gospel of luke test Flashcards
explain the statement “Luke was a vigorous champion of the outsider”
luke fought for the underdogs. Ex: shepard, prostitutes, women, sick and disabled, samaritans, poor, widows, tax collectors (all are trash)
what religion was luke
only gentile in all cast of NT writers
who did luke say jesus included
people who were typically teated as outsiders
examples of outsiders
woman, cripple, tax collectors, samaritans, shepards, prostitutes, poor, widows,
who was luke
st pauls coworker, doctor, kept travel diary, gentile, wrote acts and luke for theophilus
did luke know jesus
when was luke written
80 AD
when did jesus die
about 35 AD
what mistakes were made in lukes gospel
Palestinian geography
what language did Luke write in
polished greek
greek slang
who did luke write for
gentile christian churches
write some examples of passages that were dropped by luke
Elijah and references to the old law. sermon and the Mt. moses. words eliminated> rabbi- master, scribe- lawyer, messiah savior
lukes sources
Mark 60%, Q, L
describe the L sources
early hymns, genealology, finding of jesus in the temple, parables, good samaritan, prodigal son, miracle stories
what also was going on during the time that luke was written
the temple was already destroyed
what was the centeral symbol of lukes gospel
who was the gospel of luke dedicated to
lukes monetary sponsor, greek name- lover of god. made luke write acts and luke. luke invesitaged for him
what language is theophilus’ name
what is a monetary sponsor
someone pays someone to do something
what was lukes goal for theophilus
wanted to show theophilus and everyone that instruction of christian faith was true
what is acts of the apostles
a restatement and defense of Jesus’ good news; faith filled testimony of the resurrected jesus and holy spirit
who was simeon
prophet (old man) that made predictions. he said he can die now because he saw jesus the savior. he said this baby will be the rise and fall of jerusalem. will put a knife through mary’s heart
who is anna
widow, married for 7 years, 84. prophet. also tells mary that she can die in peace because she saw jesus the savior.
how old was jesus when he “taught” in the temple
explain the incident that occurred when jesus was 12
he got lost in the temple so mary and Joseph though he was with one another and so when they went to go look for him they found him in the temple and he replied with “ I was doing my fathers work” and he was talking with teachers. this shows he know Joseph wasnt his father, god was
what does jesus determine to do in luke
journey to jerusalem (god will fulfill all his promises)< preach
what does jesus instruct the apostles to do in jerusalem
wait for the decent of the Holy Spirit
when does the Holy Spirit decent on the apostles
where does the Holy spirit decent on the apostles
where does the gospel spread to after the apostles preach after pentecost
roman empire
what does Acts end with
Paul arriving in Rome
how ling was jesus with the apostlez
40 days
how long were the apostles alone without jesus during pentecost
10 days
who was the faithful witness to jesus
describe mary’s role to the disciples
gave them strength
why were there 12 apostles
because there were 12 tribes
why were there 11 apostles at one point
judas committed suicide
who took the role of the 12th apostle after judas
what is the coming of the holy spirit
describe the feast of weeks
50 days after passover, jewish, celebrate 10 commandments
define koinonia
sharing of goods with others
pentecost nickname
birthday of the church
describe the pentecost
3,000 converts baptized. holy spirit came down on the apostles and gave them the courage to preach. with mary in the upper room
characteristics of an ideal christian community
Koinonia, christian fellowship, praying for eachother, commemorating the paschal mysteries, celebrate eucharist, apostolic eyewitnesses, reenact last supper, conversate, sharing of goods
nickname for acts
the gospel of the holy spirit
apostle to hebrews
apostle to gentiles
what did peter and paul fight over
how many times was the holy spirit referenced in luke
what is a persuasive theme in luke
lords prayer
our father- perfect model prayer
how were women treated
inferior to men/second, no education, limited legal rights, no role in public life, no inheritance, can divorce or sue
how was jesus’ view
positive and revolutionary
who was the key role in lukes infancy narrative
what does the infancy narrative include
mary with faith in angels revelation that she is to be jesus’ mother, fidelity of elizabeth; patience of anna; strong, faithful, women
who was the women who became a powerful follower of jesus
mary magdalen
in how many parables where women the central characters
lost coin
woman lost a coin and went crazy looking for it. when she found it she threw a party for more than the coins value. everyone thought she was crazy. this represents how god will search for a sinner and he values every person
unjust judge
woman nags a corrupt judge to get a fair decision and for the judge to listen. praises woman for strong faith and persistence. represents how god will nag a sinner to come back to him
who were the witnesses to jesus’ death
women, first to proclaim his ressurection
early convert who’s husband died and gave her all the inheritance ($ and dye buisness). widow. opened up home for apostles. had koinonias
alms giving, good deeds, gave money to poor, cared for disciples
who is the model of christian faith
what did mary say to gods plan
what did mary do witn the apostles
awaits holy spirits coming with them in the upper room
theme of mary
goods preferential love for the poor
describe marys personality
simple humble young girl
what is the immaculate conception
from conception mary was born without original sin
who is the patron saint of the US
when is the immaculate conception
december 8th
what do christians believe about mary being a virgin
she was always a virgin “beifre, during, and after” the birth of jesus
marys nicknames
mother of god, mother of the church, spiritual mother of humanity (New Eve)
why is mary called the new eve
she fixed the covenant again, she didnt have original sin. jesus> new adam
describe the assumption of mary
she was taken into heaven body and soul, she didnt decay
when is marys assumption
august 15th
good samaritan
a lawyer tested jesus “who is my neighbor”. priest and levite passed by suffering jew. samaritan helped the man, inconvenienced himself, wine, vinegar, oil, spent 2 silver coins (24days) for inn, break through prejudices
parable of the lost sheep
foolish shepard left 99 sheep to go after 1 lost. broke its leg and tended to it so that it would depend on him, bond, and never run away again.
theme of the lost sheep
gods love is seemingly foolish in human terms in the pursuit of the one who has lost their way
prodigal son
son couldnt wait for fathers death for money so he said give it to him now. he went away. famine struck and he came home. dad greeted him with stuff and older son got jealous
who kind of love did the father show
shoes symbolized in prodigal son….
what did the ring and robe symbolize in the prodigal son
connection to the family
what did the father do when the prodigal son returned
great rejoicing and great feast. sparing no cost and fatened calf
why was the older son faithful to his father
obligation (guilt), or love
theme of the prodigal son
return of sinners brings great joy in heaven; god loves sinners
who does the younger son represent in the prodigal son
who does the older son represent in the prodigal son
who does the father represent in the prodigal son
what percent on lukes gospel is mark
what was jesus’ hometown
who was elizabeth
marys older cousin
mother of john the baptist
what gift did mary and joseph bring to the temple at Jesus’ presentation
turtle dove
how does the choice of mary fit in with lukes gospel
he favors poor and she was poor
themes of luke overall
god will do anything for a sinner
everyone is equal
god favors poor
luke favors underdog