasons ex. It wasn’t against the law to lie to his parents, but it was illicit.
persuade; bring about; to lead or move by persuasion; to get someone to do something by persuading them to bring about, produce, or cause
uprightness; wholeness adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty the state of being whole, unbroken in perfect condition
soothe To soften in feeling or temper, as a person; pacify; appease to mitigate or reduce; soften
threatening; portending evil or harm, foreboding; threatening indicating the nature of a future event, for good or evil; having an omen
everlasting; continuing or enduring forever; everlasting lasting an indefinitely long time
observable facts; subjects of scientific investigation; a fact or occurrence that is observed something that is impressive or extraordinary a remarkable or exceptional person; prodigy; wonder ex. That 3 year old who knew ten thousand words was a phenomenon
religious devotion or godliness; reverence for God or devout fulfillment of religious obligations dutiful respect or regard for parents, homeland, etc.
partiality; preference; a tendency to think favorable about a person or thing; preference; partiality
violate; desecrate; treat unworthily irreverence of contempt for God or sacred principles not devoted to holy of religious purposes unholy; heathen; pagan
deep; not superficial; complete Deep thinking regarding subjects or knowledge, a deep understanding originating in or penetrating to the depths of one’s being being or going far beneath the external or obvious
extinguish; put down; quiet; to suppress; put an end to; extinguish To vanquish, subdue To quiet or allay; ex. The child’s mom read him a bedtime story to quell his fears about monsters under the bed.
n. hermit; loner 1. a person who lives in seclusion or apart from society, often for religious meditation
examine closely and critically; to examine something in great detail or with careful or critical attention
slow; lazy; lethargic; not quick to take action; lacking in energy; lazy slow to act or respond
adj. unruffled, impassive, dull 1. not easily stirred or moved mentally; unemotional; impassive
habitually silent; talking little; inclined to silence; reserved in speech; reluctant to join in conversations dour, stern, and silent in expression and manner
concise; abrupt; pithy neatly or effectively concise; brief and pithy, as a language abruptly concise; curt; abrupt
extended scolding; denunciation; harangue; a prolonged outburst of bitter, mean speech a long, vehement speech a passage dealing with a single theme or idea, as in poetry
calmness; peace; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity