Gothic Critics/Soundbites Flashcards
Ann Radcliffe on Terror/Horror
Terror - “expands the soul and awakens the faculties to a high degree of life”
Horror - “freezes and nearly annihilates”
Angela Carter
“We live in Gothic times”
Stephan King
” We make up horrors to help us cope with the real ones”
Sarah Perry
“The Gothic is a sensation, like hunger or desire; you’ll know it when you feel it”
Hugh Blair on the Sublime
“produces a sort of internal evaluation and expansion of the mind above its ordinary state”
Fred Botting
“Gothic presents a recasting of the nature of social and domestic fears’
Fred Botting
(Gothic protagonist) “usually male, the individual is outcast, part victim, part villain”
Fred Botting
“Gothic becomes a fiction of unconscious desire, a release of repressed energies and anti-social fantasies”
Fred Botting
“In Gothic times, margins may become the norm”
Fred Botting
“Gothic signifies a writing of excess”
“Women alienated from themselves within the male gaze”
David Punter on the Gothic lens
” the Gothic is a distorting lens, a magnifying lens… nonetheless a reality which cannot be apprehended in any other way”
Mustafa Suleyman
“If you’re not frightened you haven’t been paying attention” (AI)
Sigmund Freud on the Uncanny
“Uncanny is in reality nothing new or alien, but something which is familiar and old-established in the mind and which has become alienated from it only through the process of repression.”
John Berger ‘Ways of Seeing’
“men gaze at women with the assumption they can do something to or for them, whereas women view themselves at being looked at”
Sue Chaplin
“women’s inability to defend themselves against forms of abuse…permitted by the patriarchal systems of power”
David Punter
“The creature’s own narrative suggests that Frankenstein’s main sin is not his act of creation but his failure to take responsibility for what he produces”
David Punter
“As soon as science begins to disturb notions of the human, it becomes a particular interest to the Gothic writer”
Jeff Vandermeer
“fairy-tales clothe themselves in stereotypes and archetypes”
Susan Ferraro
‘Rice’s vampires are […] lonely, prisoners of circumstance, compulsive sinners, full of self-loathing and doubt. ‘
“Fabulist fiction tends to privilege internal and interpersonal conflict over large-scale, action-heavy plots; its elements of unreality follow a kind of magical thinking.”
In the Gothic, transgressive behaviour is not necessarily evil
In the Gothic, women have no control over their destiny