GORD and Barrett's Oesophagus Flashcards
What are the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux?
Heartburn (major feature)
- aggrevated by bending, stooping, lying down + after meals, but relieved with antacids
- Regurgitation of acids + foods into mouth (waterbrash, halitosis, enamel erosion)
- Odynophagia or dysphagia (due to oesophagitis)
- Belching
- Nocturnal asthma/cough (due to aspiration of gastric contents on lying)
How do you diagnose GORD?
- Diagnosis is clinical + often requires no futher ix
- Ambulatory 24hr pH monitoring - gold standard, a pH <4 more than 4% of the time -> abnormal
- Oeseophageal manometry
- Combined impedance-pH testing
OGD indicated in:
- >55y/o
- <55y/o but with alarm symptoms (weight loss, dysphagia, haematemesis, anaemia)
Which GORD patients would you give an urgent endoscopy to?
if they have any of: ALARMS
- Anaaemia
- Loss of weight
- Anorexia
- Recent onset of progressive symptoms
- Melaena / hametemesis
- Swallowing difficulties
What are the risk factors for GORD?
- Hiatus hernia
- Obesity
- Pregnancy
- Systemic sclerosis
- Cigarette smoking
- Fat, choc, coffee or alcohol ingestion
- Drugs - antimuscarinics, Ca-ch blockers, nitrates
What constitutes the lifestyle management for GORD?
- Weight loss
- Smoking cessation
- Small, regular meals
- Avoid eating <3h before bed
- Raise the bed head
- Reduce hot drinks, alcohol, caffeine, spicy foods, fizzy drinks, citrus fruits, tomatoes, onions, chocolate
What is the pharmacological management of GORD?
- Alginate-containing antacids (magnesium trisilicate, gaviscon)
- Proton pump inhibitors (-prazole)
- H2-receptor antagonists (-tidine)
- Dopamine antagonist prokinetic agents (metoclopramide, domperidone)
What is the surgical management of GORD?
- if symptoms unmanageable by medication or in those whose symptoms return on stopping treatment
- aim is to increase resting lower oesophageal sphincter pressure
- open surgery or laproscopic Nissen fundoplication - where fundus of stomach is sutured around the lower oesophagus to produce an ‘antireflux’ valve
What is a hiatus hernia?
2 types:
Sliding hiatus hernia
- when the gastro-oesophageal jxn slides through the hiatus and lies above diaphragm, no symptoms unless associated reflux
Rolling/para-oesophageal hernia
- uncommon, where gastric fundus rolls up through the hiatus alongside oesophagus, with the gastro-oesophageal jxn remaining below diaphgram -> can give rise to complications (volvulus, bleeding + resp comps), treated surgically
How does a hiatus hernia give rise to GORD?
A hiatus hernia can cause a weakness of the valve between the oesophagus and stomach that normally prevents acid reflux.
Therefore acid and contents are able to reflux into the oesophagus from the stomach as stomach is also sat higher.
What is dyspepsia?
- a common complaint describing a range of non-specific symptoms referring to upper GIT
- epigastric pain/burning, nausea, heartburn, fullness, belching
- patients use term ‘indigestion’
- dyspeptic symptoms are caused by disorders of oesophagus, stomach, pancreas or hepatobiliary system
What is the most common cause of dyspepsia?
- functional dyspepsia
- used to be called non-ulcer dyspepsia
- refers to dyspepsia where there is no visible cause on OGD
What are differentials for dyspepsia?
- Functional dyspepsia
- H. Pylori infection
- Peptic ulcer disease
- Malignancy of oesophagus/stomach
- Gastritis
- Oesophagitis
- Duodenitis
- Coeliac disease
- Drug-induced (NSAIDs)
How do you investigate dyspepsia?
clinical history and physical examination
- help exclude non-GI causes (drugs)
- lifestyle/dietary factors identified (GORD)
- bloods - anaemia, hepatobiliary/pancreatic disease
- OGD + CLO if >55y/o or ALARM(s) signs - H. Pylori (invasive), malignancy, dysplasia
- C-urea breath test - H. Pylori (non-invasive)
Depending on test results, it is then best to manage the underlying cause. For functional/uninvestigated dyspepsia, often will involve cutting out drugs causing dyspepsia, implementing over the counter antacids/lifestyle changes. If persistent, then can trial on PPI for 4wks.
What is an OGD/gastroscopy?
- a camera test
- where doctor looks into upper part of gut
- consists of oesophagus, stomach, duodenum
- endoscope is a thin flexible telescope (thickness of a little finger)
- it is passed through the mouth, down the oesophagus, through the stomach and to the duodenum
- the endoscope has a light, camera and opening for instruments to be passed through to take biopsies
- it is both diagnostic and interventional
What happens during an OGD?
- local anaesthetic sprayed to back of mouth
- lay down side ways
- option of light sedation with midazolam
- patient must fast for ~6hrs prior to procedure
- must not drive for 24hrs post-sedation
- mouth guard put in place + endoscope passed through
- you have to swallow it and it passes through - this is most uncomfortable part of procedure
- air might be passed through to open up stomach
- whole procedure only takes ~10mins