Gothic Questions Flashcards
Describe Abbey Church of Saint-Denis
1140-44. France
- planned by Abbot Suger
- started flowing interior space and all-pervasive, colored interior light.
- led to widespread use of large stained-glass windows
- west facade and narthex combined Norman tripartite facade design with sculptured portals. two towers, round window, and narrative sculpture over 3 portals.
- ribbed groin vaults.semicircular sanctuary surrounded by ambulatory and 7 radiating chapels
- ribbed groin vaults, round piers, pointed arches, wall buttresses
- choir based on open space rather than massive walls
- considered light and color to be means of illuminating the soul and uniting it with God.
Describe Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Paris
- adopted from Norman Romanesque architecture (6 part vaults, flying buttresses)
- four story nave. (arcade, gallery, two levels of small windows)
Describe Chartres Cathedral
Chartres, France. 1134
-main treasure - tunic of the virgin (healing) > lead to becoming major pilgrimage site
-north transept portal shows world before Christ
-south transept = later events in Christian history
-3 = Trinity. 4 = material world 3+4 = 7 (all-inclusive. 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit)
ROYAL PORTAL (west facade)
-center. Christ is enthroned with 4 evangelists. apostles fill lintel and 24 elders line archivolts
-portal on right is dedicated to Mary and early life of Christ
-Left, Christ ascends heavenward in cloud supported by angels
-storied capitals depict earthly activities
-flanking doorways are monumental jamb figures depicting Old Testament kings and queens
-symbolizes support for Christ and Mary
-calm and order prevails all elements
Describe Franciscans and Dominicans
-mendicant orders (believed in poverty, charity, and love. dedicated to teaching and preaching)
Franciscans - Saint Francis. dark grey/brown robes tied with rope. 3 knots symbolize vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience (brothers)
Dominican - Domenico Guzman. teachers. Black Friars because black cloak over white white tunic
Describe Sheet of Drawings with Geometric Figures and Ornaments
Villard de Honnecourt. Paris. 1220-35. Ink on vellum.
- Lodge books. Collection of drawings that provided visual instruction for apprentices.
- geometric shapes as guides for images
Describe Tree of Jesse
Chartres Cathedral. 1150-70. Stained and painted glass.
- Jesse lies at base of tree whose trunk grows out of his body
- tree literally connects Jesus with house of David
- Branches above, 4 kings of Judea, Virgin Mary, and Christ.
- 7 doves, symbolizing gifts of Holy Spirit encircle Christ. 14 prophets stand in semicircles flanking tree.
- set within iron framework visible as rectilinear pattern of black lines
Colors of stained glass
Blue - heaven and fidelity Red - Passion White - purity Green - fertility and springtime Yellow - substitute for gold. presence of God.
Describe Rose of France
Chartres Cathedral. North transept. 1220.
- Lancets - Saint Anne and infant Mary have place of honor. Anne flanked by Old Testament figures.
- center. Mary enthroned with Christ Child. Radiating from them are 4 doves (Gospels), 8 angels, prophets, and Old Testament ancestors of Christ.
Describe Amiens Cathedral
France. 1220-88.
-planned by Robert de Luzarches, Thomas de Cormont, and Renaud de Cormont
-no narthex. expanded transept and sanctuary. (shortens nave)
-in choir, chapels of same size and shape enhance clarity of design
Describe Reims Cathedral
France. 1211
-sculptures and reliefs so many ugh.
Describe Sainte-Chapelle
Paris. 1243-48
It’s the one that’s radiating.
-built on two stories.
Describe Queen Blanche of Castile and Louis IX
Paris. 1226-34. Moralized Bible. Ink, tempera, and gold leaf on vellum.
Mother, Blanche of Castile, and young king seated on ornate thrones against gold background.
-below, scholar monk dictates and scribes works on page.
-compositional format derived from stained-glass lancets
-show relation to stained glass through use of glowing red and blues, and reflective gold surface
Describe Abraham, Sarah, and the Three Strangers
Paris. 1253-70. Ink, tempera, and gold leaf on vellum
- from Psalter of Saint Louis
- created for king’s private devotions
- old testament story
- the frames are cool.
Describe Psalm 1 (Beatus Ver)
London. 1270-80. Ink, pigments, and gold on vellum
- from Windmill psalter
- story of Solomon and baby.
- visual puns
Describe Salisbury Cathedral
England. 1220-58.
dark stone. four-part rib. contrasts with lighter limestone in the rest of interior
Describe Church of Saint Elizabeth
Germany. 1235-83
- first true Gothic hall church
- nave and aisles are equal height
Describe Altneuschul
Prague, Bohemia. late 13th c.
- synagogue
- demonstrates adaptability of Gothic hall church for non-Christian use.
- two focal points. aron (shrine) and bimah (raised reading platform)
Describe Shrine of the Three Kings
Germany. 1205-10. Silver and gilded bronze with enamel and gemstones.
- Nicholas of Verdun and workshop
- full and naturalistic modeled figures
Describe Ekkehard and Uta
Germany. 1245-60. Stone, originally polychromed
- lifelike and individualized figures and faces
- warrior and courtly.
Describe Pulpit
- Marble. Nicola Pisano.
-proud of his own work.
capitals support standing figures and trefoil arches.
-panels illustrate New Testament
Describe Siena Cathedral
Siena, Italy. 1284-99
- incorporated French Style, like Gothic gables with classical columns and moldings.
- figural sculptures high up.